Several of this type of people had themselves a real good time a couple years ago here. Several 20-something guys were hanging out at a local parts store one Friday evening after work. They all had their handguns and holsters laying around, and figured they would have a quickdraw contest. With a "judge" to say who won each time.
They drew against each other, just like in a real gunfight. But their guns were unloaded, right?
Wrong. One of the fucking idiots left a round in the chamber of his semi-auto pistol, and killed his friend with a shot through the heart in a quickdraw battle.
These are the kinds of fucking idiots who get a hard on when they hear someone speak of "open carry". Those lunatics shun concealed carry because it's cumbersome and uncomfortable. And it's not as "cool". But allow the fuckers to carry openly and show off, and they'll jump at the chance.
And we're all much less safe.