Seed City - Anyone else use them??

This statement is simply not true.
The sent varieties are total sativa. Everyone can see it. What is white you can not say black. The silly one. If you claim you do, you should learn the basics.
The Sweet Tooth, however has some strongly indica properties. I'd already grown from the Barneys. (Low, short but strong pronged, broad-leaved and dense-flowered plant that ripens in mid-October and it has not purple flowers.) If you're saying that this sativa is a Sweet Tooth, others you will laugh out.
November eighth is today. These sativas are far from the ripening, but they have a circle indoor and with a complete outdoor season flowered.
The cultivation of this species may not only be a waste of money for themselves, but also serious damage. There are some who can understand this, you do not.
Ok Ok we get it. I understand what your saying.

Yes, you got the wrong seeds. From what it sounds like there must have been a fuck up from the breeder or even the seed bank. Sounds like the breeder though. Yes, it screwed up your harvest and timing of things. I would be pissed too. I get it.

There is not much else anyone can do for you now. What's done is done.

Seed City offered to fix the breeder or there mistake for the fuck up. No it can't be undo and no they can't go back in time to erase your current grow to start over. The damage is done. I get it.

Seed city recognizes this and has offered to compensate you. Seems too little too late in your case. Your not asking for a refund or compensation. I get it.

You have voiced your opinion and made it clear someone fucked up. I believe you.

I am glad to hear your review/complaint with this seed bank. To let others and myself know and to be aware of a problem with this seedbank.

What I do like about your post, is you made Seed-City aware of somebody's fuck up with the seeds. This raised awareness with Seed-City that there maybe/is/was a problem with there seed stock, hopefully isolated to this strain or particular breeder.

Seed-City has actually came to post on this forum to fix this problem (we know, you don't care). They are now looking or trying to get more info and your order info so they can determine where and how this occured. If it is a known problem and not an isolated incidence with this particular breeder it will be dealt with.

Seed-City is being a standup company here doing everything they can to try and make things right, and fix this before it happens to someone else. You were the unfortunate one to have this happen too.

I think this pretty much sums everything up for you. I think it would be helpful to give Seed-City a little bit more info on your order to figure out how or why this happened. By doing so, it will prevent this from happening to someone else.

If not, you have posted your complaint and there is nothing more that can be done as your not willing to or want any compensation or to help fix it.

Thanks Seed-City for coming here and posting trying to figure this out and fixing the problem. You did your best with what you have to work with. Its nice to see a company come to the forums to address a complaint and try and actually figure out where or how the mix up happened AND to prevent it again.
I think that about you summed up the situation well.
The Seed City wanted to protect his honor and his good name.
Therefore only standing here talking to me. This nasty case he wanted to scrub with few gifts beans.
And then I should be happy and shut up.
It is very likely that the breeder is not to blame. (BC Seed Depot Canada) I suspected the problem with them first.
I mentioned the incident to them even back then. If the growing has failed, then I asked them some pollen. They sent me some seeds to make up. However, they was not even Sweet Tooth seeds, because - although there were some indica varieties - they had too long flowering and they none showed character of Sweet Tooth.
Two of the crop circle and my crossing plans were destroyed.
What hurts me more, the soulless.
I have given confidence; I sent in advance of the purchase price and the cost of postal delivery. And shamelessly abused that trust. I think he knew all too well what packaged for me. I think they had a good laugh then...
Allow me to, that's because of these I give a big black point to the Seed City.

