bodhi seeds

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
I'm glad I revisited White Lotus as well. First run during the summer was a tad hot and I was dog sitting/house watching for most of it. Second run was spot on and I could see people being happy with either of the girls. One was a much larger yielding expression while the other was more potent, and mind warping in effects. The warping one that I kept had a very lovely vanilla aroma in its cure while the larger yielding one reminded me of fruit.

The cut I got of the one I kept is going to be a while until I run her again as I'm going to bush her out for a better yield
My first run of her was disappointing as well. It was the last time I used 2 gallon pots. Ran the same cut after in a 5 gallon and the difference was insane. Give bodhi plants plenty of room. the difference in yields many times IMO


Well-Known Member
Cheers thanks for the heads up. I been on the fence about it for a while but I splurged on beans this month already. Must........ resist.
I have things in my cart since Saturday. Still wondering if I should place the order. Probably will but may wait until after Christmas shopping.


Well-Known Member
My first run of her was disappointing as well. It was the last time I used 2 gallon pots. Ran the same cut after in a 5 gallon and the difference was insane. Give bodhi plants plenty of room. the difference in yields many times IMO
So fucking true. I ditched small pots and will only flower in 3 gallons now. It seems to create longer flowering times and the plants really don't shine when rootbound. It sucks as I'm unable to sex as many new plants as quickly but the end result is worth it. Instead of two runs just to see the true plants potential, the first runs are much better indicators.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I can't move the pot for the D S Remix mom out the tent now she is done. I wanted to dig it out bit for bit but evn that is impossible she filled it rock solid with roots. I now have a nice airy center in the tent lmfao. Not too sure what to do. I think it is around 60 liters, that's, what, around 14 gal... last time I am doing that.


Well-Known Member
I can't move the pot for the D S Remix mom out the tent now she is done. I wanted to dig it out bit for bit but evn that is impossible she filled it rock solid with roots. I now have a nice airy center in the tent lmfao. Not too sure what to do. I think it is around 60 liters, that's, what, around 14 gal... last time I am doing that.
That sounds like a good (tons of good bud) and bad (fuck moving that heavy thing!) Problem to have. What size is your tent? Only way I could run a pot in my 10 square foot tent would be to scrog a single plant. I'd run out of head space.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who this dude is but I really like him. :) He brings great joy and happiness. What a wonderful way to enter the new year.



I've heard of UW Purp (University of Wa?) but no clue what A35 is. Any info's? All I know is they are indicas.

Looks like my Jabba's Stash and Dream Beavers will have to wait so I can do my job and test these possible gems out.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
That sounds like a good (tons of good bud) and bad (fuck moving that heavy thing!) Problem to have. What size is your tent? Only way I could run a pot in my 10 square foot tent would be to scrog a single plant. I'd run out of head space.
The tent is two by two meters, I think that's around 7 by 7 in feet. She was a challenge, what I did was let her shoot after taking the last cuts, then I had six main stalks with all the branches on top of those. I watered, waited two hours then tied those main stalks down so the tops were about where my ladies usually stand when hitting flower. Ended up as this huge afro of bud lol. It took me over an hour just to seperate the buds from the stalks, I have trimmed whole plants that quickly before. Five racks full drying. Definitely motivating me tongwt out the tents and back in a nice room, I would love to do more plants in this style but practically speaking it is a headache. I had to fill the pot IN the tent, should have seen trouble coming then already but I was high...


Well-Known Member
MyDx spam again? And making medical claims too? Man these idiots are persistent. Oh, anyone actually get there's or did the scammers tell you there is a delay until next quarter?


Well-Known Member
Well a real company would actually first make a product. Then market it. Seems like astroturfing is easier, plus you can then keep more money from gullible folks who's hard earned cash you swindled. Marketing after all is usually a great expense.

No worries though still the end of December, and as I predicted no one has gotten shit.

I have a nice screen shot of that post though and they are making medical device claims. I'll be sending that to consumer protection agency and the FDA when I'm bored at work in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Nope you are right in many ways concerning the topics concerning mydx Ty. End of Dec till whenever the pre released units will be sent. After the feedback from those that purchased the unit will be given the actual unit that will be sold to the public eventually. 10% marginal error I thought the specs would be worse for a handheld unit. The canna sensor I use at HPRC sometimes is 5% marginal error. It will not be a total loss for us because there will be other sensors we can use to test water, food, etc.


Well-Known Member
Nope you are right in many ways concerning the topics concerning mydx Ty. End of Dec till whenever the pre released units will be sent. After the feedback from those that purchased the unit will be given the actual unit that will be sold to the public eventually. 10% marginal error I thought the specs would be worse for a handheld unit. The canna sensor I use at HPRC sometimes is 5% marginal error. It will not be a total loss for us because there will be other sensors we can use to test water, food, etc.
I somehow doubt it will be accurate to be useful in any meaningful way. They hold no patents, at least none I could find. They have no team I'd put faith in to build this piece of scientific equipment. Very little business experience to go off of, and they make wild claims to boot. Anytime I see wild claims being made I immediately become suspicious as the equipment now to do these types of things are ungodly expensive and even then need calibration and people that understand how to read the outputs. It's not as tidy as this company claims, wait are they even a registered company yet? Because the scammers did not even do the most basic step people in business do when starting a new venture.

It's like they are in amateur hour over there


Well-Known Member
Nope you are right in many ways concerning the topics concerning mydx Ty. End of Dec till whenever the pre released units will be sent. After the feedback from those that purchased the unit will be given the actual unit that will be sold to the public eventually. 10% marginal error I thought the specs would be worse for a handheld unit. The canna sensor I use at HPRC sometimes is 5% marginal error. It will not be a total loss for us because there will be other sensors we can use to test water, food, etc.
But test for what in those other instances? These sensor would have to be more complicated than most university labs to figure out poisons, toxins, quality, ppm, and more. In a lab, these tests are done using multiple pieces of equipment and following completely different means of testing.

I'm not knocking you, so please don't think I am. I just don't think the public at large has more than a rudimentary level of understanding when it comes to science.

Think of the basic process of having good ones blood taken at the doctors office. Behind the scenes, one little machine doesn't tell them all those nest numbers on liver function, kidney function, cholesterol, plasma and platelet levels, white blood cell count. Some of those are grouped together, but others are entirely different tests.