doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

No a carport is not legal.....but the county is always looking for code violations to impose fines to collect revenue. It's the $1000 per plant fine that is the reason for the carport. I feel pretty safe in the carport because you cannot see inside. I only worry when I have flowering plants out there, because they smell....

Actually hubby is getting ready to retire and we are both talking north but options are open. Co-opting the voting populace's will, using code is really chicken shit, and should be good for a legal challenge. That's really a Bozo no no LOL!

You can rent places like that up here.....but they want the whole years rent up front.....

LOL yeah! The next Cannabis kings and other grandiosity, nope, not us, I'm working toward something relatively specific and the last thing I want is weight of stuff I can't use (since I don't sell, I gift my overage to patients, cancer and military veterans in pain). I am trying to work with CN on the production of the Holy Grail mode of administration; cool inhalant. But along with that I would like to dial some strains in as to specific receptor affects. I have some neurosurgeons who are evincing interest. It's just a matter of time. They currently can't take their eyes off my basal cell! They can't believe their own eyes :) It's amazing and gratifying what this plant can do.

Shame on America for blocking this.
Did you try the Abusive that was at the BBQ? I believe this would be a good contender, I smoked my sample last night and was very pleased with the results.
Sadly we used my notes to roll up the last joint and I have no Idea who brought it.:lol:

I remember trying some of the abusive. Weren't you there with me? We both hit off the pipe? Jesus I was buzzed. I remember the orange pipe. I didn't pack anything to take, I could NEVER find the baggies LOL! I just sort of wandered about in a stupor! Next time I will have a plan LOL

I desperately wanted a sample of the Huckleberry! I asked someone, who shall remain nameless, to roll me one please and gave him my new pack of papers hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! I think everyone was shit-faced. Except JJ...... I don't think anything hits him, he's super tolerant.
LOL! so I'm sitting here thinking hmmmmmmm Dreams shattered wonder if that's related to blue dream and in shatter form..... oh dear lord I have not sobered up YET!

LOL I saw that and thought..."Great strain name!" LOL

JJ if you need someone to put in some work out there for setup I am offering my services. Of course it's up to the big guys but I just wanted to throw that out there. :)
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Well BIG plans have been made for the coming season. Many lessons were learned and we are very eager to take the plunge into 2015. We've made an evaluation of last season & see room for much improvement. We will be doing some things differently this year. I'm very excited to be the first to carry the ball this season, and launch us into the next chapter. 8)

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