Settle For Nothing

Dont you believe that monopolization is essentially what keeps this country afloat? Pays for our roads, highways, freeways.. street signs. The taxes we, as citizens, pay are nothing compared to commercial property taxes, wage and benefit taxes, insurance taxes, etc that huge companies are forced to pay... Sales tax is $0.08 cents on the dollar compared to, say, the taxes in the UK, which are astronomical!You think we've got it bad? I paid $4.24/gallon for gas today. People in the UK are spending $7-8-9 bucks per LITRE on gas.

I agree, yes, there are many things we can do, but (there's always a but) we have to play our part too, and that part is paying our taxes, serving our country in the time of war, VOTING, and constructively applying our free will to better ourselves, and our community, but it starts on a small scale. You're not gonna take down Walmart by shopping at your local Deli instead.

A revolution has already begun.

first off no i dont believe monopoliztion is what keeps the ecomomy afloat,, that is just ignorant nonsense.. you say they pay big taxes, yes they do,, but who takes that money.. not me,, our rich ass gov't who spends all that money on useless wars and other useless shit. dont tell me the billions spent on war (from taxes) couldnt be spent somewhere better.. like creating new jobs.. its just ignotant b.s..... we are making the rich richer and the poor poorer...

and second, i dont plan on taking down walmart... i just hope to give them less money and more money to the locals. put the money back into the municipal economy in which you live, because only then will you feel the benefits of spending money.
i agree but what can we really do, cant fire our president or i think we would have already, they are too fukin big unless everyone at the same time decided fuck it lets do this we have no chance. there are too many people in their game now who would side with them so i feel we are on the outside looking in.
for now fuck it i'm gonna do what i want anyway smoke a fat joint and put out my middle finger at our government
just settling for a little something for now

at least you are half the way there... you recognize the problem but still dont think you can do anything about... but you can,, and i can,, and everyone can,, and if everyone does we WILL make a huge difference... fight for your freedom, fight for your rights
first off no i dont believe monopoliztion is what keeps the ecomomy afloat,, that is just ignorant nonsense.. you say they pay big taxes, yes they do,, but who takes that money.. not me,, our rich ass gov't who spends all that money on useless wars and other useless shit. dont tell me the billions spent on war (from taxes) couldnt be spent somewhere better.. like creating new jobs.. its just ignotant b.s..... we are making the rich richer and the poor poorer...

and second, i dont plan on taking down walmart... i just hope to give them less money and more money to the locals. put the money back into the municipal economy in which you live, because only then will you feel the benefits of spending money.

Why is that ignorant nonsense? Do you really think private business owners spend money any more wisely than WalMart? NO! That's why they stay private, locally owned businesses!

The government spends the money (Like I said in my last post) on YOUR streets that YOU drive on, YOUR highways, and YOUR stop signs! If you only knew how much it costs to build or rebuild a street. Do you know how much asphalt alone costs? With city/state/union contractors and architects making $100+k a year, and all the other people who have to BUILD the street, and their salaries. You see constuction happening every day, who's ultimately paying them? You want your city/state to be beautiful? Well, someones gotta get paid.

Yes, there is alot of blatantly needless spending, but how many times a month do you go to McDonalds? Do you need to go there? Did you need that bag of Doritos? Did you have to buy that new car? Everyone spends money that they don't have to. There are always better ways to spend money, but that's in the eye of the beholder. The beholder in this case, is the government. It's not like this is capitalist country. You have a voice, and I beseit you to shout it to the world, but don't sit there and tell me that the government does nothing for you at all. What is a 'useless war' to you may be national security to another.

How about the billions of (tax) dollars spent on scientific research? Is that useless? If it's useless to you, it must be useless to everyone, right? You obviously have no idea how many jobs there are in this country, for qualified people. Go to school = get a good job. That's how this world works. I'm sorry there's not enough Jack in the Box's in this world for the masses of 15 year old drop outs. Who eventually give up and start smoking crack, then end up on the streets and blame it on the government anyway! The poor get poorer because they choose not to better themselves. There are numerous opportunities out there. Scholarships, grants, financial aid... All you have to do is try.

It seems like you're taking what you have for granted. Are streets really useless? You could be driving on dirt. Then you'd have to pay more taxes for the water to wash your new car.

streets? is that it? i dont even drive muthufucka.. stay out of the post,, this post is for people who can see clearly... you are still blind
Why is that ignorant nonsense? Do you really think private business owners spend money any more wisely than WalMart? NO! That's why they stay private, locally owned businesses!

The government spends the money (Like I said in my last post) on YOUR streets that YOU drive on, YOUR highways, and YOUR stop signs! If you only knew how much it costs to build or rebuild a street. Do you know how much asphalt alone costs? With city/state/union contractors and architects making $100+k a year, and all the other people who have to BUILD the street, and their salaries. You see constuction happening every day, who's ultimately paying them? You want your city/state to be beautiful? Well, someones gotta get paid.

