Black racist targets and murders NYC cops....


im gonna go back to arguing instead of replying the way you reply to me

according to the BJS or Bureau of Justice Statistics black on white crimes from 1980 to 2008 were higher then white on black crimes

see page 13 figures 19, 20a and 20b on this pdf by the Bureau of Justice Statistics

if you can comprehend graphs it clearly shows that black on white crimes were higher then white on black maybe not by much but it still is enough to support my argument

im gonna go back to arguing instead of replying the way you reply to me

according to the BJS or Bureau of Justice Statistics black on white crimes from 1980 to 2008 were higher then white on black crimes

see page 13 figures 19, 20a and 20b on this pdf by the Bureau of Justice Statistics

if you can comprehend graphs it clearly shows that black on white crimes were higher then white on black maybe not by much but it still is enough to support my argument

White on black crime is almost an oxymoron. That shit is legal.
do you even politics, baby ty?

that show blacks kill more blacks from around 1987 then white people kill whites

this next graph shows black on white as opposed to white on black


this one shows homicide to victim rate


that show blacks kill more blacks from around 1987 then white people kill whites

this next graph shows black on white as opposed to white on black


this one shows homicide to victim rate


maybe if you repeat the same thing again you can overcome the immutable laws of mathematics.
have you ever thought about moving to phoenix, or the mogollon rim?

was just there and thought you could have a field day there.
I have thought about phx. lots of many chicagoins there.... open carry.... warm weather.... I only know one person there... my business partners and close friends from socal {who is also a Chicago native} she lives in apache junction but she is the reason my boy shot himself in the head with a .45 outside of Victorville ca. so I donno how I feel about her .... I have however giving it considerate thought... its cheap as shit to live out there... and I kinda dig the desert landscape I donno how I will do in 118 degreese though
I have thought about phx. lots of many chicagoins there.... open carry.... warm weather.... I only know one person there... my business partners and close friends from socal {who is also a Chicago native} she lives in apache junction but she is the reason my boy shot himself in the head with a .45 outside of Victorville ca. so I donno how I feel about her .... I have however giving it considerate thought... its cheap as shit to live out there... and I kinda dig the desert landscape I donno how I will do in 118 degreese though
Why did he shoot himself in the head. Was she leaving him ?
I have thought about phx. lots of many chicagoins there.... open carry.... warm weather.... I only know one person there... my business partners and close friends from socal {who is also a Chicago native} she lives in apache junction but she is the reason my boy shot himself in the head with a .45 outside of Victorville ca. so I donno how I feel about her .... I have however giving it considerate thought... its cheap as shit to live out there... and I kinda dig the desert landscape I donno how I will do in 118 degreese though

whatever you do, just avoid apache junction like the plague.