NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

I prefer this UFO spiel far-more than the messiah one. although i'm sure you'll find a way to somehow get carried away with it too.
have a nice day george.


Its all apart of My His story... My History.

All I can be is honest. Of course anyone can lie, but since I am morally just, I prefer honesty. Plus, I have an incredible story, if its all true, in My opinion.

I just hope that one day, I will be the Author of My piblished book(s), and I will be able to entertain people for many hours, and I hope to be an inspiration to many people. If you can sum up everything that I have ever written in the past 6 years or so, it should be innate and manifest that I just want to help people find the ultimate Truth, so they can prosper, have peace, strive for greatness, be content with their life, have love for the whole world, and just help themself so they can in turn help the whole world, etc.. To be as candid as possible, I just want to help the whole world prosper.

But, I am only a mortal human, and the internet is My greatest "pulpit" right now. I need people that will join My knowledge revolution, and try and educate people about the ultimate Truth and science.

Regardless what I am talking about, I am trying to make the world a better place. If more people were free thinkers, and studied My Words, contemplated My Words, I believe a knowledge revolution would soon ensue.

But, I am all about peace, and violence is not the answer for most problems: but its okay to deffend yourself if you are being physically assalted, raped, etc..

Knowledge is the key to enlightenment.

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Interesting. I made it to page 8, and I didn't watch all the videos.

So you believe you saw a UFO?

I see UFOs every night, or either the "stars" actually move. Go look at your night sky on a clear night, and focus on one "star" at a time: watch this "star" for a least a minute, and see if it moves.

Either I see UFOs, or its an incredible optical illusion.

I seen a few. The one I was talking about was only 50 feet away. If your seeing what looks like a star moving back and forth it's most likely a satellite. keep reading the thread or go right to the end the last two short movies I posted tell how to spot a fake video.
actually, what's more likely to happen will be a solar flare that will decimate our power grid. unless we're prepared/live like the Amish, we'll all more than likely die from murder or disease, lol... the boy scout motto applies here, "be prepared!!!"
I seen a few. The one I was talking about was only 50 feet away. If your seeing what looks like a star moving back and forth it's most likely a satellite. keep reading the thread or go right to the end the last two short movies I posted tell how to spot a fake video.

Yes, I could be seeing satellights, I don't know what I am seeing to be honest.

But why would satellights appear to move? I am sure that satellights orbit the Earth, and they are not "bouncing" all over the place. Plus, these UFOs emulate the star constellations, i.e., the big dipper, orions belt, etc..

I highly doubt that satellights are in the same position as the constellations.

Someone suggested that I am seeing an optical illusion, and he gave Me a link that said that stars appear to move because of the turbulence in the atmosphere. But that wouldn't explain the UFOs that I have seen move in a nearly straight line, and then dim out to nothing.

It could be an optical illusion, but I see these UFOs move, and stay in that place for a while, move again and stay in place, and then after a while, it moves close to the origional position.

I would suggest that you guys watch the "stars" in your sky, on a clear night, to see if they move too.

actually, what's more likely to happen will be a solar flare that will decimate our power grid. unless we're prepared/live like the Amish, we'll all more than likely die from murder or disease, lol... the boy scout motto applies here, "be prepared!!!"

When has a solar flare ever effected us?

A satellite will move across the sky on a set path it will stop then move back. When you see it fade out its probably moving into the earths shadow. I live in the country so I can see them all the time along with the northern lights which are caused by solar flares btw.
Yes, I could be seeing satellights, I don't know what I am seeing to be honest.

But why would satellights appear to move? I am sure that satellights orbit the Earth, and they are not "bouncing" all over the place. Plus, these UFOs emulate the star constellations, i.e., the big dipper, orions belt, etc..

I highly doubt that satellights are in the same position as the constellations.

Someone suggested that I am seeing an optical illusion, and he gave Me a link that said that stars appear to move because of the turbulence in the atmosphere. But that wouldn't explain the UFOs that I have seen move in a nearly straight line, and then dim out to nothing.