Yes, there is alot of blatantly needless spending, but how many times a month do you go to McDonalds? Do you need to go there? Did you need that bag of Doritos? Did you have to buy that new car? Everyone spends money that they don't have to. There are always better ways to spend money, but that's in the eye of the beholder. The beholder in this case, is the government. It's not like this is capitalist country. You have a voice, and I beseit you to shout it to the world, but don't sit there and tell me that the government does nothing for you at all. What is a 'useless war' to you may be national security to another.

How about the billions of (tax) dollars spent on scientific research? Is that useless? If it's useless to you, it must be useless to everyone, right? You obviously have no idea how many jobs there are in this country, for qualified people. Go to school = get a good job. That's how this world works. I'm sorry there's not enough Jack in the Box's in this world for the masses of 15 year old drop outs. Who eventually give up and start smoking crack, then end up on the streets and blame it on the government anyway! The poor get poorer because they choose not to better themselves. There are numerous opportunities out there. Scholarships, grants, financial aid... All you have to do is try.

It seems like you're taking what you have for granted. Are streets really useless? You could be driving on dirt. Then you'd have to pay more taxes for the water to wash your new car.


you seem like the kind of guy who would call me a pinky
Why is that ignorant nonsense? Do you really think private business owners spend money any more wisely than WalMart? NO! That's why they stay private, locally owned businesses!

The government spends the money (Like I said in my last post) on YOUR streets that YOU drive on, YOUR highways, and YOUR stop signs! If you only knew how much it costs to build or rebuild a street. Do you know how much asphalt alone costs? With city/state/union contractors and architects making $100+k a year, and all the other people who have to BUILD the street, and their salaries. You see constuction happening every day, who's ultimately paying them? You want your city/state to be beautiful? Well, someones gotta get paid.

Yes, there is alot of blatantly needless spending, but how many times a month do you go to McDonalds? Do you need to go there? Did you need that bag of Doritos? Did you have to buy that new car? Everyone spends money that they don't have to. There are always better ways to spend money, but that's in the eye of the beholder. The beholder in this case, is the government. It's not like this is capitalist country. You have a voice, and I beseit you to shout it to the world, but don't sit there and tell me that the government does nothing for you at all. What is a 'useless war' to you may be national security to another.

How about the billions of (tax) dollars spent on scientific research? Is that useless? If it's useless to you, it must be useless to everyone, right? You obviously have no idea how many jobs there are in this country, for qualified people. Go to school = get a good job. That's how this world works. I'm sorry there's not enough Jack in the Box's in this world for the masses of 15 year old drop outs. Who eventually give up and start smoking crack, then end up on the streets and blame it on the government anyway! The poor get poorer because they choose not to better themselves. There are numerous opportunities out there. Scholarships, grants, financial aid... All you have to do is try.

It seems like you're taking what you have for granted. Are streets really useless? You could be driving on dirt. Then you'd have to pay more taxes for the water to wash your new car.


why cant you drive on dirt??? my vehicle will do it, yours probly will too...
i would love to trade all of our roads for a smaller govt... what happened to people people digging a well for water?? or growing your own food?? or making your own path (fuck "roads")??? the roads arent for you anyway, they're for the govt....

good thread chuck:blsmoke:
why cant you drive on dirt??? my vehicle will do it, yours probly will too...
i would love to trade all of our roads for a smaller govt... what happened to people people digging a well for water?? or growing your own food?? or making your own path (fuck "roads")??? the roads arent for you anyway, they're for the govt....

good thread chuck:blsmoke:

You think a 747 full of fat Americans will take off from a "path"? Do you think the 80 million Americans are going to grow their hamburgers? This is asinine.
streets? is that it? i dont even drive muthufucka.. stay out of the post,, this post is for people who can see clearly... you are still blind

Yeah.. streets... that's it... Dumbass.

Did you even read what I said?

You're the only truely retarded person I've ever met on here.

I've shown you no disrespect, and the way you're going about debating this is calling me a 'muthufucka'? What the fuck is that? I could have gone on for days about what the government does for you, but narrowed the view to something I thought you might relate with. Move out of your parents basement, get a job, then come back with some valid responses.

