The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Get a blue lab truncheon Z , great tool in hydro. @ hydro, was gonna buy your IWS m8, but I seen this & it solves all the probs the IWS system has, ie no blockages coz big pipes, no mechanical parts to stick or fook up, it's all electric probes. Any way , lets see after I finish it , I may be dissapointed .
Fairs dos m8, I doubt you'll be disappointed. What nutes you using?


Well-Known Member
Fairs dos m8, I doubt you'll be disappointed. What nutes you using?
I'm using house & garden m8, the full range, few blokes said they had better results with this than pricey advanced nutes !, got to use full range though. If I could ide use Wilkos Tom food & there liquid seaweed !, I used that only last grow in soil, best harvest I've ever had, & tastiest .ps £140 for the h&g nutes.


Well-Known Member
I'm using house & garden m8, the full range, few blokes said they had better results with this than pricey advanced nutes !, got to use full range though. If I could ide use Wilkos Tom food & there liquid seaweed !, I used that only last grow in soil, best harvest I've ever had, & tastiest .ps £140 for the h&g nutes.
I use ionic nutes, people say its shit but works for me and cheap as chips too


Well-Known Member
@hydro, u will prob know this, the only worry I've got is my floor level, there's a slant of about 2" on my shed floor, brain pot at bottom of pots, will the pots at the top end flood lower , or the bottom ones higher ect ? Av I explained that ok m8 ?image.jpg[


Well-Known Member
@hydro, u will prob know this, the only worry I've got is my floor level, there's a slant of about 2" on my shed floor, brain pot at bottom of pots, will the pots at the top end flood lower , or the bottom ones higher ect ? Av I explained that ok m8 ?View attachment 3312600[
That system u got I think there's a thing in each pot that tells the brain its full or something. If thats the case then it shouldn't matter what level there at on the floor

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
3 day consecutive headache. Fucks sake. Wouldn't mind a joint right about now! (gonna have to pay you for some of that hash, i mean dirt looking totally legal material stuff at some point @The Yorkshireman brilliant stuff (i'll just claim it was the addition of "my" genetics though :p but that stuff was perfect for sprinkling in a ciggie.

rather enjoying far cry 4! although must be honest, it's too similar to far cry 3, as in identical, for me to say it's amazing, everything is too much the same to consider it worth buying. And those little helicopters are cool, but ruin the game a bit. Just unlocked half the radio (sorry, bell) towers, in 20 minutes and havn't yet done a mission yet have unlocked half the weapons and holsters etc, didn't even have to climb them, just landed on the top, and they havn't even implemented physics to stop you doing this through rotor blade collision. Seems to me that they rushed it as a cash cow for christmas and ps4/xbox one