Fridge Grow/Clone Box (with a twist)

Well this makes my home built box look like a cracked out hobo built it for a home smh. Amazing grow and you couldnt tell the screen was gone because the buds are so damn fat lol. You should get at least 4-5 oz I'd guess. Looking forward to harvest
Well this makes my home built box look like a cracked out hobo built it for a home smh. Amazing grow and you couldnt tell the screen was gone because the buds are so damn fat lol. You should get at least 4-5 oz I'd guess. Looking forward to harvest
Thanks haze!
Well... I overslept...
Ran out to switch the fan on and it was VERY tropical inside the fridge 85 degrees after 29 mins of lights.
read thru from start to finish...well done !!I made a wardrobe set up with a 400wt hps and one plant doing lst years ago...this is a pro fridge tho :)
Thanks Ruby,
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I only posted it so that others with the same idea could have some tips/pointers etc.
Not done to ring my own chimes.... I just SO enjoy building/tinkering/improving !
Ever thought of checking out LEDs?
I have.
I am also looking at Ceramic Metal Halide.
I want a little more light kick, but I am also looking to keep the heat down.
Don't even know where to begin on LED stuff.
I kept looking in the fridge and thinking that the light could be a little bit brighter.
Let me take the liberty to point you in the COB LED direction. It's where I'm heading next as well.

Search for RIU members Stardustsailor, SupraSPL, SomeGuy, Guod for exaples of DIY LED lighting excellence.

We are living in the future my friend, and COB LEDs are the future. They output awesome PAR light levels, AWESOME lumens, and best of all, can be ridiculously more efficient than our HPS or MH counterparts.

If you want I can drop a few links to their grows, and you can see for yourself.

They also have a few tutorials on how to build your own fixtures. Some of them will even build lights to sell to not so DIY inclined people.

Take the plunge =)
If you want I can drop a few links to their grows, and you can see for yourself.

They also have a few tutorials on how to build your own fixtures. Some of them will even build lights to sell to not so DIY inclined people.

Take the plunge =)
Yes please, I would definitely like to look into it.
Thanks man !
Thanks man !
I am definitely interested in the DIY.
I have some electrical/soldering skills so that part should be easy enough.
But if the costs of all the parts/pieces adds up to be close to a manufactured model, I might go that route.
I gots me some reading to do
kool grow bro it gives me a a standard to work towards with my fridge and my next grow mine not nearly as tidy as urs tho
Thanks man, but it doesn't matter If there is old ketchup & mustard splattered in your fridge, as long as it grows the dank !
I am a bit of a neat freek and like things tidy.
I see little bits of leaves & stem bits laying around the perimeter and lt bugs me not to be able to get to it to clean it up.
Some of them will even build lights to sell to not so DIY inclined people.

Take the plunge =)
I think that I would like to go with more of a plug and play version.
Do you recall which of them had units for sale?

Thanks !
Stardustsailor is building a 2 bulb fixture that looks extremely professional, and he's selling them. Expert craftsmanship. But he's from Europe, so 500€ plus shipping.

SupraSPL is also willing to build lights for people. But I don't know his prices for sure, I guess he'll build a custom light for your needs, so the prices should vary widely.

You should get in touch with them.

Anyway, if you know soldering and wiring, I would suggest you take the DIY road and save yourself some bucks. Also, it's a great feeling to build your own products =)
Read thru the entire thread, Fantastic, we are all sitting around waiting for the final results ,
Thanks Tim !
Done with canopy manipulation, done with selective defoliation, just watching the trichs with my new USB microscope.
I have to get the pics off an old laptop I used and I will try to post a couple.
Hard to hold that thing steady to take a pic for posting, BUT, I can see that there are very little to no amber trichs yet, so at least it is a good tool for that.
Round of applause :clap: I have been following this for a while now and although I have stayed quiet so far, I feel like this project is something special and deserves praise. Not only have I thoroughly enjoyed it, I am dying to see final results. I feel like I have been apart of the building and growing as if it were my own. Well done fishdeth! (It's good to see that the Dwarf and the 'Tard came through!)
Round of applause :clap: I have been following this for a while now and although I have stayed quiet so far, I feel like this project is something special and deserves praise. Not only have I thoroughly enjoyed it, I am dying to see final results. I feel like I have been apart of the building and growing as if it were my own. Well done fishdeth! (It's good to see that the Dwarf and the 'Tard came through!)
Oh yea, Kevbot... I remember you checking in way back.
Glad you enjoyed it !
Next, the machine will be transformed to my drying room.
With the lights out and the ventilation on low, it should work perfectly.
I can even slow the air movement a bit if needed by taping some of the intake louvers closed.

THEN... in January, I am gonna pop 3 seeds.
I am also going to switch to a RDWC setup with a styrofoam raft to float the net pots in the solution.
I lifted the pots the other day.
I have some problems with the roots.
I will document the chop and show the root mess.
Still, all in all, not to shabby for my first go round.
Next one WILL be better.