Welcome New Members!

so im growing and my plants r about 15-17 in tall. and im using two 150 watt incandesent bulbs and one 150 watt flood light and a uv light. there growing and every thing but will i be able to flower with these bulbs. i am running them on 24hr veggie schedule right now but im going start to flower in a couple of weeks help please thanks
Hey all. I have a question. I am new to indoor growing. I received two clones. They were buds taken from the mother and cloned in a supercloner. When I received them, they just started to regenerate, I put them under light, checked on them and the little sprout was gone. I am thinking the light may have been two strong( 2x120V Flourescent) It was only like an hour or two They were crispy on the outside but still moist on the inside. I have since adjusted the conditions, with a fan, thermometer with a humidity reading and a pot of water filled with rocks for some humidity. I also water with rain water with a drop of superthrive and Grow big.. I have watered twice a day, checked on them at least six times a day and I am not seeing any progress. It has roots still and they looked healthy. Should I resolve to the fact that there gone or should keep trying.
hi all am a new member but am on old grower who will always have questions
wishing everyone a happy grow experience
i live in new zealand where we have the perfect temp for growing
Hey all, new member, been lurking a few days. I grew a plant or two way back, nothing like I've seen here, you guys have got it down to a science.

Anyway, I'm not a big toker necessarily, but a big advocate, anytime you guys have the opportunity to vote or make a statement please do so. For those of you in the US, there's a good article: Cannabis Culture's USA 2006 Stoner Voters Guide outlining some candidates in this next month's election.

BTW, Widow Maker, your avatar is mesmerizing.... :mrgreen:

Hi all,

New to this website so bear with me if I have replied to a growing q.

Me and my girlfriend are new to New Zealand and looking for like minded people to share with and chew the fat!! Any of you lot from West or anypart of Auckland.

Drop us a line.

It's a long way from Mr Nice country. (look him up) Howard Marks

HI guys, and girls.

Any of you lot from NZ? Auckland maybe??

Looking for like minded people to chat etc with? :blsmoke:

Drop us a line?


Plug :joint:
greetings fellow potheads!

i've been smoking for around 12 years and pretty much every day that i can for the last 7 years.

my dad used to grow his own but he moved away about two years ago. i am now embarking on my first ever mission to grow my own lovely weed.

my seedlings are about 2 weeks old and are around 3 inches tall. i am growing outside in my garden (i have no problems regarding being caught out, my place is very secure and private). i currently have around 15 seedlings. the weather here is lovely warm spring weather with plenty of sunlight from 5am to 7pm every day.

i am still a little unsure about how to tell the sex of the plant but i've been doing a lot of research and i'm fairly confident that i'll be able to tell once they start showing signs of their sex.

any pointers or tips are very much appreciated.
hello my fellow stoners.im from ireland and i am about 2 start my first home growing adventure.because of our shit weather i have to grow inside in my bedroom in a 8"x3" wardrobe.i would be very gratefull if anyone with experience could give me a few tips and pointers on using the best lights & soil,watering, e.t.c.i have looked up a lot through the net and books but i think it wud be best hearing it from someone with experience in similar circumstances.Free da weed!cheers!!
Hi all

I'm from Northern Ireland, this is my first serious grow. I think I have some sativa growing, there around 4 weeks old and seem to be doing alright. I'm here to try and gleen more knowledge, try and help my ladies a bit.

Cheers all

Hey all. from the midwest. This site contains alot of really valuable info, and the pics i got after finally signing up are great. I will take pics of my fogger aero setup as i get the parts and start assembling it.
Yo from the Garden State! I had two indoor plants growing this summer, they were kinda small and the potency was low. I had 4 40 W flourescent tubes, and I used 5 gallon dirt buckets. This time I'm adding some heat to the soil, it's still around 65 F ( basement ). I guess I need more tubes, don't want to get into that heat/fan stuff with the HPS. I'm here to learn.
Hi all,

I am new to Rollitup. I recently got the sudden urge to germinate a handfull of seedlings that were in my stashbox. Seeds are from different buds that i have smoked, and as i broke up the buds i saved the few seeds that i thought were worth keeping. When i went to germinate them i just simply placed them in a wet paper towel and put them on a plate. A few days later i had sprouts and then i thought to myself.....hmmmmm...... im gonna need to plant these. So i decided to just grab some soil from my girlfriends flower pot which had a poor excuse of a plant in it anyways. I used a flower pot about the size of my whole fist and then some. I have a pic that i will list below. The plants came up rather quick i noticed. It came to me that the soil that they were in would suffice for the short time that they would be in there but i then realized that there was probably a shortage of some key ingrediants.......Nutrients. From what i have read, its seems that the seedlings have only about 4 to 7 days of their own food and after that they need good soil. I was unsure if it would be better to wait and transplant them when they got a little older or just do it now becuase they are so young. I had a lot to think about because they were going to entangle themselves in there roots if i waited to long. So i decided to get some soil from the local store. The soil of choice was on sale, good old miracle grow soil for flowering plants. Ahhhh i thought to myself, and it was on sale (bonus). I got some cups from the kitchen section because they were less pricey and they have christmas stuff on them. So its kinda like i get the feeling of Ho Ho Ho merry christmas, pot plants to the good girls and boys kinda feeling. I also picked up some root hormone incase i decided that i wanted to clone any down the road, and it was the last one they had anyways which by they way was also on sale. So i went home and prepped the cups by cutting holes and slits in the bottom with a knife. After cutting the holes and filling with the soil i carefully (repeat) carefully took the plants from the soil after gently removing it from the pot and placed each one in there own cup, with the exception of a few because i had less cups than plants. The few that i put more than one plant in were used with one good plant and the few that i fealt would be least likely to live because of their physical condition and appearance. The plants will be grown inside my crib. I dont know how many will be female as most ppl dont im sure, but i have about 19 started. I will put some pics of them in the new cups as well. My next buy will be a light setup. I am thinking about getting a garage style flourescent fixture with some growing type bulbs that i can pickup from the store. Any tips on lighting would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx for reading my first entry!
Hope i hear from some of u.
Check the pics.
