Help with security ideas

If LEO's think something is up, charge you with breaking medical laws, search warrant and find a gun or guns (or even a pellet gun in this state), it puts a really bad spin on everything. Felony gun charges. Just for being in your home. It really bothers me. The plea deal will always throw these out, but if your 100 percent innocent its just a legal battle. This is worst case scenario and I always do everything legal to the best of interpretation.

I've installed/maintained mag locks/high security doors/rfid keypads and software. Its really not in my budget. They are a great thing though for security when you have multiple people with access to secure areas.

I don't have to worry of being a target of elite criminals, I'm not wealthy or bigtime. Just dumbass junkies or petty street burglar.

But yeah a little can go a long ways. such as multiple always locked doors. I can lock up my grow room well (sealed windows doors) but the bars on the whole house thats a little extreme.

I think I could make a moat cheaper than a barrier fence.

- Jiji
get a flag pole. fly a US Marines flag, that should help 100% . but they used to make these things called paal they were just little electronic boxes that had a "pin" so when you pulled it out, it let out like a ridiculous high decibel, theyre primarily suggested for like anti rape/assault so with this pin, theoretically you could wire up a perimeter, but theyd have to physically trip the wire, otherwise they have light perimeter options, which could trigger an alarm in your house, same concept, but using technology. yay future. (wheres my fucking hovercar and robot dishwasher to cook me breakfast?)
I don't have to worry of being a target of elite criminals, I'm not wealthy or bigtime. Just dumbass junkies or petty street burglar.

But yeah a little can go a long ways. such as multiple always locked doors. I can lock up my grow room well (sealed windows doors) but the bars on the whole house thats a little extreme.

I think I could make a moat cheaper than a barrier fence.

- Jiji

i was thinking about a series of locked doors, but i dont know your house setup nor am i about to ask. screen door w glass and locks, heavy door, hallway door, living room door, then your room door, they dont have to be bank vault doors, but if i had to kick down three doors successively, thats alot of work and noise especially if trying to be stealthy,and thats just getting in, then they have to pray nobody is home, and still get out. with proper perimeter and exterior security, you could have like 1 dog (like regular dog) in your house train to bark when people are there, yaknow, so itll be cheaper than 3 dogs that weigh as much as a highschool kid. lol i know if anyone ever tried to break in my house they better pray im not there cause i really dont want to lose my security deposit over a blood stained carpet. i keep very large knives all over, some hidden, most with corresponding flashlights to be used simultaneously, one by my front door, in my kitchen, next to my bedroom etc. or you could get some crazy sedative and tip a bunch of blowgun darts, lol that sounds fun.

grower or not, if you feel your life is in danger, nothing is stopping you from using deadly force to protect you and yours..

edit: im pretty sure they make window/door trip beams, like for example install the sending end on the door and the receiving end on the doorframe or wall, then alarm when opened knowmsayn,

boy talking about security gets me all hot to trot.lololol
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Caucasion shepherds ftw. The largest meanest dogs around. Makes pit bulls look like little chiwawas. Just hard to find around the u.s.

I knew a guy back in britain whop rigged up a serious blow torch so that if you open the door of his room and it was locked youd be in 12 degree burns in less than a second.
I have previously completely and totally abused barbed wire inside every single window of the house cause it was very rare that people broke in through doors.
Dogs. Big dogs. Loud dogs. Not a poodle. My dog is nice as heck but will scare the shit out of anyone she doesn't real good
I have a Presa Canario, personally I think its the meanest looking dog out there. I was interested in Caucasian Shepherds but couldn't find any.

- Jiji
Hey Jiji, short of your dog detecting something, deterrents are about all you can do. They have motion sensing monitoring cameras with network connections that would email you a pic before anyone figured out it was there or ripped it out. Just having a camera visible is a deterrent, you can buy dummy cameras for that. Another I haven't used but have read about are motion sensors hooked up to bells/sirens, not sure if you want to take it that far but any loud noise or flashing lights (motion sensor lights) would deter a lot of people.
Don't let anyone in your house other then the people that absolutely need to.
Don't ever tell people or let people know when your home or your schedule.
If someone ask to stop by or w/e say your busy or laying down, not that your not home.
Light timers on lamps or tv's set for different intervals for night time. Maybe a loud radio on during the day to maybe make the burglar weary of someone being home.
But that being said, most likely if someone was to break in it'll be someone familiar or close to you and your home.
So they will also know your work schedule or school anyway if that applies to you.
The only 100% way to be secure is grow enough be able to afford to stay home.

