Cigarette smokers: the cheapest way to smoke cigarettes. Save $3k a year or more.

Cigarette smokers: the cheapest way to smoke cigarettes. Save $3k a year or more.

I roll up My own cigarettes using a rolling machine.

The rolling machine cost Me $10, but you can spend more money and get a rolling machine that can roll about 8 cigarettes a minute. The more expensive rolling machines cost anywhere bwtween $20 through $60.

I use the cheap $10 rolling machine because I can still roll up a cigarette in less then a minute.

Also, you are going to need to buy tabacco and tubes.

A pound of tabacco costs Me $20, and a pound will last Me over two months, because I smoke about a half a pack of smokes a day.

Two hundred tubes cost about $3-$4.

A pound of virgina blend tabacco will roll up maybe 1,000 cigarettes for Me.

I buy "Criss Cross Smooth Blend, Virgina Blend" tabacco. And as I said, a pound of this costs Me $20.

So, it costs Me ~$30 to smoke for about two months.

It beats paying $10 for a pack of Newports in Massachusetts.

I have more to say, but I am going to smoke a cigarette that costs Me about 50 cents for about a pack of smokes.


Wow pretty good I'm in Ontario and could buy them from the Indian Reserve 20 bucks a carton but I find they give me a cough so I bend over and take it in the ass and pay 11.25 a pack for store bought

Keep on Growin

Wow pretty good I'm in Ontario and could buy them from the Indian Reserve 20 bucks a carton but I find they give me a cough so I bend over and take it in the ass and pay 11.25 a pack for store bought

Keep on Growin


Try to roll your own cigarettes... thats the point to this thread.

Does anyone have any tricks to quit smoking cigarettes?

I know that there is the nicotein patch, the gum, and pills that make make you suicidal: but does anyone have some advice for people that want to quit smoking?

Does anyone have any tricks to quit smoking cigarettes?

I know that there is the nicotein patch, the gum, and pills that make make you suicidal: but does anyone have some advice for people that want to quit smoking?


Google images of lung disease associated with habitual cigarette smoking. You're probably too young to appreciate the severity of the harm you're doing to your body over time. Once you hit your mid-thirties, you'll start to feel it. Cheap cigarettes will only exacerbate the onset of lung and heart disease.

Constantly plugging a cheap way to smoke tobacco is fucking stupid, man. You aren't helping anyone. Quite the contrary, in fact. Re-define what kind of deity you're trying to be, Jesus.
Re-define what kind of deity you're trying to be, Jesus.

I am not claiming to be "Jesus"! And I don't know how many times I need to say that?

But, yes, I agree that smoking cigarettes is bad for ones health. I am not advocating for anyone to START smoking, at least that is not My intention.

This thread is directed for people that already smoke. Hence, "CIGARETTE SMOKERS:" the title of this thread.

I am not even sure if I would consider Myself a "diety", or God. I am not claiming to be God, because I am only a humble human.

I believe that I am the Anointed One- the Christ, etc.. But this is only My personal belief, its not like people NEED to believe anything I say. I believe people should always have freedom of belief, as long as they don't want to hurt anyone or themself.

Just because I am claiming to be the Savior, it doesn't make Me a cult leader, either. No one in real life is following Me around, or at least I don't think so. I am not some "high and mighty" person that gets off of people calling Me Lord, Christ, Savior, Messiah, King, Prophet, etc.. I just want to be respected.

I have a decent self esteem: I don't need people to inflate My ego, because I am content enough.

Sure, I want people to believe Me, because I try and only speak the Truth. But, if I am spewing misinformation, I want people to be objective and only believe the truth: but I don't have any reason to decieve anyone.

But after I die, I want the whole world to at least consider Me, and what I have said. But most importantly, I want people to believe in the ultimate Truth, the facts, the evidence, science, logic, reason, etc..

I take pride in being as honest as possible.

I am not a supernatural Prophet. I can't perform miracles on demand. I just like to ponder the future, and try to implement notions that can prosper posterity.

If I am a god, then everyone is a god, because I have grafted My people into this godhood. It would be very selfish of Me if I didn't try and share this revelation of all that is, was, and will be. The more you know Me, the more you will be able to bear fruit, and help people and the earth.

This Spirituality I gave is meant for the Atheists, Agnostics, and Theists. I am sure that even the Atheists can't debunk most of My facts, but I do make mistakes because I am not infallible.

I am not ommipotent, omniscient, nor omnipresent. I am just the humble Prophet that speaks for Myself.

Wow pretty good I'm in Ontario and could buy them from the Indian Reserve 20 bucks a carton but I find they give me a cough so I bend over and take it in the ass and pay 11.25 a pack for store bought

Interesting. Many years ago, a workmate was selling "bags" (i.e. cartons) of reserve smokes for $40 (at the time, 1/2 price). I bought them once to give to my dad...and we both noticed the same thing.
Whatever tobacco they were using in them was crap. It was either poorly processed or made from floor-scrapings and leftover, reconstituted lamina.
If one wants tobacco, and they have some ability to grow MJ (at least during veg...), then it makes more sense to grow your own.
About the only precaution I can think off is to keep them separated from tomatoes and MJ, though, because of Mosaic Virus potential.

