Your picture will occupy a prominent place in my garden...I will take the honour of first to sub into this thread.....
Good vibes all going your way mate.
I saw clones just like those on Saturday, what are the odds???As one season comes to an end....another one starts.
Here's to Spring 2015......
..2015 clone mothers.....
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Cheers to a great harvest this year and a better one next year<~~~~~~took my like 10 min to type that
define "Able"? No outdoors in Sac. But I grow out of sight, inside a carport anyway. The farm is in another county. I'll start plants here & transport...
You can rent places like that up here.....but they want the whole years rent up front.....I figured the carport could be considered 'indoors' at least that is how I would argue it. I wish to god I could do outside but I'm right under the drone's and other's flight paths (at low altitude), shit. But now I have hubby interested (I came home to plants that look better than I can grow them!), he is talking moving north, land and greenhouse(s) on xx acres!He found something like a 28' x 132' greenhouse
I'm like, yeah, I'll provide you clones, you bet LOL