Like I said before... It's all about you. You don't care that anyone else in this country drives, do you? How do you get your food every night? Do you grow your own? No, you go to the grocery store and buy it... How does that food get there? Trucks on ROADS. You're just a child that has to have it their way, and any response outside of your bubble you push off. Go eat a bag of dicks.
You think a 747 full of fat Americans will take off from a "path"? Do you think the 80 million Americans are going to grow their hamburgers? This is asinine.

do these 80 million fat americans even have any legitimate reason to need to fly?? or do they have to be fat lazy asses that cant cook their own food and buy a burger??? i dont. maybe it is just my country upbringing, but i was raised not to be dependent on the govt. i can buy, or even better, barter (look it up, good concept) for most of everything i need in life with the people in my community... what happened to self sufficiency?? are we that helpless that we need a large corporation (our govt) to take our money, do what they want with it, and tell us how to live?? i dont need my hand held... maybe you do??:joint:
There are many legitimate reasons why one would fly.
You can't walk to Egypt.

Americans do need their hands held. We have too much money and too little time.

So.. You don't need a job... Or money.. right? You don't need a car... Or running water... You can grow and barter your weed for everything you need?

We can all just be one with mother nature, mannn
Sorry, just not how it works in my world.

I love how you put 'barter' in bold that made me laugh. :D
All I'm saying is that our society would be nothing without our government, however shitty it is.
If we don't take action now

We'll settle for nothing later

We settle for nothing now

And we'll settle for nothing later

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE WOO!! I can play that song on bass as well =D




There are many legitimate reasons why one would fly.
You can't walk to Egypt.

Americans do need their hands held. We have too much money and too little time.

So.. You don't need a job... Or money.. right? You don't need a car... Or running water... You can grow and barter your weed for everything you need?

We can all just be one with mother nature, mannn
Sorry, just not how it works in my world.

I love how you put 'barter' in bold that made me laugh. :D

why do you need to go to egypt???
why does the govt have to give you water (look up "flow well)
yes, you do need some money in this society, but does the govt give you yours?
yes, i (and you) can grow or trade (better word) everything i NEED in life; more than half of our (my family) diet is food i grew or from other people in my community (meat, eggs, etc.) not all meat comes from USDA farms....let the shit hit the fan tomorrow; some of us can still take care of ourselves....that's how it works in my world
The world went to shit when two things happened.
One is surplus, which a surplus in a wanted material such as wood or food, can be bartered for other goods or converted into currency. Currency which is money, is the reason everyone is fucked. Like people don't even learn from early discoveries that could of saved us like Aristotle and The Politics.
Which says fuck greed which is when making surplus is more important than making what you need, because with a surplus of anything you can just "buy' what you need. Thus making it essential to have money more than anything because it is a gateway to wants. Wants like going to egypt and driving your own fucking car, so really it's your own fucking fault and listening to music lyrics and living by them is going to get you nowhere.
Because the second thing to happen to destroy the world is religion and the mass printing of the bible, and the mass passage of edjucation in the form of books or even to today where it's pixel texts that can be so easily reproduced and used to contribute to complete disestablishment where nobody can trust anything because everyone can think. Thank you Christianity and that fucking monk for progressing us so rapidly into destruction.

Your so fucking gung ho about the school system too, to what fucking purpose though. I mean the only way to get anywhere is to be a perfect little nancy and never slip the fuck up. What's wrong with the schooling system is their is no room for error, no room for learning because your being 'taught'. This also destroys your mind because people are unable to learn they need to be told what to do.
Even if you do fucking pass and shit and go on to college or university you are just funding greed more as you fund the country with your greedy wants till you have a way of making more evil, which is cash. Cash so you can spin the fucking clockwork of the biggest fucking mess that you can't see. We don't need fucking society to be controlled the way it is because you just can't do it this way.
why do you need to go to egypt???
why does the govt have to give you water (look up "flow well)
yes, you do need some money in this society, but does the govt give you yours?
yes, i (and you) can grow or trade (better word) everything i NEED in life; more than half of our (my family) diet is food i grew or from other people in my community (meat, eggs, etc.) not all meat comes from USDA farms....let the shit hit the fan tomorrow; some of us can still take care of ourselves....that's how it works in my world

I had to go to Egypt for my work. I just threw that out there.

I understand where you're coming from, but all I'm saying is that the government makes the currency in which we use every day, makes the roads we drive on, trucks drive on, airplanes take off from, and so much more. I'm saying the country would be anarchy without some sort of government. But you're right, it is very corrupt.

Not everyone is a peace-loving toker. There are alot of sick people in the world that would ruin everything, and run the country into the ground (cough GWB cough), thats why we're here now. I'm saying some people in this world are self reliant, and some aren't, and some just can't take care of themselves physically. If the 'shit hit the fan tomorrow', I don't know how I'd get the gas and money to do what I need to do every day. Life would be alot more simple, which in its entirety wouldn't be that bad (for me or you) but think about everyone else.

i'll agree that our society wouldnt be what it is without the govt.... whether you think that is a good thing or not??...

I think this is a good point. The government does some good things for society, whether it seems like it or not.