What could $10 million/hour buy us?


Well-Known Member
He was in Afghanistan. Where he could be reached.
Saudi Arabia?
We have problems trying to lift an embargo on a authoritarian regime in Cuba. HOw would we ever sanction a democratic stronghold of liberty like Saudi Arabia?
I like this post with one small exception, he wasn't exactly caught in Afghanistan, was he?


Well-Known Member
Here's food for thought & a question my wife posed , where do you think middle eastern politics would be at present had the allies left the middle east to tend to its own affairs directly after ww2 ?


Well-Known Member
I like this post with one small exception, he wasn't exactly caught in Afghanistan, was he?
He didn't leave for Pakistan until a few months after we invaded.
We should of just played dumb until we had reliable targeting info. Then immoliated the entire province he was in. I would go so far as to say. Nuke the mother fucker


Well-Known Member
The 10 million could be spent on a plethora of things far more productive for society in general.
But thats only if korea allows u to keep it.

Maybe somone should ask korea if its ok to finally bring all the troops home now


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate Osama so much that you are willing to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people just to get him?
Probably over a million dead now as a result of the War of Terror.

That's like 1/6 of the 3rd Reich.

The half-Reich...?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He didn't leave for Pakistan until a few months after we invaded.
We should of just played dumb until we had reliable targeting info. Then immoliated the entire province he was in. I would go so far as to say. Nuke the mother fucker
If there were a rampant diseased floor shitter loose in Wisconsin, should every Wendys be nuked ?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I like this post with one small exception, he wasn't exactly caught in Afghanistan, was he?
he WAS in afghanistan, then when the US Marine Corps came knocking on his door, he fled out the back way and scurried off to the second biggest taliban stronghold, the "tribal regions" (read as "lawless frontiers") of pakistan.

if he had fled to france, japan, or i daresay even cuba, his ass would have been blackbagged by the local authorities and he would have been delivered tied up with a pretty pink bow, because NOBODY but moslem fundamentalists and lunatics would let that dipshit run his monkeyshines from their territory.

bin laden and his crew of loveable shitheels were persona non grata everywhere except afpak's lawless hinterlands.
he even got booted out of somalia (his last known address)
thats pretty fucked up right there, even SOMALIA didnt want that chucklehead bringing down their already depressed property values.

as a bandit, hostis humani generis, he was an outlaw, forced to hide out among pirates brigands and telemarketers.
and even those guys didnt like sharing space with that pile of fetid crap.

why didnt he hide out among the glorious and noble palestinians?
cuz even hamas has too much credibility to associate with that fuckwit, no matter how deep his pockets were.

weeping over bin laden is a sign of mental illness, the inability to understand linear time, causality and the sequence of events that ended with OBL hiding in a secure "compound" in pakistan is a symptom of clinical retardation.

you might as well demand to know why Ira Einhorn was finally apprehended in the south of france instead of in philly where he robbed and murdered a girl (and helped found "earth day") before stuffing her corpse into an icechest and fleeing to montreal, then europe, where he lived the high life on her stolen trust fund monies.

bin laden wasnt gonna sit in his cave waiting to get popped in the dome or get bagged and tagged for a trip to some secret underground triple max slam where he would never see daylight again. he had shit to do, so he scurried off to pakistan to continue his shenanigans.


Well-Known Member
bin laden wasnt gonna sit in his cave waiting to get popped in the dome or get bagged and tagged for a trip to some secret underground triple max slam where he would never see daylight again. he had shit to do, so he scurried off to pakistan to continue his shenanigans.
Could he dig up a doctor and pay him 20 menthol Kools for a surgical shine job on his eyeballs?