will my seedling survive?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys,

Im only a new grower and have just started off with a couple plants growing in pots outdoors. Yesterday i made a very stupid mistake and put the seedlings close to my pool.. Im quite sure the sun/heat reflecting off the water overheated my seedlings. Is there any possibility that this seedling will recover? and/or is there anything i can do to help her?

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks community.
I will upload a couple pictures to give you an idea of what she looks like and hopefully you can give me the correct advice for her. :)

IMG_3594.jpg IMG_3595.jpg
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they might recover , but i cant see the lead from that pencil doing them any good though , leave the pencil in and they will definately die , take it out and they might recover.... but hard to say
I will remove pencil and tube now, thankyou. do you guys recommend keep them out in the sun today? As i live in Australia and its quite hot and dry today, 28 degrees celsius?

Thankyou Chchhazed and weedenhanced very much appreciated!
Removed pencil/support, so this is the updated photo. Left tube in as i see it as no harm, my stems aren't to strong right now :(.

The long stem on that plant means it's most likely growing in low light levels. Then you took a plant used to low levels and put it outside in quite high levels shocking/burning it. Increase your indoor lighting so it's a closer match to outside then you can move it without shocking it and it will actually grow well.
ya that tube needs to go. when it takes off in a couple days it'll be stuck on there. i prop it up with some old dry stems placed around it. also theres always the option of using a fluorescent light placed a couple inches away from the plant. by the way, that seedling looks way over watered. its just a sprout. it doesn't need the container filled with water. you'll drown it and make the leaves sag and growth slow way down.
ya that tube needs to go. when it takes off in a couple days it'll be stuck on there. i prop it up with some old dry stems placed around it. also theres always the option of using a fluorescent light placed a couple inches away from the plant. by the way, that seedling looks way over watered. its just a sprout. it doesn't need the container filled with water. you'll drown it and make the leaves sag and growth slow way down.

Seems like a scissors could accomplish that removal without issue, less to mess with later if it's not needed though.
ya that tube needs to go. when it takes off in a couple days it'll be stuck on there. i prop it up with some old dry stems placed around it. also theres always the option of using a fluorescent light placed a couple inches away from the plant. by the way, that seedling looks way over watered. its just a sprout. it doesn't need the container filled with water. you'll drown it and make the leaves sag and growth slow way down.

I currently have it under a fluorescent light indoors today, with a fan on it. I only watered yesterday evening, i will use less water next time. I was told to have 20% of water run out of the bottom of the pot and then thats enough. Tube is also cut for easy removal, but i will remove tube now.

Thankyou Alienwidow for your help!
I currently have it under a fluorescent light indoors today, with a fan on it. I only watered yesterday evening, i will use less water next time. I was told to have 20% of water run out of the bottom of the pot and then thats enough. Tube is also cut for easy removal, but i will remove tube now.

Thankyou Alienwidow for your help!
when they say 20 % run off thats when the plant is like 6inches tall. i go for ten % in soil, 20 % in soil less. i wish you luck taking the tube off. you might want props handy incase it falls down. you'll see with the reduced watering it will take off soon. i use a 60 ml syringe to water seedlings and often don't use the whole thing. the plant wants a wet dry cycle. gives air to the roots.
when they say 20 % run off thats when the plant is like 6inches tall. i go for ten % in soil, 20 % in soil less. i wish you luck taking the tube off. you might want props handy incase it falls down. you'll see with the reduced watering it will take off soon. i use a 60 ml syringe to water seedlings and often don't use the whole thing. the plant wants a wet dry cycle. gives air to the roots.

Great idea Alienwidow ill use a syringe to water my seedlings from now on :). Tube is also off without to much movement for the plant, it was pre cut so it wasn't to bad to get off.
Thanks again :)
was called a lead pencil when I went to school, oh how times have changed lol . maybe I should have stayed at school longer, wtf is graphite.
Lead has never been used in pencils. In a few ancient versions maybe, but never in any living person's life has a pencil had lead in it's "lead". The "lead" is and always has been graphite. It's funny how we call it lead, thus making people think it's made of lead, even though it has no lead. Think about it, would we let all the kids chew up pencils if they had a lead bar running down the middle?
Lead has never been used in pencils. In a few ancient versions maybe, but never in any living person's life has a pencil had lead in it's "lead". The "lead" is and always has been graphite. It's funny how we call it lead, thus making people think it's made of lead, even though it has no lead. Think about it, would we let all the kids chew up pencils if they had a lead bar running down the middle?

hmmm maybe we mite let them chew it, they never thought asbestos would do us harm , or 245t which is agent orange, they thought that wasn't harmful to people, now though is a different story
Lol you let kids chew pencils….

I think that seedling is going to be fine, i've seen plants recover from worse.
That makes me more confident thank you newGrows :).
YW, sometimes when mine looked like they were on the brink of death (which happened a lot in the beginning) I came on here crying and thats all it really took since the problem is usually solved by gentle watering and waiting.