The Dons' Organic Garden

Cannabis seems to be the all encompassing cure so will keep at it plus I enjoy growing so much; therapy for the mind and soul
Says 2015, is it out? Seems like a cool ass, customizable vape with marble knobs and ability for a good hands free experience, which is a flaw in the volcano .. Doesn't seem to have digital temps though- That's that shit I do like
Its been out for few years now. Digital is a nice to have though no bearing on anything if it doesn't have
i set the knob on ssv to click on at 7:00 and its range is to 5:00, 0 to max, so my perfect vape is 12:30-2.
of course you can start low and increase through all the range but i just go one level then save all my duff; I get probably 10-15 good hits from 1 bowl
Its been out for few years now. Digital is a nice to have though no bearing on anything if it doesn't have

Ah I see. They have a new one coming out, with mood LEDs lol, and a quick(er) connect.

Soon it will cook dinner for you, but you won't know at what temp! Haha, I guess if its delicious, who cares. Haha
3 good inhales on each time you put heat to your bowl and I usually get 3-4 times before i notice taste change more to burnt side
i set the knob on ssv to click on at 7:00 and its range is to 5:00, 0 to max, so my perfect vape is 12:30-2.
This post might take the cake for most confusing MSG in the thread, but whether these are times or temps, cheers to that!

just when I thought nothing was more efficient than a DIY light
Takes just minutes for pain! Almost instant on the knee, bit slow for a migraine in Progress.

If its still bit soupy I'm real quick. And if its getting dry I hold it down for five. Takes about ten minutes ingested I'm hearing..

What kind of vape is recommended ?!

wow that is awesome! I didn't know it was that great!
10 min is fast! I ate an edible recently took about 1:30 to 2 hours. lol wasn't strong though so prob didn't have enough.

As for a vape my friend if you're looking for a cheap portable that is kickass get the solo. Another beast is the pax, but more expensive. For a first timer not sure, I say Solo :) if you want a plug in there's a lot of good ones.solo is around 120$ 130$ I think