Wouldn't you do the same thing?

The Growery

Active Member
At my workplace, I have a coworker I smoke weed with on the job (the boss is super progressive). The first day she had a joint and we smoked. The next day I brought a J and we smoked. Problem is it's been 2 weeks and she hasn't brought any in since then and I've been smoking her out.

Now she will approach me saying "want to smoke now or later?" not even bothering to ask if I even had any or was willing to smoke with her. It's like she just expects it.

I'm not going to smoke her out tomorrow, when she asks when are we going to smoke, I'm just going to reply, do you have any? I didn't bring any today.

Honestly I wouldn't mind smoking this chick out everyday if she just showed some appreciation but the latter throws me off. Wouldn't you do the same?
At my workplace, I have a coworker I smoke weed with on the job (the boss is super progressive). The first day she had a joint and we smoked. The next day I brought a J and we smoked. Problem is it's been 2 weeks and she hasn't brought any in since then and I've been smoking her out.

Now she will approach me saying "want to smoke now or later?" not even bothering to ask if I even had any or was willing to smoke with her. It's like she just expects it.

I'm not going to smoke her out tomorrow, when she asks when are we going to smoke, I'm just going to reply, do you have any? I didn't bring any today.

Honestly I wouldn't mind smoking this chick out everyday if she just showed some appreciation but the latter throws me off. Wouldn't you do the same?

a five year employye of mine brings a doobie everyday and so do I,,,even when I was young working in a factory,,we all brought something,,,don't just cut her off,,,strike the convo to hey,,,,when are you gonna bring some,,,if it's a no go,,,cut the tie,,,leach

Keep on Growin
