New Member
Dont you believe that monopolization is essentially what keeps this country afloat? Pays for our roads, highways, freeways.. street signs. The taxes we, as citizens, pay are nothing compared to commercial property taxes, wage and benefit taxes, insurance taxes, etc that huge companies are forced to pay... Sales tax is $0.08 cents on the dollar compared to, say, the taxes in the UK, which are astronomical!You think we've got it bad? I paid $4.24/gallon for gas today. People in the UK are spending $7-8-9 bucks per LITRE on gas.
I agree, yes, there are many things we can do, but (there's always a but) we have to play our part too, and that part is paying our taxes, serving our country in the time of war, VOTING, and constructively applying our free will to better ourselves, and our community, but it starts on a small scale. You're not gonna take down Walmart by shopping at your local Deli instead.
A revolution has already begun.
first off no i dont believe monopoliztion is what keeps the ecomomy afloat,, that is just ignorant nonsense.. you say they pay big taxes, yes they do,, but who takes that money.. not me,, our rich ass gov't who spends all that money on useless wars and other useless shit. dont tell me the billions spent on war (from taxes) couldnt be spent somewhere better.. like creating new jobs.. its just ignotant b.s..... we are making the rich richer and the poor poorer...
and second, i dont plan on taking down walmart... i just hope to give them less money and more money to the locals. put the money back into the municipal economy in which you live, because only then will you feel the benefits of spending money.