Sorry for my poor English knowledge. This is my shortcoming. I'll admit. However, I hope that was broadly understood by what I wrote.
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Hello Guru,

I'm still a little confused here. Correct me if I'm wrong, you ordered BC Sweet Tooth from us and received the seeds which you then believed not to be BC Sweet Tooth so you did not contact us at all and contacted BC Bud Depot who sent you more BC Sweet Tooth which you don't believe to be BC Sweet Tooth? If this is the correct chain of events I cannot really see what we could have done differently here. We have offered a full gift certificate for the full value of your order rather than "a few gift beans" even though you have still failed to provide any information which I could use to track down your order. There is a reason we have unanimously good reviews and that is because I / we care a great deal about our customers and in providing the best possible service. You are correct that one of the major reasons I am posting here is to protect our honor and good name and that is because I / we have spent a great deal of time and effort in building that and to be honest we deserve every bit of it. I am always very proud to honestly say that there should be no one with experience of Seed City who has a bad word to say about us. It genuinely upsets me to know that you think we sit around laughing at customers. We're hard at work trying to make them as happy as possible. The offer of a gift certificate is still and will always be valid despite what you may say about us. We hope you have a good weekend.
Hello Guru,

I'm still a little confused here. Correct me if I'm wrong, you ordered BC Sweet Tooth from us and received the seeds which you then believed not to be BC Sweet Tooth so you did not contact us at all and contacted BC Bud Depot who sent you more BC Sweet Tooth which you don't believe to be BC Sweet Tooth? If this is the correct chain of events I cannot really see what we could have done differently here. We have offered a full gift certificate for the full value of your order rather than "a few gift beans" even though you have still failed to provide any information which I could use to track down your order. There is a reason we have unanimously good reviews and that is because I / we care a great deal about our customers and in providing the best possible service. You are correct that one of the major reasons I am posting here is to protect our honor and good name and that is because I / we have spent a great deal of time and effort in building that and to be honest we deserve every bit of it. I am always very proud to honestly say that there should be no one with experience of Seed City who has a bad word to say about us. It genuinely upsets me to know that you think we sit around laughing at customers. We're hard at work trying to make them as happy as possible. The offer of a gift certificate is still and will always be valid despite what you may say about us. We hope you have a good weekend.
Hello Guru,

I'm still a little confused here. Correct me if I'm wrong, you ordered BC Sweet Tooth from us and received the seeds which you then believed not to be BC Sweet Tooth so you did not contact us at all and contacted BC Bud Depot who sent you more BC Sweet Tooth which you don't believe to be BC Sweet Tooth.

This has me confused as well. did BCbuddepot send you another pack of BC Sweet tooth that turned out not to be sweet tooth as well?

If so, then you got two different orders 1 from Seed-City and 1 directly from BC BudDepot and they were both not the strains they should have been?
I describe the story again in short sentences.
I hope it will be understandable and not confusing.

1. I got the seeds.
2. The first crop circle was found that this type is not the ordered BC Sweet Tooth.
3. I wrote to the Canadian BC Bud Depot seed company that is a problem with the genetics.
However, I asked them to pollen. No pollen was sent back, but I got some seeds from them. The plants grown from them I named SwTth II. - though had nothing to do with it.
4. I started the second flowering lap.
I continued flowering under the first round dropped from immature plants.
Next to them were flowered the plants from Canada supplied seeds. (and even some Double Bubbleberry too)
5. Double Bubbleberrys ripened in 63 days. The other ones did not. The two Canadians had not missed much.
6. The others got no more patience. They do not ripen. I was displaced them outdoor. (end of June)
7. Was obvious by then that the Seed City - from seeds obtained from plants have evolved a clear Colombian Black - with Marathon flowering.
8. Outdoor planted plants have not matured to the present day.
9. I wrote to my complaint.
10. I paid - anno - cash in my ordering letter, there was no order number.
However, you can to find my nickname: little guru. I can give you my ordering address in an E-mail. I hope you still have the my former client address.

11. I'm over in a fret. I am inclined to reconcile with you. The rest in E-mail.

I ask: is it understandable?
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Hello Guru, the only thing I'm still not clear on is when you received the second set of seeds, the ones you received directly from BC Bud Depot were they labelled as BC Sweet Tooth seeds and contained BC Sweet Tooth seeds?

