$406 billion of taxpayer money spent on interest payments to the shareholders of the national debt... and nothing has been done to reverse the effect of the national debt
$600 billion spent on department of defense yet fucked up shit (i.e. 9/11) still happen
and this is compared to:
less than $10 billion spent on the environmental protection agency
only $10 billion spent on department of energy when if we could use a better source of energy to replace the environmentally polluting, non-renewable source of energy we call fossil fuels we could reduce national debt because we would have to import less of the very pricey commodity. its not like we dont know of a fully renewable source of energy with no harmful emissions,, hydrogen,, and we have known that for a while yet we continue to burn expensive dirty fuels... and these electric cars.. wtf?? were we not having black outs only a couple years ago? water is everywhere! we could also drastically help the environment by finding a way to efficiently use hydrogen (derived from water by means of electrolysis) as a source of energy being that it's only emission is water!
in 2006 the gov was spending almost $100 billion on education... but for 2007 they decided that the american kids are smart enough (lmmfao) so they reduced the spending to $61 billion
and then there are the $billions in social security surplus funds that are dipped into every year with a very loose promise of return,, but hey,, if people are paying in more than they are taking out instead of lowering how much the gov takes and puts into that fund they just dip into it and make you have to keep paying the same amount so they can keep taking all the extra.. seems a little fucked up for them to be taking more than they need and instead of giving this money back,, or maybe putting it to good use it just disappears and makes the national debt go higher
instead of intervening in darfur they choose to intervene in the middle east... you know why? because darfur is a shithole that has nothing the u.s. gov wants... the middle east however has oil.. hmmm oil is becoming scarce.. hmmmm there is a huge global demand for oil.. hmmm coincidence? fuck no! this is all about global domination,, manifest destiny.....
need i go on? because i could,, like i said, i can go on for days on how the gov fucks you over and you do nothing... like the skinny punk bitch gone to jail and get passed around and fucked endlessly.. thats who you are ravioli,, and that is who i am refusing to be,,,
oh and btw,, there is only about $6billion spent on the department of transportation,.. compared to the hundreds of billions wasted
id compare bush to hitler but at least germany had money when he was around... bush is fucking all human rights and still making his country poorer,, thats pretty sad,,, just like that oil company he ran into the ground... how the fuck can you do that? oil... everyone needs that shit and yet someone how a guy who ran an oil company into the ground is president of on of the most "important" countries in the world...
that shit is fucked up
so im coming in with some more Rage
Spun our minds and through time
Ignorance has taken over
Yo, we gotta take the power back!
Bam! Here's the plan
Motherfuck Uncle Sam
Step back, I know who I am