Sod it. I'm jumping on the band wagon.


Well-Known Member
Help me with my autos
Soil grow

Which is better for vegging
1000w hps or
400w mh

And i have grow big
big bloom and tiger bloom

Which ones do i use in veg and how much

Any help is appreciated thanks
Welcome to the thread! You seem a little lost, but don't let that worry you! There are some skilled growers in the T&T...apparently...

If it were me, I'd be vegging under the 400 until there is some strength in them 1k of HPS might be a little hard on seedlings. Of course if you've got sufficient ventilation and can regulate environmental conditions, the thou wouldn't be the worst idea.

I'm not familiar with those nutes, what are their npk values?


Well-Known Member
Hey did the I just masturbated thread get deleted?! Where am I going to post now
I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did to be honest. Tasteless muck spreading.

I got a post deleted earlier, and I was only trying to drum up some business for Chewy's hotel.
I think it's best if I stay in the T&T till I grow up a bit.

Edit: Not deleted, turns out there was an identical thread that got real answers elsewhere. Go figure?
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Active Member
hey are you using fox farms ocean forest soil along with the nutrients you have? if you are you only need to feed it once or twice throughout the entire grow
I'm using a mix of 2 different Fox farm soils

I just ordered more and more auto seeds so ... It will continue