Auto nutrient probs help


New Member
hey take a look tell mw what this is. First time 5 weeks. Using fox farm tiger bloom but when i saw signs of defincency i put in some grow big-_- not good this is a bubble kush automatic RQS and sorry fornthe bad pic qaulity they have been fed 3 times and the secon time i used grow big and looks lik tht messed it up i was doing very well very nervous i also have bushdocter sledgehammer for flush but not sure if thats needed jist look at the pics thankyou!



New Member
Looks like nutrient burn to me judging by the yellow tips
Do you see how the leaves have all that yellow\ pale green discoloration opposed to the rest of her wich is dark green and the whole plant still looks healthy and as far as I know the buds r producing resin and growing by the day need to fix these leaves very nervous for my girl! Also the tiny yellow neon tips started before I even fed during the beginning of the 5th week after I fed is when I started seeing small burns so I used regular ph'd tap water I pH to 6.5- 6.6 SOMONEBHELP

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Auto plants are fussy feeders just like Sativa's !

LESS is more!

You will have better luck with "light" water only organic soil grows for running auto's. "Light" means non HOT water only soil....

The Rev's TLO works well with auto's - NO spiking auto's!!


New Member
Auto plants are fussy feeders just like Sativa's !

LESS is more!

You will have better luck with "light" water only organic soil grows for running auto's. "Light" means non HOT water only soil....

The Rev's TLO works well with auto's - NO spiking auto's!!
Thankyou , can you pelase help me out to fix this issue? also seems like the tips on the one that had the tips pointing downward, the tips are pointing almost at a 90 degree angle down?? Should I flush my soil? I have bushdocter sledgehammer flush product to flush out any build up but ive never flushed and my other two are not showing any deficiencies except small burn on the oldest leafs and some neon green yellow tips and some leaf tips point directly down. Helpppppppppppp


New Member
Also they are supposed to be done soon you know what the breeder says can be off but still I hate the thought of these issues getting to be to big of a problem where I cant save my girls. so disappointed in myself !

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
All you should do at this point is to water with pHed water only(pH to 6.5), for about 7 days.
At that point use the reduced nutrient if you still have feeding time left to go.
They will finish out. You have learned and will do better next time with your new information to start with.
Any adjustment in soil takes 5-7 days to show in new growth. ONLY N problems will show actual "correction" in the leaves.

5 weeks along, and I don't LIKE the water it out thing I listed above.
They actually don't look to bad. Believe me, I HAVE seen MUCH worse that finished out just fine and tasted great with a proper cure.

grow on.

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Well-Known Member
You say pH'd "tap water", have you checked your tap waters ec/ppm...depending on where you live says a great deal about your tap water. Something else to look at is not only the nute burn, but also how your leaves are rolling to one side. Take notes or photos of these issues and put the pictures on your computer and use Paint or similar program to draw arrows and label the signs of trouble for future reference over time you will just know from experience. Each strain reacts different as Dr. Who said Autos tend to be a bit more sensative like Sativas, your indicas tend to be a little more hardy.


Well-Known Member
Autos are funny. I have 2 in "flower" now.... they don't like a lot of nutrients or water. I find them to be extremely slow in their flowering. I have one still in flower and it popped seed in August 22! By now I shoudl be smoking that shit. But it looks like it's going to be a nice one.