I Once.


Well-Known Member
i once smoked some dope witht his chick got some head and said ill give you some to take with you and sold her a bag full of sugar rofl


Well-Known Member
i once popped my knee out of place and a kid threw a rock in hit me in the knee knowing it was fucked up i fell to the ground in pain and anger blacked out and picked up a huge chunk of cement and crack his fucking head open at school in front of everyone needless to say no1 else fucked with me haha, when they let me come back weeks later :]


Well-Known Member
i once filled a 3 liter bottle full of chlorine powder then added all the coke back into it tightened the lid very fast and blew half of the pool building up and ran like fuck


Well-Known Member
i once went 2 weeks without weed because my main dude got busted with 1800lbs sadly the last 2 weeks thats why i cant stop posting in this great thread
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Well-Known Member
I once thought I missed my ex-husband.

So I backed up and ran over him again. LOL (Joke)

On a real note.... I once was taken to the emergency room because I had a condom caught in my throat.

Oh the good ole' days at WVU. LOL

haha your the greatest


Well-Known Member
I once was stranded at the mall without any money to get home. I took off my shoes, rolled up my jeans and went wading in the fountain for quarters. Caught me a bus :grin:


Well-Known Member
I once lost my virginity to a girl much older than myself. I was 15 and she was 23. It was awesome for me at the time. The whole fling lasted about a month or so.

So is that creepy or not creepy?
nah man i was 15 and lost my virginty to 25 year old all was good


Well-Known Member
i once got my gf pregnant all joy of my life to have a child 5 months later the bitch and her mom aborted it leaving me in despair and half my soul ripped from my existence still to this day, i still wonder why and how can someone do that i just wanted to hold it forever in my life

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I once wondered if the abortion was even legal?After a certain point they won't abort unless it's a health risk.
i once got my gf pregnant all joy of my life to have a child 5 months later the bitch and her mom aborted it leaving me in despair and half my soul ripped from my existence still to this day, i still wonder why and how can someone do that i just wanted to hold it forever in my life