light question


Well-Known Member
if im growing three autos,, in a 3x3 foot area,, is running my 400 watt more efficent that useing my 600 watt bulb? for the results? thanks


Well-Known Member
Instead of choosing between the two, you could veg+transition with 400w and flower with 600w. That's what I did on 3x4.


Well-Known Member
ya i did that,,, I just switched to the 600, but I was kinda wondering if the yields would really be any better,, since the 400w is enough to cover the area already


Well-Known Member
ya i did that,,, I just switched to the 600, but I was kinda wondering if the yields would really be any better,, since the 400w is enough to cover the area already
Yes, especially if you use that 3x3 efficiently as in plant and bud site spacing.