GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

Is there any way you can take them out of the tent and hang your light from the ceiling and grow them out in the open for the 4ish days till the new tent arrives? Just make sure the room is completely dark during lights out. Aluminum foil over windows, towel at the bottom of the door so light can't come in the crack. I'm sure mrs. ayr0n won't like it much but it's only a few days...
Lol Mrs. Ayron would be ready to pull out the sheers and trash can at this point if there's no carbon filter. They smell strong af :X Maybe I can take off the reflector n gain a couple inches
Damn wish I woulda had more time this morning to play around n there...I didn't realize how quick sat dominant girls would grow ...figured in these smaller pots they'd stay relatively short...
Can't have shears coming into play this late in the game...
Oh bro I'd cry lol...
Bend or move those bitches, sounds like it's only a few days, bending down that taller one should be Ok until the big room arrives.
Yeah probably can get them tied down better for the next couple days...the tracking on that tent is all fucked cuz it's said it was out for delivery since last week...Estimated delivery date is the 19th. Kinda sucks too cuz our company's Christmas party is on the 19th right after work, can't go str8 home n get shit in order...I guess big plants is a better problem than no plants. Definitely a learning experience.

IDK the tent might show up sooner...the red dot on this map is where it was last updated on the tracking n the green dot is where I'm at:
fingers crossed for a Tuesday delivery ;)
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It's Tuesday, any good news?
No sir - to be honest I think they lost the package or something ...tracking hadn't updated since Sunday n it's said 'out for delivery' for several days now which is what it normally says the day they deliver it. Kinda throwing me off.hopefully someone just dropped the ball on scanning it at the last checkpoint or w.e... On Amazon the expected date is Friday , on FedEx it says Wednesday lol...

It was like $500 extra to 2 day it rofl , so I just went with ground...fuck all that. Surprised they even have tracking on standard ground
No sir - to be honest I think they lost the package or something ...tracking hadn't updated since Sunday n it's said 'out for delivery' for several days now which is what it normally says the day they deliver it. Kinda throwing me off.hopefully someone just dropped the ball on scanning it at the last checkpoint or w.e... On Amazon the expected date is Friday , on FedEx it says Wednesday lol...

It was like $500 extra to 2 day it rofl , so I just went with ground...fuck all that. Surprised they even have tracking on standard ground
Well that fukin sux. If it's not there by the date amazon says it should be I would contact them. I've had to use their costomer service a few times and they were ALWAYS helpful and did the best they could to solve my problem in a hurry. Damn, don't these people know that your plants are outgrowing their current home? I mean don't they read grow journals and keep up with this shit? Fukin slackers!
Anyways, I hope you get it when your supposed to. You really need it. Good thing that as a grower our first lesson is patients.....
Well that fukin sux. If it's not there by the date amazon says it should be I would contact them. I've had to use their costomer service a few times and they were ALWAYS helpful and did the best they could to solve my problem in a hurry. Damn, don't these people know that your plants are outgrowing their current home? I mean don't they read grow journals and keep up with this shit? Fukin slackers!
Anyways, I hope you get it when your supposed to. You really need it. Good thing that as a grower our first lesson is patients.....
Lmao right? What r they thinking. But nah I just got an update - it's in Ohio. That's a relief. My boy was saying one time his tracking said out for delivery for several days n it ended up being damaged n had to be reshipped so I was kind of tripping, but everything is looking good now...Will be here this week no doubt .

N I'm still working on that patience thing lool
I hate buying shit under pressure, always seems to come along with delays :( Glad everything's back on track! Those flowering plants must be getting huge :shock:
Lol it's funny cuz I honestly didn't realize there was any pressure when I hit that order button but only a couple days later Shit got out of control. I won't be underestimating tht stretch in the future lol

Good news is they scanned the tent in Lansing so it almost has to be here today. Was scanned at 5 am n Lansing is about n hour and a half drive from me
Lol it's funny cuz I honestly didn't realize there was any pressure when I hit that order button but only a couple days later Shit got out of control. I won't be underestimating tht stretch in the future lol

