GOP 3rd ranking house member addressed white supremacists

Al Sharpton is a frequent visitor to the white house and close confidant of the Kenyan. Does that put Tawana's feces on the presidential linen?
Associating with "extremists" looks bad, I agree.


I read that this picture was taken just before they stomped on some white kittens, though I can't confirm or deny that actually happened.
It's rude to refer to anyone, let alone the President of the United States by his middle name.



David Duke's views have far more in common with Zionism than he would ever admit. The idea of reversing the Diaspora for example. This idea was expounded upon extensively by Anders Breivik. Is it not decidedly bigoted to wish that Jews leave Europe and North America and "go back to Israel"? I know, that isn't the way the sentiment is expressed by Jewish Zionists, who simply wish to have a homeland, but consider the apparent fascism of the government of Israel as well.
whoa! i like..skull, pink, skull, obama:wink:
Look carefully...It's an assassinated president. Although, he did have a skeletal look about him.
I think one can upload their own pics as forms on that site. I should have slapped Duke's face in there, but was too lazy.
in the 4+ years since you joined this forum, people who share your racist ideology have committed approximately racially motivated 1200-1400 hate crimes. and yet, not a peep from you.

but, al sharpton.

I'm betting during that time at least that many janitors at Wendys had a real shitty cleanup job.

Yet, not a poop from you.
Look carefully...It's an assassinated president. Although, he did have a skeletal look about him.
I think one can upload their own pics as forms on that site. I should have slapped Duke's face in there, but was too lazy.

ahhhhhh! lincoln.

do you have that link?

can you make cloth poster from?