It could be an optical illusion, but I see these UFOs move, and stay in that place for a while, move again and stay in place, and then after a while, it moves close to the origional position.

I would suggest that you guys watch the "stars" in your sky, on a clear night, to see if they move too.

Around here in the northeast, we get the orange fireball irrational movement ufo's. Mostly in the warmer months. Can get a fix on a particular structure. Not at all scary, Did see something cross the sky leaving a brief green/blue streak. I believe that may have been glancing off our atmosphere. We would be stupid to believe we are alone. Toke break!
When has a solar flare ever effected us?
1859 was the last big one, but it was when we were way less dependent on electronics, so it could be huge. the u.s. power grid system has a pretty low rating. i think like a c or a d or something, not very good! could you imagine, no electronics? no car, no pumps for gas, no refrigerator, etc. it'd be the perfect storm, but that's what if.....
A satellite will move across the sky on a set path it will stop then move back. When you see it fade out its probably moving into the earths shadow. I live in the country so I can see them all the time along with the northern lights which are caused by solar flares btw.

I doubt that I am seeing satellights, because these UFOs are in the form of star constellations.

And I have already said this online, and I will say it again: there was the brightest UFO that I would see, and it barely ever moved around much. I no longer see this brightest UFO in My sky anymore. But one day, I saw this UFO get really bright, then it moved towards the north west, then it moved back to where it came from, and very fast too. This was at dusk time too, it wasn't totally the night time yet. I have vivid memerories of this. Even My mother said that she saw the "stars" dance around, but when I told her to look at the brightest UFO, she said she didn't see it move, and I concured.

I believe there is a dichotomy, its either the government or aliens: or maybe both?

Around here in the northeast, we get the orange fireball irrational movement ufo's. Mostly in the warmer months. Can get a fix on a particular structure. Not at all scary, Did see something cross the sky leaving a brief green/blue streak. I believe that may have been glancing off our atmosphere. We would be stupid to believe we are alone. Toke break!

I am from the northeast. I am living in Massachusetts right now, but I plan on moving back to My house in Maine in a couple years or less.

But, yes, I see can see UFOs every clear night, or either its an optical illusion, and the stars appear to move?

And, I have seen UFOs that were blue, purple, and green, one night on July 2nd of 2012: and then a few months later I saw that being in the year 2012. And a couple of those articles in the first few posts of this thread said that the aliens will make contact with people by the end of 2012, yes?

I don't know what I have seen, but I am sure the government knows if aliens have visited us.

I am from the northeast. I am living in Massachusetts right now, but I plan on moving back to My house in Maine in a couple years or less.

But, yes, I see can see UFOs every clear night, or either its an optical illusion, and the stars appear to move?

And, I have seen UFOs that were blue, purple, and green, one night on July 2nd of 2012: and then a few months later I saw that being in the year 2012. And a couple of those articles in the first few posts of this thread said that the aliens will make contact with people by the end of 2012, yes?

I don't know what I have seen, but I am sure the government knows if aliens have visited us.

Sounds about right. Two of my sightings were on july 4. One in 2012 @ 2013. Third was on july 3 of this year. For obvious reasons I did not say the date. But these were not fireworks. Upon checking ufo sightings I was happy that others had seen and reported on them. Has anyone seen the enterprise in our suns corona?
Sounds about right. Two of my sightings were on july 4. One in 2012 @ 2013. Third was on july 3 of this year. For obvious reasons I did not say the date. But these were not fireworks. Upon checking ufo sightings I was happy that others had seen and reported on them. Has anyone seen the enterprise in our suns corona?

Yes, I hate saying that I saw UFOs on July 2nd, because people are going to assume that I saw fireworks: but those UFOs were not exploding, they were hovering.

Maybe a month after I saw those UFOs, I met a girl that said that she also saw those UFOs, and there were other people on the beach that saw them too. Those UFOs appeared to be over the ocean, or very close to the ocean.

