NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

What would be a more incredible discovery, compared to the fact that we are not alone in this universe, and that we have cosmic brothers in space?

More incredible discoveries could be from the things that those beings could share with us. It's really just a matter of opinion though... :). I'm not saying it wouldn't be an incredible discovery. More than likely any beings from elsewhere would only contact specific people though, and not the entire globe at once. At this point at least.
More incredible discoveries could be from the things that those beings could share with us. It's really just a matter of opinion though... :). I'm not saying it wouldn't be an incredible discovery. More than likely any beings from elsewhere would only contact specific people though, and not the entire globe at once. At this point at least.

Yes, the technology that the aliens have must be incredible. Imagine how much more they are advanced compared to us humans? The question is: are they thousands of years more advanced? Millions of years more advanced? Or maybe even billions of years more advanced?

But, yes, I believe there would be choas if every human found out that aliens are visiting the planet, or whatever. There would be massive panic, and people would totally freak out if it was a known fact that aliens are visiting the Earth.

But, I am sure that aliens will be inevitable in the distant future, or maybe sooner. I just hope that people don't totally freak out and cause anarchy.

I'm not so sure, but I believe the article in the OP is credible, but I am not sure about the "aliens invading" articles that follow the OP. OP = Origional Post.

What do you guys believe, or better yet, what do you know about these sources?

I've met tons of aliens already (Mexicans, mostly). None suggested to me that a full-scale invasion was imminent, so I'm pretty sure we're golden.

No, this thread is not about illegal aliens, but rather extraterrestrial aliens.

@Nevaeh420 Humans will never become that advanced because they can't come to a consensus on anything. We compete with each other over ideas, money and technology. If we all had one idea, worked together on it and thought like a hive vs being a stubborn ass and wanting to go our own way and be the first to succeed then we may be able to space travel in the future. I did crack up when I seen your picture I didn't know if you were joking or what (alien smoking a cigarette) . That doesn't mean I don't believe you. Nobody believed me when I told my story. One thing I will say though the feeling I got from them wasn't a warm fuzzy feeling. It was terrifying and very unsettling, I was physically shaking afterward. People aren't the friendliest we kill each other and pollute the planet. Who would want to make contact with that? Here are some interesting facts, everything on this planet came from outer space, everything on this planet eats something else. Why would the rest of the universe be different? So on that note I doubt they would come to earth to make friends.
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@Nevaeh420 Humans will never become that advanced because they can't come to a consensus on anything. We compete with each other over ideas, money and technology. If we all had one idea, worked together on it and thought like a hive vs being a stubborn ass and wanting to go our own way and be the first to succeed then we may be able to space travel in the future. I did crack up when I seen your picture I didn't know if you were joking or what (alien smoking a cigarette) . That doesn't mean I don't believe you. Nobody believed me when I told my story. One thing I will say though the feeling I got from them wasn't a warm fuzzy feeling. It was terrifying and very unsettling, I was physically shaking afterward. People aren't the friendliest we kill each other and pollute the planet. Who would want to make contact with that? Here are some interesting facts, everything on this planet came from outer space, everything on this planet eats something else. Why would the rest of the universe be different? So on that note I doubt they would come to earth to make friends.

Yes, in My video about that encounter with that being, I believe I said, "it looked like he was smoking something", or whatever I said. In retrospect, I don't believe that being was smoking anything because that beings hands were moving too fast to actually inhale and exhale. All I know is that I have vivid memories of that beings hands move to its head and back down, and to its head and back down at a very rapid speed.

I tried to replicate what I saw in that video. I saw that being from the side (at that point) and it was moving its hands and arm to its head and back down very quickly. I have no idea what it was doing. Maybe it was waving to Me? Regardless what it was doing, I have vivid memories of this being, and I am very confused what the purpose of this encounter actually was.

This being didn't speak to Me, as a matter of fact, I don't believe I remember hearing one noise, because this being was outside on top of My neighbors roof, and I was watching this being from My bed through a window.

So, I wonder what the purpose of this encounter was? All I did was watch this being move, and it put on a show. I didn't try and talk to this being either, but I believe I did wave to this being. I guess I could have went outside and talk to this being, but that thought didn't even cross My mind.

I did report this being to MUFON- aka Mutual UFO Network maybe a year or so after this encounter. I talked to a MUFON staff member, and I told them My story as best as I could remember. I talked to MUFON on the phone, and I wrote a few emails to them too.

Anyways, do you also believe you had an encounter with an alien? If yes, what did this being look like? When did you see this alien? What did this alien do? How long did you watch the alien for? Please provide Me with all of the details as you remember the encounter.

