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about 2.5 ozs
what's choice about that scrog'n technique - fully rotational

sounds like your seeds are f1 from that combo.
or have u done any f2's? shoreline wat
2.5 oz's lol... I was going for a lb and a half.. and I am pretty sure these are F3's but not 100% sure which bag I pull this bean from. But yes I have bred F2's and F3's and working on F4's currently.
I've got the 440s. And the HIDs are 1000s but are dimmable to 600w, which is where I'll probably keep them for this grow. I also have a window A/C unit going... don't know if that was in the pics or not.

And I'm right with you on the SCROG deal. It may be a bit more work setting up and a bit more fussing and waiting in veg, but I it's a lot less work overall (less transplanting/watering and such) and the pay-off is so huge.

How do you like the A51? Or have you just started with it? I looked real hard at that unit... but the Solar Storms were just more available up where I'm at.
Wow, Q - I am sorry. I did not see this until this morning. I really like the A-51. They will get more of my business. Anything worth having is going to cost you, but they strike a good balance, and peer pressure helped in my decision. I have several friends on here who swear by them. As is the case with all LEDs, effective range is the key. I have done pretty well, but I don't think I have hit the max that the light is capable of producing just yet. I keep making really bad, mad scientist decisions along the way...lol.
How many plant for SCROG fro a 2.5 feet wide and 3 feet long? Also heard that auto's are not good for scrog, topping, ect. Just for a shealth grow or a few small grow space, also no clonnig is recommended also Auto's do have there place in marijuana cultivation
One. And autos are NOT a good choice, as the growing setup/veg time, if done correctly, exceeds the normal veg time of the autos. The cloning issue is the same - the hormonal response kicks in before you have a larger plant. Autos are GREAT for SOG...not ScrOG.
I should have elaborated as I wasn't very clear, I realise I need to grow it sideways, but am I best to just top it, then work those horizontally under the net, or do what I've done before and grow it for a bit, then flip it on its side (which is what I was planning)
I use a 30"x30" square screen/cart with one plant. I top once (Uncle Ben method), use 'U' wires to hold down the 4 resulting mains until it gets big enough to need my screen which is a fixed height 10" above the pot. I am putting the screen on this one in a few days to continue what I have started. The methods you use to control growth are up to you. The screen is to maximize the usage of the light footprint via training of the plant and getting that 'horizontal' growth you are talking about. It CAN be used strictly for support, but that is not ScrOGgin'. The SOGs look good and all, but @woodsmantoker hasn't been feeling well enough to take you all to the tool shed, I don't think. Less plants....more training....it's the ScrOGger way! No disrespect intended.Sabrina_12-26.jpg
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Okay guys so I have read through the first 102 pages. I am looking for someone with a similar setup to mine, but have yet to find it. Here is what I'm working with. I have an 8'x10' room with a screen that measures about 9'x8'. My lighting consist of 3000 watts on a light mover with my screen set about 15" above my buckets. My plants are growing in a Titan Flo n gro system. If anybody could direct me to a thread where someone is running an 8'x8' screen or larger I would greatly appreciate it.
Okay guys so I have read through the first 102 pages. I am looking for someone with a similar setup to mine, but have yet to find it. Here is what I'm working with. I have an 8'x10' room with a screen that measures about 9'x8'. My lighting consist of 3000 watts on a light mover with my screen set about 15" above my buckets. My plants are growing in a Titan Flo n gro system. If anybody could direct me to a thread where someone is running an 8'x8' screen or larger I would greatly appreciate it.
You will not find many people running it like that. To inaccessible for most folks.
You will not find many people running it like that. To inaccessible for most folks.
Okay guys so I have read through the first 102 pages. I am looking for someone with a similar setup to mine, but have yet to find it. Here is what I'm working with. I have an 8'x10' room with a screen that measures about 9'x8'. My lighting consist of 3000 watts on a light mover with my screen set about 15" above my buckets. My plants are growing in a Titan Flo n gro system. If anybody could direct me to a thread where someone is running an 8'x8' screen or larger I would greatly appreciate it.

The only person I know that's tunning anything remotely close to that size is MD914. She's a great scrog grower and has like a 4x8 screen with 1600w. That'll prolly be your best bet to check out and believe me when I say she knows her stuff. Here's the link https://www.rollitup.org/t/organic-multi-strain-1600-watt-5x10-scrog.855398/

Well as you can see link says 5x10 so that's what it is
Like Dr said that would be best as you want room to be able to get to all your plants. Too big and your gonna have some major problems unless you can access around all the plants
Thanks. I will check it out. I currently just army crawl under the screen to access them. That is why I set my screen 15" above my buckets. This puts my net at about 30" from the floor. I have 20 plants in there now ( 4 rows of 5) spaced 18" center to center.
Thanks. I will check it out. I currently just army crawl under the screen to access them. That is why I set my screen 15" above my buckets. This puts my net at about 30" from the floor. I have 20 plants in there now ( 4 rows of 5) spaced 18" center to center.