Good news is they scanned the tent in Lansing so it almost has to be here today. Was scanned at 5 am n Lansing is about n hour and a half drive from me
Sounds like you'll get it before the weekend and be good to go. You'll get an eye for visualizing the final footprint once you get a couple of grows under your belt. Even then strains behave differently and you'll have to adjust for them. The larger 3x3 I'm running right now is an example of a new strain, the Blue Pyramid (new) and Blue Dream grow similarly and stretch like crazy but the JTR didn't stretch anywhere near them, didn't bother trying to keep the canopy even, just opened them up so light gets through. I'll probably try and group the BP and BD together going forward and match JTR with something similar like the THC Bomb that has a similar growth/stretch as the JTR's. You'll have more space going forward so it'll be more forgiving :)
I lied...these motherfuckers are starting to piss me off...New update says attempted delivery, business was closed (uhh residential address?? wtf u talkin bout bro?) - we'll be back to try again on the next business day... Called em up they said I requested that it was not dropped off without a signature (didn't do so I said can you just remove that 'request' and just drop the damn thing off? "Oh no sir, you requested it be signed for and I can't hardly speak English so sorry about your luck". I'm gonna try and leave a note on the door tomorrow I guess -.- Christmas is canceled :(

Soo close lol. I got ahead of myself when it said out for delivery in my town. The other dumb thing is they're driving it all the way back to Lansing fedex location when there's one an hour closer to my house...'logistics'

Ight im done bitching lol. I'll let ya'll know what happens tomorrow
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I lied...these motherfuckers are starting to piss me off...New update says attempted delivery, business was closed (uhh residential address?? wtf u talkin bout bro?) - we'll be back to try again on the next business day... Called em up they said I requested that it was not dropped off without a signature (didn't do so I said can you just remove that 'request' and just drop the damn thing off? "Oh no sir, you requested it be signed for and I can't hardly speak English so sorry about your luck". I'm gonna try and leave a note on the door tomorrow I guess -.- Christmas is canceled :(

Soo close lol. I got ahead of myself when it said out for delivery in my town. The other dumb thing is they're driving it all the way back to Lansing fedex location when there's one an hour closer to my house...'logistics'

Ight im done bitching lol. I'll let ya'll know what happens tomorrow
Change if plans, pretend to be sick tomorrow so you can be home to sign for it...
Change if plans, pretend to be sick tomorrow so you can be home to sign for it...
Lol I actually am getting sick...coughin up some nasty shit the last couple days. I think it's cuz I haven't had a cigarette n a while...body trying to get rid of the last ~12 years of pollution.

We're shutting down next week so I've got a lot of work to get out this week - would be nice to call in but i'd feel a little guilty lol
Lol I actually am getting sick...coughin up some nasty shit the last couple days. I think it's cuz I haven't had a cigarette n a while...body trying to get rid of the last ~12 years of pollution.

We're shutting down next week so I've got a lot of work to get out this week - would be nice to call in but i'd feel a little guilty lol
I hope your not getting sick for real. Hopefully it's just your body cleaning itself out.
I lied...these motherfuckers are starting to piss me off...New update says attempted delivery, business was closed (uhh residential address?? wtf u talkin bout bro?) - we'll be back to try again on the next business day... Called em up they said I requested that it was not dropped off without a signature (didn't do so I said can you just remove that 'request' and just drop the damn thing off? "Oh no sir, you requested it be signed for and I can't hardly speak English so sorry about your luck". I'm gonna try and leave a note on the door tomorrow I guess -.- Christmas is canceled :(

Soo close lol. I got ahead of myself when it said out for delivery in my town. The other dumb thing is they're driving it all the way back to Lansing fedex location when there's one an hour closer to my house...'logistics'

Ight im done bitching lol. I'll let ya'll know what happens tomorrow
Funny, the best luck I've had is using Canada Post. They take a little longer but if they try and deliver and you're not home, they drop the package at a local store that has a mini post office in it, then I just pop by there and pick it up. Courier's suck when there's a signature required.