Bust a Rhyme


Well-Known Member
Fungus, I'm a-feeling good,
The way a Euro goaty should,
I started yet another thread,
To test your skills and mess your head!

Can you ryhyme in 2 places at once?
Like double-decking for your bonce?
It tough I know, i bet you can't,
I mean, I've lost it already. Maybe let that other thread die already and we'll concentrate here and save the headache....


a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Ahaha so you think I should be famous?
I wouldn't want that lifestyle, to be living in anguish.
I would languish in luxury, it's language that structures me.
The life of a celebrity would be like living in a rut to me...
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Well-Known Member
I feel the same, my life's my own,
To live under lights would to be owned,
I'll keep my humble happy home,
And rusty steel instead of chrome.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I think the goat may have passed out,
although it could still be a trick.
I've heard that they do that,
when they think they're in deep shit!


Well-Known Member
I think the goat may have passed out,
although it could still be a trick.
I've heard that they do that,
when they think they're in deep shit!
Yeah, you got me Fungus,
You know how I am,
A slave to the timezones-
I'm European.
But I'm back awake now,
No holds barred, this is it.
And while I'm laying this line down,
Yeah. I'm taking a shit.

For realz.


Well-Known Member
T.M.I, or some other acronym, truth be known, I was- doing - same - as him. Choking and typing writing these words, squeeze...... Yer ........ Just did a tur.......n about, splif smoke in my eye,roach Bunning my mouth, I'm a stop now, starting to cry.... But in a manly wayy