I am sorry that you had a negative encounter. My encounter with this being was casual, meaning I was very placid, calm, reserved, inquisitive, stable, and basically I wasn't freaking out at all. I was like hyptnotised and mesmorized during My encounter with this being.

But a few months after this encounter, My brain was playing tricks on Me and I was getting paranoid, delusional, a little psychotic, and just freaking out because I believed I saw an actual alien, and I don't know what it wanted, or the repurcussions.

Now, I try not to think about aliens, but I still remember My encounter with that being. I don't know what the point to that encounter was? It would be different if it left Me some sort of empirical evidence like alien technology or alien DNA. I still don't have any proof, besides My true story. And why did this being visit Me? Its not like I can do anything besides tell My true story.

So, I am still confused. I have more questions than answers.

I reported mine to mufon and i got an uneasy feeling and didn't give them my true name or have pictures and nobody contacted me. This is a link to unsinkable ufo thread I'm about to show how to tell the real thing from fakes.

Interesting. I made it to page 8, and I didn't watch all the videos.

So you believe you saw a UFO?

I see UFOs every night, or either the "stars" actually move. Go look at your night sky on a clear night, and focus on one "star" at a time: watch this "star" for a least a minute, and see if it moves.

Either I see UFOs, or its an incredible optical illusion.

Every Night? ^ "incredible optical illusion".

I should have been more explicit: I see UFOs (or stars that move) every night EXCEPT when its too cloudy outside.

And yes, if its an optical illusion, its an incredible optical illusion, because I see these "stars" move great distances: but these "stars" usually hold a loose position.

I see these "stars" stay still, and I see them move for a long time in any direction, but they usually move back to this loose position.

I have also seen UFOs move in a nearly straight line, and then dim out into blackness, and thats with no clouds in the sky too.

On July 2, 2012, I saw blue UFOs and some were purple and green. Then a few months later, I saw that "alien" being, in 2012.

I prefer this UFO spiel far-more than the messiah one. although i'm sure you'll find a way to somehow get carried away with it too.
have a nice day george.

I get a Haldol injection every 3 weeks, and I am faithful at getting My shot.

That is awesome! I'm very happy to see that you know that you need it. It's not an easy life to live for yourself or the one's that love you. Haldol enables alot of people to live a much more productive life than without it. This is one of the reasons why I back away from those a little that think there should be no big pharma. Not that they aren't corporate dicks but my life would be much more empty without someone that takes Haldol in it. Don't sweat the shallow people that make fun, there are those of us in the world that are not afflicted but love someone who is and have empathy for all of you.
That is awesome! I'm very happy to see that you know that you need it. It's not an easy life to live for yourself or the one's that love you. Haldol enables alot of people to live a much more productive life than without it. This is one of the reasons why I back away from those a little that think there should be no big pharma. Not that they aren't corporate dicks but my life would be much more empty without someone that takes Haldol in it. Don't sweat the shallow people that make fun, there are those of us in the world that are not afflicted but love someone who is and have empathy for all of you.
very positive post bro, this is what this place needs...........sometimes
NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

Scientists at NASA and also in the massive Keck observatory in Hawaii have decided that it is quite possible that we will find alien life sooner than later. They even have a relative date.

"It is not hyperbolic to suggest that scientists could very well discover extraterrestrial intelligence within two decades' time or less, given resources to conduct the search," Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, said in testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

According to them, we will meet intelligent alien life by 2034. That's even earlier than the first date of contact in the fictional "Star Trek" series, which was April 5, 2063.

Much of the reason why scientists like Shostak are confident that we will meet aliens by 2034 is because of the great advances we are making in technology and space research. Already are there plans for terraforming mars and colonizing the planet with human life. Already are there spacecrafts orbiting the other planets in our solar system. Even a planet identical to Earth that can host life has been found, and hundreds of other prospects.

"Recent analyses of Kepler data suggest that as many as one star in five will have a habitable, Earth-size planet in orbit around it," Shostak told the lawmakers. "This number could be too large by perhaps a factor of two or three, but even so it implies that the Milky Way is home to 10 to 80 billion cousins of Earth."

Although these "Earth cousins" are too far to inhabit yet, we are making fast technology advances to be able to reach there in the future.

The Kepler telescopes have greatly contributed to our relatively new understanding of how many different planets exist in our universe. Nonetheless, they are reaching their limit and new telescopes will be taking their place like the James Webb Space Telescope and huge terrestrial scopes in Hawaii, and Chile that will complement the search.

Very soon, Shostak's prediction may come true. We may meet alien life sooner than later.

I told you I married one. They have been here for years.