I'm home most of the time and don't have a car atm either so people can never tell if I'm home or not. Works good and if they're daring enough to try then it'll be there last mistake being there's always a firearm within arms reach.
Caucasion shepherds ftw. The largest meanest dogs around. Makes pit bulls look like little chiwawas. Just hard to find around the u.s.

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fuck man they use these dogs in russian prisons for riots or inmates that attempt escape.. could u imagine being a thief peering through a window, hearing a growl and turning around to see that beast licking its chops?

but like a few have mentioned it is almost always someone u know who burns u. my outdoor 2013 was ripped by someone i worked with. outdoor 2014 i told everyone i knew that id given up outdoor grows and i harvested all my plants with no gates or security.

maybe limit the number of people to ur house and if a patient asks to see the grow then have a phone or camera handy to show em..
then with your budget in mind go out and get the most bang for your buck. my buddy uses old security cameras from thrift stores just as a flag in plain sight. reinforce your main door jams (front and rear doors and grow room doors.) and the small alarms on each window shouldn't be too much.

best of luck with ur security ops, hopefully you'll never need it
I agree with snaps
Nothing changes the mind of a sneaky lowlife thief like 2 or 3 150 lb rotties.
It will cost a bit to feed em but well worth the peace of mind.

As a dog lover and dog owner, I can tell you taking care of them, even from a financial standpoint, involves a great deal more than feeding them! Your comment is exactly like saying that all you need to grow successfully is some nutrients (except that dogs also have emotional needs). Especially larger breeds like rotties, which need plenty of exercise and loving attention in order to remain healthy and happy.

I get why people look to dogs as a deterrent (and no doubt it is a highly effective one). I just hate that people who are not dog lovers keep dogs! I see it as just the same as people who aren't loving and dedicated parents having kids.

And for those of you unable to find those Caucasian monster-dogs, you might try looking for a Tibetan Mastiff as a slightly less fearsome alternative. I used to have a Great Dane that weighed way more than I do, but he wouldn't have made a good guard dog as he was the ultimate coward and untrainable (SHIT! They say dogs are a reflection of their owners!). People used to cross the road when they saw us coming.... If they'd just said "boo", the dog would have dragged me across town running away from them!
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one of those things they have at convenience stores that dings when someone walks into the store. Maybe multiple? maybe hearing "ding dong" when crossing a fence or going in a window or door or anything like that would make a thief believe they had activated something much more intense?
A concealed room would probably be the most practical and least expensive form of security. One entrance, obviously hidden, perhaps in the basement or a section of attic. Alarms, dogs, camera's only keep the honest people out. The security of the room would be the expense. Something as expensive as a panic type room to something as cheap as removing/concealing doors. A final electrified barrier would bum out most that made it that far.
If you use cameras make sure you have a back up battery source to continue recording in a power outage or if someone kicks your power off. I also have magnets for my doors 1000lbs holding force works off a 12 volt car battery and a keypad like a car alarm. Dogs work great like snaps says. Use steel door instead of wood doors. Have a power attached to dpor and the outside floor mat grpunded out so if you touxh both u will get lit up (en electric fence box works great ) laser alarms to notify when somekne is in a close proximity
If you use cameras make sure you have a back up battery source to continue recording in a power outage or if someone kicks your power off. I also have magnets for my doors 1000lbs holding force works off a 12 volt car battery and a keypad like a car alarm. Dogs work great like snaps says. Use steel door instead of wood doors. Have a power attached to dpor and the outside floor mat grpunded out so if you touxh both u will get lit up (en electric fence box works great ) laser alarms to notify when somekne is in a close proximity

You are one scary mofo! :lol:
I think the object is to keep your perimeter secure by what ever means you choose . Extend your secured area by having alarms , motion detectors, dogs away from your home that would give you reaction time and also make their ability to gain access much more difficult if all your gear is right at your front and back doors and windows they've already gotten onto your want to make it difficult for them to get onto your property without your knowledge . Good luck my friend !
Commercial steel doors with keypad entry. Just one and no other ways of entry into the room like a window, these doors should stop entry of the majority of criminals. You could even do two doors if you had a basement grow, one that allowed entry at the top of the stairs but you need to enter a code on a keypad to get out, and another door with a keypad to enter the basement. If anyone enters the stairway that is not supposed to, should be trapped. I would make a way to get out in case you trap yourself, like a removable stair tread, just in case.