I'm unfortunately unable to see an order to a username little guru but that does not mean we won't be able to find your order details. If you could perhaps narrow the order down to a rough date / month or if you could email us at [email protected] I am sure I will be able to track it down with more relevant details.
Hello SC,
The gift beans were not labeled. A glass vial arrived. I can it also show.
They was five or six regular seeds, two of which are female; typical Landrace Afghani type plants grew. (Individuals rather weak Q / Q.) Flo. was approx. 74 days.
E- mail goes soon - with relevant evidentiary information.


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We have had contact by email:

"Accordingly, the purchase occurred after the fourth of January. If you write out the address to the forum, I'm going to write the e-mails.
The price of our reconciliation is two packs of regular Daybreaker seeds.
If I get the seeds, I will ask the forum admin to delete my posts. I look forward to your response.
Than will be

This is 160 GBP of seeds - a 90 GBP gift voucher was offered which was refused:

"No problem.
You would have got off cheaply.
Now you think it's true but it is good because I got away for free ... just listen well.

Best regards :-)))"

We will not be blackmailed into providing 160 GBP of seeds. We have responded to this complaint as quickly and fairly as I believe is possible but no further responses will be made. We will not respond to threats.
Yes, I tried to negotiate with him. In this there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Let's back up just a little bit more of 160Ł.
1. When I ordered for the fake seeds I paid postage twice. For nothing. In addition, I paid as a recommended sending priority and I got only for standard mail the letter.
2. He is a two package would cost less than one pack for a buyer. (If you do not count the commercial benefits.)
3. Sending costs of two seed packet is not double.
4. When he determined the price of the seeds, a premium of 15% reported only the fact because that I paid Euro. It is not written anywhere on the website.
"Seed City - Best Prices, Biggest Selection, Cheapest ..." haha...
5. If I want i can easily to buy the desired seeds.
I do not need the two packages.
The only reason that I wrote it much, to feel that for to cause serious damage he should be the responsibility.
Not to mention how much rude is private letters publish written in a forum.
(But try to understand this to a moral corpse ...)

Now you can see what a generous gentleman is he.
He's no want to compensated for the damage he has me cause.
Was no intention.
He's every word was a lie. When he offered a compensation voucher in a private email, not posted anything there!
And now proud to be fooled again.
It is obvious that I am going to share my experiences there, where they will be curious; will be the sight of their eyes, their ears will hear.
Well, I wrote about about the cynicism ... I think this is overall at Seed City. I have it experienced. If like them and you too can experience.
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I'm from this seed bank bought a lot of seeds, and many do not require the original packaging, but there is little question, see my signature in the album, I do not understand anything from a novice grew up, I think you'll like this error should and seed companies, rather than to the seed bank, in my memory, Greenhouse seeds will germinate very difficult, BOMBSEEDS 100% will be hermie. I had also been questioned they do not require the original packaging seeds reliability, I bought some seeds from the same seed banks require another original packaging, transportation, upon arrival, I do a lot of comparison, the result is the same as 100%, no questions seeds !
I've used them a few times and had no problems , those that did come up where backed up by many people on different forums. I research all my genetics prior to purchase , and have always found seed city very cooperative in all aspects. I agree about certain breeders and buy reg seeds , usually more expensive but I have noticed a big difference in quality and vigour.
I've used them a few times and had no problems , those that did come up where backed up by many people on different forums. I research all my genetics prior to purchase , and have always found seed city very cooperative in all aspects. I agree about certain breeders and buy reg seeds , usually more expensive but I have noticed a big difference in quality and vigour.
They sell those tubes some ridiculously expensive, $ 2 in China can buy 500, but not black, they seem to have no sales black tube.
The best way is to put a sponge filled tubes were centrifuged, and then into the black box camera roll, and then filled with rice, not to freeze, these dark place under the bed can be.
A few things should be pointed out.
1. I never asked for compensation.
2. What difficulties and damage it has caused me a few seeds can not be remedied.
3. What has happened has happened. I did not lie in the story.
4. I do not want any compensation now, because I no longer trust you.
5. There are people who deify you, but I had another experience with you. It's nasty business.
6. Everyone I recommend not to buy seed dealer shops, but the direct ordering seeds from seed companies.
I have since grown in just American varieties. Rather, I take the difficulties of raising sexing as the unabashed deception.