I just want to be honest. I remember thinking, its July 2nd, people are going to think I saw fireworks. But, at about midnight on July 2nd, I called 911 to report the UFOs.

Yes, I hate saying that I saw UFOs on July 2nd, because people are going to assume that I saw fireworks: but those UFOs were not exploding, they were hovering.

Maybe a month after I saw those UFOs, I met a girl that said that she also saw those UFOs, and there were other people on the beach that saw them too. Those UFOs appeared to be over the ocean, or very close to the ocean.

I just want to be honest. I remember thinking, its July 2nd, people are going to think I saw fireworks. But, at about midnight on July 2nd, I called 911 to report the UFOs.

my kids witnessed these also. took weeks to calm my boys fears
Yes, I hate saying that I saw UFOs on July 2nd, because people are going to assume that I saw fireworks: but those UFOs were not exploding, they were hovering.

Maybe a month after I saw those UFOs, I met a girl that said that she also saw those UFOs, and there were other people on the beach that saw them too. Those UFOs appeared to be over the ocean, or very close to the ocean.

I just want to be honest. I remember thinking, its July 2nd, people are going to think I saw fireworks. But, at about midnight on July 2nd, I called 911 to report the UFOs.

I sent you a pm, I wanted you to post your alien stealth suit story in the alien tech thread.
my kids witnessed these also. took weeks to calm my boys fears

Wow, no kidding.

But UFOs aren't really a big deal to Me, compared to seeing that being maybe 10 or 20 yards away. If I was able to video tape My encounter with that being, you would agree that UFOs are not that big of a deal, compared to seeing this being up close and personal. What a sight it was. It was almost like that being was putting on a show.

If you watch that video I made, on post number 4 of this thread, you could watch Me show a depiction of that being. I don't know how to articulate it into words, so thats why I drew a few pictures of what I saw.

At first, that being was totally invisible. I noticed that a tree was blowing too much. I got My bb gun with a 4 power scope, and I didn't see anything weird. After many minutes of watching, this grayish greenish circle thing appeared. Next, there were two holes in the middle of this circle, like eyes. Then a bunch of holes were appearing and disappearing on top of these two "eyes".

After many minutes of watching this circle thing, and holes popping up and going away very fast, maybe it lasted for a half an hour or so: I saw this beings body. It was translucent, or partially see through. I could see this being, but I could see through it at the same time. It had a face, and I saw the nose, I remember seeing arms and a hand: I saw the beings body, and I am pretty sure that I saw the legs too. It was on top of My neighbors roof the whole time, and I was sitting or laying on My bed, watching through a 4 power scope.

It was incredible.

I have very vivid memories, and I doubt I will ever forget that encounter with that being.

Wow, no kidding.

But UFOs aren't really a big deal to Me, compared to seeing that being maybe 10 or 20 yards away. If I was able to video tape My encounter with that being, you would agree that UFOs are not that big of a deal, compared to seeing this being up close and personal. What a sight it was. It was almost like that being was putting on a show.

If you watch that video I made, on post number 4 of this thread, you could watch Me show a depiction of that being. I don't know how to articulate it into words, so thats why I drew a few pictures of what I saw.

At first, that being was totally invisible. I noticed that a tree was blowing too much. I got My bb gun with a 4 power scope, and I didn't see anything weird. After many minutes of watching, this grayish greenish circle thing appeared. Next, there were two holes in the middle of this circle, like eyes. Then a bunch of holes were appearing and disappearing on top of these two "eyes".

After many minutes of watching this circle thing, and holes popping up and going away very fast, maybe it lasted for a half an hour or so: I saw this beings body. It was translucent, or partially see through. I could see this being, but I could see through it at the same time. It had a face, and I saw the nose, I remember seeing arms and a hand: I saw the beings body, and I am pretty sure that I saw the legs too. It was on top of My neighbors roof the whole time, and I was sitting or laying on My bed, watching through a 4 power scope.

It was incredible.

I have very vivid memories, and I doubt I will ever forget that encounter with that being.


Anything like this?
