PC, CFL, Bagseed Grow, Seedling Problems


Active Member
Hey everyone, hows it going?

Allow myself to introduce...myself... A couple of buddies and I are going to be getting a new place, and thus, are going to be constructing a large grow box very soon. This will be our first grow setup, and we are very excited. I have been lurking around these forums for some time, and have been reading up on all the information I can get my hands on. We move into our new place within the next couple of weeks so to tide us over until then, we have constructed a small PC grow box with two 23W CFLs (6500k) for young seedlings and possibly cloning in the future. They output 3200 lumens all together, and keep the case at a range of 80-93 degrees Farenheit. We realize this is a little hot, and could possibly explain the damage to two of our plants so far.

One plant looks pretty healthy and has been growing slowly but surely. The other two seemed to have died due to heat problems or possibly lack of water.

Please note that we actually started these plants outside for approx 3 days in mid 90s to 100 degree weather. We are on day 7 now since the seeds have sprouted. When we brought the plants inside, we bought some potting soil from our local hardware store, and some nutrients. We have given the plants a little less than a quarter strength nutrient solution mixed with the water we give them, as they are in their seedling stages.

Another question we have is if it is possible to actually have TOO much airflow? We have a 92mm case fan intake right now pushing roughly 63CFM and the PSU contains our exhaust fan. The air should be cycling through the case ever few seconds, and the plants aren't moving or being pushed around.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and we are looking forward to getting ahold of some more seeds are starting a serious grow room very soon. Thanks all, and happy growing. :)

Below are the pics, the first two are the "healthy" plant and the other two show the "dead" plant. The third plant is dead so I didn't include it. =/



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, hows it going?

Allow myself to introduce...myself... A couple of buddies and I are going to be getting a new place, and thus, are going to be constructing a large grow box very soon. This will be our first grow setup, and we are very excited. I have been lurking around these forums for some time, and have been reading up on all the information I can get my hands on. We move into our new place within the next couple of weeks so to tide us over until then, we have constructed a small PC grow box with two 23W CFLs (6500k) for young seedlings and possibly cloning in the future. They output 3200 lumens all together, and keep the case at a range of 80-93 degrees Farenheit. We realize this is a little hot, and could possibly explain the damage to two of our plants so far.

One plant looks pretty healthy and has been growing slowly but surely. The other two seemed to have died due to heat problems or possibly lack of water.

Please note that we actually started these plants outside for approx 3 days in mid 90s to 100 degree weather. We are on day 7 now since the seeds have sprouted. When we brought the plants inside, we bought some potting soil from our local hardware store, and some nutrients. We have given the plants a little less than a quarter strength nutrient solution mixed with the water we give them, as they are in their seedling stages.

Another question we have is if it is possible to actually have TOO much airflow? We have a 92mm case fan intake right now pushing roughly 63CFM and the PSU contains our exhaust fan. The air should be cycling through the case ever few seconds, and the plants aren't moving or being pushed around.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and we are looking forward to getting ahold of some more seeds are starting a serious grow room very soon. Thanks all, and happy growing. :)

Below are the pics, the first two are the "healthy" plant and the other two show the "dead" plant. The third plant is dead so I didn't include it. =/
That fourth pic of the seedling looks like it has mold or something growing on it. I would firstly lose the bark soil and go to Walmart and get some Supersoil or Hyponex. Then I would mix that with Bone meal, Blood meal, some Manure( your choice), and perlite, vermiculite, and/or peat moss all for drainage;and simply start over. Better prep = better grow.


Active Member
Yeah, I had in mind before I started that this might not end up all glory. Thank you for your reply. I'll probably get some good soil, I know theres a local shop that sells some Fox Farm soil, and it seems people have had luck with that so I might give it a try.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing a lot of reading here, the FF product line seems to be very well liked, from the soils to the nute solutions, so it may be a good idea to start using the FF products.


Active Member
Hey everyone, hows it going?

Allow myself to introduce...myself... A couple of buddies and I are going to be getting a new place, and thus, are going to be constructing a large grow box very soon. This will be our first grow setup, and we are very excited. I have been lurking around these forums for some time, and have been reading up on all the information I can get my hands on. We move into our new place within the next couple of weeks so to tide us over until then, we have constructed a small PC grow box with two 23W CFLs (6500k) for young seedlings and possibly cloning in the future. They output 3200 lumens all together, and keep the case at a range of 80-93 degrees Farenheit. We realize this is a little hot, and could possibly explain the damage to two of our plants so far.

One plant looks pretty healthy and has been growing slowly but surely. The other two seemed to have died due to heat problems or possibly lack of water.

Please note that we actually started these plants outside for approx 3 days in mid 90s to 100 degree weather. We are on day 7 now since the seeds have sprouted. When we brought the plants inside, we bought some potting soil from our local hardware store, and some nutrients. We have given the plants a little less than a quarter strength nutrient solution mixed with the water we give them, as they are in their seedling stages.

Another question we have is if it is possible to actually have TOO much airflow? We have a 92mm case fan intake right now pushing roughly 63CFM and the PSU contains our exhaust fan. The air should be cycling through the case ever few seconds, and the plants aren't moving or being pushed around.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and we are looking forward to getting ahold of some more seeds are starting a serious grow room very soon. Thanks all, and happy growing. :)

Below are the pics, the first two are the "healthy" plant and the other two show the "dead" plant. The third plant is dead so I didn't include it. =/
there is nutrients already in the soil..... you dont need to give it nutes untill a they show u... i used fox farms and its really good soil.. just mix in 1/4 perlite in with it and youll be good


Well-Known Member
ey man ur plants are way to young to be giving any nutrients ur putting them on a lot of stress wait till there at least a month old heading into the veg state than feed them nutes and yea that kinbd of heat is bad for small seedling try to get it undercontroll and u might wwanna buy some more light for vegging and flowering or switch to a small HPS


Well-Known Member
here are 3 consecutive day's pictures that were taken just to see the continuous growth :blsmoke: (resized highly, this cam can take some AWESOME closeups; last pic is cropped and @ 25% orig. size)



Well-Known Member
Here are 2 more recent pictures, the last one taken today. Doin alot better, but bottom leaves are a little droopy. Growth is just starting to speed up a good amount in the past 2 days.

One thing I have seen that seems a little abnormal from a lot of the pics i've been seeing is the growth we have is pretty thick, not leaflike thin. I don't know what it means but if any of you could give any input, be appreciated!


Last edited:


Active Member
Ok, thanks for you input guys. Here's an update:

The plant is looking better now, it does have some nute burn and it went through quite a bit of stress at the beginning. We've since transplanted her into some Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting mix, and given her a healthy drink of water. No more nutes until she (hopefully it's a she) gets bigger.

Few more recent pics here.



Well-Known Member
If you are going to use fox farm products in terms of soil here is a suggestion. If you are starting with seeds then place them into light warrior and no nutes for at least 5 days till you get three sets of true leaves not counting the cotyledon. When using nutes use it at half strength. Once you are ready to transplant in a larger pot roughly when the seedlings are about 3 weeks old then place it in ocean forest but mixed with ammendments such as ocean's blend. Then nute after 5 days and then begin alternate water and feeding schedule. When using nutes try 1/2 strength first till you undersstand the plants needs. Easier to correct a nutrient deficiency than a nutrient toxicity.


Active Member
You can see how the growth has really taken off in the past few days, the lower temps have been helping a lot as well as the right amount of water, still trying to get it right.



New Member
do any of u have a good method for seeds to sprout how long do seeds take to sprout above the soil and how much light and shit i need info please