This look about ready to roll?


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, all set to flip to my first ever12/ 12 vegged longer than I probably needed to but I wanted these ladies to really show me they were all real ladies! Lol... opinions anyone?


polo the don

Well-Known Member
Ok guys, all set to flip to my first ever12/ 12 vegged longer than I probably needed to but I wanted these ladies to really show me they were all real ladies! Lol... opinions anyone?
Umm,do you mean you are going to go 12/12?, or did you already flip to 12/12?,or are those autoflowers??
Those look to be flowering already. If they are autos no need to flip them. You will yield more from an auto with 18/6. If those are photos they are WAY past preflowering.
What light schedule are you vegging with?
Idk, if you ordered a photoperiod strain and your running 18/6, you didn't get what you paid for.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Polo, I have three different strains going, all from clones. The pictures came from the purple dog shit... I have had the vegging for the last 10 weeks. I reduced the 24 hour lighting to 18 /6 3 nights ago in preparation flowering, which I started today. The two other strains just started preflowering this week, but the purple probably shoul have been flipped last week... That's ok, just got them all tucked into a new tent this morning, got a net strung, and set the timer to a 12 hour cycle. Pretty excited.
Oh, to answer your Q... These are not auto' s.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the grow.....keep in mind that your plant will most likely double if not triple in size within the next 2-3 weeks. You'll be amazed how fast a plant can grow once in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the grow.....keep in mind that your plant will most likely double if not triple in size within the next 2-3 weeks. You'll be amazed how fast a plant can grow once in 12/12.
I should have been a little more mindful of that... It sounds like those 3 plants alone are going to fill that tent!


Well-Known Member
Wow, things are moving along nicely already... amazing. The other two plants are lagging behind, but this gives me hope!



Well-Known Member
Tell us more about your environment and setup. (Lights, temps, humidity, size of space etc).



Well-Known Member
Tell us more about your environment and setup. (Lights, temps, humidity, size of space etc).

I vegged these all under a large T5 flourescent -sun blaze 48, in soil -called wizard... Very similar to Foxfarm soil. One of the plants was a rescue my son let go... Still trying to nail down the variety...but man she came out of it and looks terrific! The others are a gods gift that the breeder did not want to let go, and lastly the purple dogshit that is already budding like crazy right off the bat.. I had 4 of the purple... 2 turned out to be males, one grew 4 times faster than everything else.. And one I'd like to stick in the tent in a few more days...
Ok so now for my flowering... I've got them in the tent -Sunhut 4x4, under a Marshydro 600 watt on top, and a UFO 225 watt multi spectrum that I got from for slight side profile light... I decided to go with led for my first real grow. So far so good.. Maintaining temps around 72 to 77 f, and humidities right around 50 percent... Using Foxfarm trio because it was recommended at my local shop...but I have gone real light with the nutes... In fact I have just barely hit half strength on their feeding schedule, anything over was showing signs of slight burn on the Gods gift... Man it is sensitive.
Well thanks for the help and advice guys, there is a lot to learn, and so far I am loving my first grow!


Well-Known Member
I thought I would post an update, things are moving along well the Gods Gift and the rescue (Roman) is probably looking about right for heading into week 3.... but the Purple Dog shit is taking off like CRAZY... the buds are starting to smell like the buds I used to get when lived outside of Humboldt county.... wow.
Any suggestions on what may be causing the leaves on the one plant to start hooking to one side (mainly the leaves shown in the bottom right)? other than that things are looking pretty good. The Density of the Nug in the pic is pretty amazing for LED's... Im just afraid Im not getting enough penetration, and I haven't been brave enough to try defoliating... first grow and all... Thanks guys, Happy New Year!


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Well-Known Member
oh ya, should probably add, that is the same bud above that I posted in Reply #7