Congress over ride the ppl choice


Well-Known Member
i thought we were gonna make this country better?'s our chance! we finally have someone who is willing to go out on a limb like snowden and reveal the truth: "“If big companies deploy armies of lobbyists and lawyers to get the Congress deals to benefit themselves, then we’ve simply confirmed the view of the American people that the system is rigged.” ~ elizabeth warren

96,882 people today have signed the petition asking Elizabeth Warren to run for president.
As presented earlier in the week, the 1,600-page bill also includes a number of provisions intended to gain votes from both parties, including:
• increasing the amount an individual person can contribute to a national political party from $32,400 to $324,000
• blocking the District of Columbia from using its own funds to set up regulatory systems for marijuana legalisation
• blocking certain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations
• cuts in the budgets of the EPA and the US tax agency

This sounds like more of the same shit Ms. Warren was speaking of.


Well-Known Member
Your wife's "share" of the mortgage?

What kind of man are you?

What kind of husband makes his wife have "a share."
we split everything 50/50, actually.

are you saying you're gonna support your future hubby on your subway wages, binbushy?


Well-Known Member
we split everything 50/50, actually.

are you saying you're gonna support your future hubby on your subway wages, binbushy?
Not bignbushy. Not making 7.35 at the subway.

You've no idea what I make. I do alright. The housing crash didn't hit here so bad.


Well-Known Member
You ever considered that I may not be he, but that he and I know each other really well? And perhaps I came here after hearing him talk about the class clown here being such a fool?
are you the friend who got sexually abused by his uncle as a kid and then sexually abused bignbushy in return?


Well-Known Member
are you the friend who got sexually abused by his uncle as a kid and then sexually abused bignbushy in return?
As I think I alluded to you once. Everything he told you is a lie. Based on personal experience of folks he knows.

I work with him he handles all my real estate closings. He is an attorney here in town.

But whatever you feel like saying and thinking.


Well-Known Member
and he knows you?


of course you are, bignbushy.

specializing in sandwich law, no doubt.
Actually he has a fairly nice family law practice going.

But we've been friends since high school.

Dude, if he was pathetic as he said he was here, he'd have been fired from subway by now anyway.

There are a lot of similarities in my and his views. But I've been reading some of his posts here, and I'm not quite the troll he was.


Well-Known Member
Bignbushy has never been banned from this forum. I guess he lies to his long-time friends, too.

I've seen him try to log in. It loads and absolutely nothing will happen. I guess he has been slowed down to the lowest setting.

There is a distinction without a difference between that and a ban.