Next run dumb your screen down so you can access around the plants. I know that's a bitch crawling up under the screen all the time. I'm young but got bad back so no way I could do that lol. Throw some pix up when you can would love to see your work and to know what your growing
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image.jpg image.jpg Here is my setup.

3 Thc Bombs
2 Dinafem Blue Widows
1 Dinafem Critical Jack

5 gallon smart pots
Roots Organics soil with the full RO nute line
600 w hps with 2 135w full spectrum led ufos

These pics are day 20 since 12/12. I have done some light defoliation but thinking I may need to do a lot more. The scrog setup is 42"x42" with the 6 plants that were vegged for 5 weeks after breaking ground. This is my second grow both scrogs so still learning everyday. All plants are healthy and have had no issues whatsoever.

Should I defoliate or let it go? If I defoliate will that push back the harvest date at all? thanks for any help!
View attachment 3323982 View attachment 3323983 Here is my setup.

3 Thc Bombs
2 Dinafem Blue Widows
1 Dinafem Critical Jack

5 gallon smart pots
Roots Organics soil with the full RO nute line
600 w hps with 2 135w full spectrum led ufos

These pics are day 20 since 12/12. I have done some light defoliation but thinking I may need to do a lot more. The scrog setup is 42"x42" with the 6 plants that were vegged for 5 weeks after breaking ground. This is my second grow both scrogs so still learning everyday. All plants are healthy and have had no issues whatsoever.

Should I defoliate or let it go? If I defoliate will that push back the harvest date at all? thanks for any help!
Looks nice:)
View attachment 3323982 View attachment 3323983 Here is my setup.

3 Thc Bombs
2 Dinafem Blue Widows
1 Dinafem Critical Jack

5 gallon smart pots
Roots Organics soil with the full RO nute line
600 w hps with 2 135w full spectrum led ufos

These pics are day 20 since 12/12. I have done some light defoliation but thinking I may need to do a lot more. The scrog setup is 42"x42" with the 6 plants that were vegged for 5 weeks after breaking ground. This is my second grow both scrogs so still learning everyday. All plants are healthy and have had no issues whatsoever.

Should I defoliate or let it go? If I defoliate will that push back the harvest date at all? thanks for any help!
You are doing a great job with them, but you have too many plants for your area. You will probably have little choice but to defoliate (very touchy subject), and yes, if you take it to the extreme you can stress your plants and cause things to take longer. Try to tuck first, then pluck. I would use fewer plants and veg longer. 5 weeks from breaking ground is really only 2 weeks veg, which is not enough time to take advantage of your screen, and might actually be rushing your plants a bit. If you INSIST on multiple plants, two would be more than enough and four is pushing it for your space in 5 gallon pots. Also, mixing strains is asking for trouble early on. You have different finishing times, heights, and completely different needs. Most veteran ScrOGgers who depend upon their schedules grow from clones. Growing from seeds (which I do, because I LOVE variety) is seen as a gamble. Growing from SIX seeds and varying strains is tempting the hermie gods. Things will be fine...until they're not. Good luck, and enjoy the laboratory!
View attachment 3323982 View attachment 3323983 Here is my setup.

3 Thc Bombs
2 Dinafem Blue Widows
1 Dinafem Critical Jack

5 gallon smart pots
Roots Organics soil with the full RO nute line
600 w hps with 2 135w full spectrum led ufos

These pics are day 20 since 12/12. I have done some light defoliation but thinking I may need to do a lot more. The scrog setup is 42"x42" with the 6 plants that were vegged for 5 weeks after breaking ground. This is my second grow both scrogs so still learning everyday. All plants are healthy and have had no issues whatsoever.

Should I defoliate or let it go? If I defoliate will that push back the harvest date at all? thanks for any help!

Great job! Be careful with the defoliation after the stretch is over. Some strains are sensitive to it. I know I stalled some White Russian for a week and a bit because I got a little aggressive. Then I wondered, what did I gain with the better light penetration and what did I lose in 8/9 days of lost growth? Probably a wash...

What I like to do is strip the plants right down within a couple days of flipping to 12/12. Then just maintain with light trimmings through the next couple of weeks. Once stretch is over I just take the odd leaf off that's sitting on top of a bud site....