Well-Known Member
I prefer this UFO spiel far-more than the messiah one. although i'm sure you'll find a way to somehow get carried away with it too.
have a nice day george.
Its all apart of My His story... My History.
All I can be is honest. Of course anyone can lie, but since I am morally just, I prefer honesty. Plus, I have an incredible story, if its all true, in My opinion.
I just hope that one day, I will be the Author of My piblished book(s), and I will be able to entertain people for many hours, and I hope to be an inspiration to many people. If you can sum up everything that I have ever written in the past 6 years or so, it should be innate and manifest that I just want to help people find the ultimate Truth, so they can prosper, have peace, strive for greatness, be content with their life, have love for the whole world, and just help themself so they can in turn help the whole world, etc.. To be as candid as possible, I just want to help the whole world prosper.
But, I am only a mortal human, and the internet is My greatest "pulpit" right now. I need people that will join My knowledge revolution, and try and educate people about the ultimate Truth and science.
Regardless what I am talking about, I am trying to make the world a better place. If more people were free thinkers, and studied My Words, contemplated My Words, I believe a knowledge revolution would soon ensue.
But, I am all about peace, and violence is not the answer for most problems: but its okay to deffend yourself if you are being physically assalted, raped, etc..
Knowledge is the key to enlightenment.
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