ok i took every ones advice and here it is


Thanks everyone for the help it's really coming together I've done my suggested readings and learned the basics and asked for help to fine tune it


Honestly I'm enjoying this 2 much I'm ganna leave it up lol. . . But yeah thank u everyone for the advice it's really comming together the only issue I have now is getting my hands on ph up and ph down nutes and a small fan for my veg room I have a big box fan for my flower room/ temp veg room till first group is ready to flower/
but it will be in close proximity to the plants in my veg room so . . .but yeah it's really looking good and comming together just need nutes right now I'm giving then 1/2 dose of mirical grow once just it's too acidic and with out ph up I don' want to put that. Much


Well-Known Member
Spend another month reading about organics :) You won't be disappointed. I find it super easy. No bottles no worrying about PH or any of that. Just water.


Well-Known Member
ROLS thread in the organics section. The Tea thread also has a bunch of good reading. Reading threw some of subcools threads on supersoil can also be beneficial, but don't think it needs to be that complicated for a first time organic grower. It will help you get an understanding.

Teaming with Microbes is a good book a lot of folks suggest. The same author has another one Teaming with Nutrients I think it's called.