The trick in processing is the "fermenting" stage, after colour-curing. The following discusses a simple method for mass-processing. I just scale it down for my private reserve using an old, tobacco tub on my heating pad.
It doesn't need to be 323K...even 310K will work (273K = 0°C)

Interesting. Many years ago, a workmate was selling "bags" (i.e. cartons) of reserve smokes for $40 (at the time, 1/2 price). I bought them once to give to my dad...and we both noticed the same thing.
Whatever tobacco they were using in them was crap. It was either poorly processed or made from floor-scrapings and leftover, reconstituted lamina.
If one wants tobacco, and they have some ability to grow MJ (at least during veg...), then it makes more sense to grow your own.
About the only precaution I can think off is to keep them separated from tomatoes and MJ, though, because of Mosaic Virus potential.

The trick in processing is the "fermenting" stage, after colour-curing. The following discusses a simple method for mass-processing. I just scale it down for my private reserve using an old, tobacco tub on my heating pad.
It doesn't need to be 323K...even 310K will work (273K = 0°C)

I would rather just pay about $10 a month to smoke cigarettes.

I only smoke about 12 cigarettes a day.

The tabacco company "Criss-Cross" now has a new type of tabacco, where they claim 100% more tabacco for a pound: and it definitly seems like I am getting twice as much tabacco.

So, yeah, I would rather spend $10 a month to smoke, compared to growing it, and processing it.

I would rather just pay about $10 a month to smoke cigarettes.

I only smoke about 12 cigarettes a day.

The tabacco company "Criss-Cross" now has a new type of tabacco, where they claim 100% more tabacco for a pound: and it definitly seems like I am getting twice as much tabacco.

So, yeah, I would rather spend $10 a month to smoke, compared to growing it, and processing it.

It's all about opportunity costs and interests.
Considering commercial fine-cut is CDN$110+ for 200g here, growing one's own is a worthwhile venture...and fun :D
That "100%" stuff you're talking about is fluffed using CO2, IIRC. It's considered garbage up here, except for those who are 2-pack+ a day smokers.
They'll smoke rat turds and call it good...I like having the option of making my own Burley/Virginia mixes, and look forward to doing some more processing experiments next season (like roasting...)
And blunt wrappers...there's a little niche-market one can take advantage of, too, by growing one's own.

But your point is valid. I can understand that perspective.
Does anyone have any tricks to quit smoking cigarettes?

I know that there is the nicotein patch, the gum, and pills that make make you suicidal: but does anyone have some advice for people that want to quit smoking?

There is a book out there called the Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I downloaded the torrent if you want to go that route.

It's the strangest thing. It took about 2 months to finish this short book. It takes a completely different approach from the medical professionals, tells you things you already knew, but it works.

At one point I realized I was either going to have to quit reading the book or I was going to quit smoking cigs. I smoked 2 packs a day for almost 20 years, read the book and quit the day I finished, and haven't smoked since, been over a year.

I had slight nicotine pangs, but the mental aspect was the key. I didn't look at it like i was giving something up, like the millions of times in the past I quit, but I looked at it like "free at last, free at last". I was a lot heavier smoker than you, so my day was usually planned around my cigs and there was panic when I got low.

Good luck man.

What the medical profession does that makes no sense and can only come from non-smokers is replacement. Instead of smoking cigs, you do a nicotine patch, nicotine gum, e-cigs with nicotine oil... It's not the cigarettes we are addicted to it's the nicotine. The approach we are taught is like trying to quit heroin by smoking it instead of shooting it.
There is a book out there called the Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I downloaded the torrent if you want to go that route.

It's the strangest thing. It took about 2 months to finish this short book. It takes a completely different approach from the medical professionals, tells you things you already knew, but it works.

At one point I realized I was either going to have to quit reading the book or I was going to quit smoking cigs. I smoked 2 packs a day for almost 20 years, read the book and quit the day I finished, and haven't smoked since, been over a year.

I had slight nicotine pangs, but the mental aspect was the key. I didn't look at it like i was giving something up, like the millions of times in the past I quit, but I looked at it like "free at last, free at last". I was a lot heavier smoker than you, so my day was usually planned around my cigs and there was panic when I got low.

Good luck man.

What the medical profession does that makes no sense and can only come from non-smokers is replacement. Instead of smoking cigs, you do a nicotine patch, nicotine gum, e-cigs with nicotine oil... It's not the cigarettes we are addicted to it's the nicotine. The approach we are taught is like trying to quit heroin by smoking it instead of shooting it.

Good advice, thanks for that.

I hope that ever cigarette smoker would quit smoking butts, but I highly doubt thats going to happen.

That "100%" stuff you're talking about is fluffed using CO2, IIRC. It's considered garbage up here, except for those who are 2-pack+ a day smokers.

What does IIRC mean?

Whats wrong with fluffing tabacco using CO2?

I think its a good cigarette, and plus, I can roll twice as many smokes from the Virginia blend type tabacco.

I think its a good deal.

Why is that stuff considered garbage in Canada?

The cheapest way if you want to save money is pick the cigreets from the streets, refine it: wash it and dry it or neither and just roll in your papers. If you feel bad doing that provide some money to the charity. Free pack
cheapest cigreets: get from the street wash it and dry on a sheet of paper or neither and roll in your paper. have free pack of cigreets every day and save money, if you feel bad help charity