i thought he was younger. i didnt even see the pic. i agree.If it was on the cheek I wouldn't say a thing... but its on his lips...
naaahh he DEFINALTELY isnt my favorite rapper and hasnt been. im more with the old southern rap. the gooood shit. project pat is my man lol =( but hes gettin washed up... quick! and so is the rest of three six. but they're old shit will always be blastin here!Sorry if I ruined one of your favorite rappers....
I know I can never bring myself to listening to his music again...
Every time I hear a homie put on one of his songs I just roll my eyes and try not to picture this dude swapping spit with papa.. uhhhh
ya i seen that shit and i think they are both fuckin pathetic! thats what i hate bout all these fuckin stupid ass rappers these days.... thinkin they so fuckin bad and better then anyone else. they are just little ignorrant bitches hiding behind guns
Maybe birdman did weezy like dre did eminem. Ha Ha HaNot to hate on your taste in rap music... But how are you gonna listen to a closet homo-sexual rappin like he's bad....
Did non of you see the picture of him kissin his suppossed daddy on the mouth...
Lil Wayne and Baby Kissing Photo...Rapper Admits it is Real - Associated Content
I don't care where you live... if your a boy and your dad kisses you on the mouth... something Fucking wrong...
Child services will give kids to anyone nowadays..
haha ur exactly right bro ur exactly rightMaybe birdman did weezy like dre did eminem. Ha Ha Ha