Power outage help


Well-Known Member
Would it be better for my flower room to stay blacked out during my power outage or to open the doors and let the room light hit me untill my power comes back on and my light come on????
damn that is a terrible situation to be in... :wall:

i'll pray for your girls! if its veging still i'd say let them get some weak light from the daylight i assume you mean? (better than nothing, and still keeping up with the lighting schedule)
For a power outage I would be more stressed about the grow room rather than the flower room. The reason I say this is because a power outage in most cases is only for a few hours up to a 24 hours. If the power outage is any longer than this then there are more problems on your hand than your grow, such as the perishables in the fridge, the use of your computer to reply to this thread. Charging your mobile phone for the need of emergency calls. So to answer your question, I would just leave the flowers the way they are, its not going to revert them back to veg state or anything, it might put a little stress on them but nothing to to really kill your crop. But as I also said, for your grow plants get them into the outdoor sunlight if you can, you don't want them sent into early flower
For a power outage I would be more stressed about the grow room rather than the flower room. The reason I say this is because a power outage in most cases is only for a few hours up to a 24 hours. If the power outage is any longer than this then there are more problems on your hand than your grow, such as the perishables in the fridge, the use of your computer to reply to this thread. Charging your mobile phone for the need of emergency calls. So to answer your question, I would just leave the flowers the way they are, its not going to revert them back to veg state or anything, it might put a little stress on them but nothing to to really kill your crop. But as I also said, for your grow plants get them into the outdoor sunlight if you can, you don't want them sent into early flower
They are in flower should I leave doors open or closed to think if the lights were working they would be on right now
opening the door isn't going to be intense enough to make any difference or to trick them in their cycle
a few days in the dark won`t hurt them

if anything when the lights do come on they`ll bloom harder but keep to your times and try to make it a one off

Plants in flower like things to remain the same, longer nights are ok but random lights on and off will upset them
a few days in the dark won`t hurt them

if anything when the lights do come on they`ll bloom harder but keep to your times and try to make it a one off

Plants in flower like things to remain the same, longer nights are ok but random lights on and off will upset them
Ok that the answer I was looking for thank you everyone for your replies I'm going to close doors and leave them dark untill I get lights again
Ok got the power back on I just lost a leg from my main wiggled and jiggled the main breaker and everything came back on . All tho I'm probly going to change my main 100amp break cuz if it's lose could start a fire