I think it likely that a small foreign country could risk sending the fake seeds.
Anyway ... She will never complain ...
Well, now I do not let things without saying a word.
I know I'm right, but I do not enjoy the taste of victory.
I am very sad.
I think u r asking a little too much, if u don't like their methods go elsewhere, I have always received products undamaged unless you wish to pay xtra for your specific type of packaging.
Little guru, life is unpredictable and shit happens.
Suck it up and start a fresh . I've had problems with bcbd on 2 different strains, I will contact them as I know it's a problem that many people have been through.
Ok Ok we get it. I understand what your saying.

Yes, you got the wrong seeds. From what it sounds like there must have been a fuck up from the breeder or even the seed bank. Sounds like the breeder though. Yes, it screwed up your harvest and timing of things. I would be pissed too. I get it.

There is not much else anyone can do for you now. What's done is done.

Seed City offered to fix the breeder or there mistake for the fuck up. No it can't be undo and no they can't go back in time to erase your current grow to start over. The damage is done. I get it.

Seed city recognizes this and has offered to compensate you. Seems too little too late in your case. Your not asking for a refund or compensation. I get it.

You have voiced your opinion and made it clear someone fucked up. I believe you.

I am glad to hear your review/complaint with this seed bank. To let others and myself know and to be aware of a problem with this seedbank.

What I do like about your post, is you made Seed-City aware of somebody's fuck up with the seeds. This raised awareness with Seed-City that there maybe/is/was a problem with there seed stock, hopefully isolated to this strain or particular breeder.

Seed-City has actually came to post on this forum to fix this problem (we know, you don't care). They are now looking or trying to get more info and your order info so they can determine where and how this occured. If it is a known problem and not an isolated incidence with this particular breeder it will be dealt with.

Seed-City is being a standup company here doing everything they can to try and make things right, and fix this before it happens to someone else. You were the unfortunate one to have this happen too.

I think this pretty much sums everything up for you. I think it would be helpful to give Seed-City a little bit more info on your order to figure out how or why this happened. By doing so, it will prevent this from happening to someone else.

If not, you have posted your complaint and there is nothing more that can be done as your not willing to or want any compensation or to help fix it.

Thanks Seed-City for coming here and posting trying to figure this out and fixing the problem. You did your best with what you have to work with. Its nice to see a company come to the forums to address a complaint and try and actually figure out where or how the mix up happened AND to prevent it again.
to be fair,its a pretty costly fuck up.and im sure he is worried if he gets more seeds from seed city,the same might happen again.if it happened to you,youd be furious.imagine week 9 of flower,everything should be ready to harvest,but the buds are only half done.its good seedcity are trying to fix things,,but still...
I'd like to think I would notice a sat dom to and indica as he claims , bcbd seeds can be iffy I know a. Few people who have had strange plants, I had one that started to flower under 18 hours, I threw them all out, and I checked that bcbd supplied seed city and they do and packaging was correct according to bcbd. I might email them, but doubt it, he was offered compensation and flowered the seeds , at 3 +weeks u get an idea of strain, so nobody said he had continue, how many different phenotypes are there in the strain he chose, this is all things u consider beforehand. IMHO

I never claimed that the Seed City - customers also had positive experiences too.
I am not one of them. I was wrong. That was my story.
Otherwise, I found the number of my orders and also the image showing side by side with two copies of the same kind.
But I think it is no doubt that Seed City sent me a fake seeds.
I would have been much better if I throw my money. This vile 22+ weeks of flowering sativa grown a huge sucking!!!
I just wanted to warn others; so just a heads up, research what you are buying before you part with your hard earned cash. You learn from this or not. That is your errand.

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