GOP 3rd ranking house member addressed white supremacists

Hillary Clinton and a lot of Democrats were also screaming WAR WAR WAR!!!

Attempting to rewrite history will not solve anything. Cheney is not going to get tried for war crimes no matter how much you want it. He is out of office, he no longer has power.

Shit, I am already almost over Obama and he is still president for almost 2 years!!

The Clintons are already far more wealthy than Mitt Romney but because he had some stock in college from rich parents he is the anti-christ.

Dont get me wrong, I am sick of them all. The system indoctrinates the politicians that want to be lifers and manipulates them into serving themselves rather than the public. The way they maintain control and divert attention is to create divisions of American people and set them against one another. Making a profit in this country is now seen as a bad thing unless you are a liberal and hate yourself and then it is ok.
making a profit from a war in which you caused is a bad thing, sorry you seem willing to defend it.

More corruption and loss of government funds then an entire US military branch.

Who profited? Cheney, then he donated some of it. How nice of him, I wonder how many prosthetic limbs it paid for.

I take any chance I can to smear that scumbag's name, I remind everyone that he ALLOWED TORTURE.

Fuck anyone who thinks torture is ever okay.
We need a new batch of bingo cards
Maybe a Non aggression principle one

found this on facebook

More corruption and loss of government funds then an entire US military branch.

Who profited? Cheney, then he donated some of it. How nice of him, I wonder how many prosthetic limbs it paid for.

I take any chance I can to smear that scumbag's name, I remind everyone that he ALLOWED TORTURE.

Fuck anyone who thinks torture is ever okay.

Not because the military branches weren't trying though, they are plenty wasteful too.
Clinton didn't scream war war war. She was just spineless enough as the rest of Congress to give Bush the power to go to war.
Bush Said it would be a last resort. Another fucking lie from your boys

My who? I think they all suck...

You are the one still spouting the partisan bullshit. I am simply demonstrating and illustrating that both sides are the same. The Clintons and Gore's are filthy rich from politics. They all get rich now, that is the primary reason we get shit for leadership.
How many of those contracts were "no bid"?

Who issued the contracts? Do you have any evidence of a crime or are you just butthurting about something that happened over 6 years ago? Christ, give it a rest already.

Clinton voted for it along with the rest. Spineless doesnt cover it unless you can prove that Cheney waterboarded them...

Same coin, 2 sides, you lose with every toss...
My who? I think they all suck...

You are the one still spouting the partisan bullshit. I am simply demonstrating and illustrating that both sides are the same. The Clintons and Gore's are filthy rich from politics. They all get rich now, that is the primary reason we get shit for leadership.
AL Gore and Clinton both profited on wars they started?
They made bank on the deaths of others?
Could you give an example of Rev Wright being anti-white and anti-American

I never claimed that Rev Wright is anti-white and anti-american although he has made many derogatory statements about both subjects.

Is your desire to be right about something sometime just once overriding your brain?
Who issued the contracts? Do you have any evidence of a crime or are you just butthurting about something that happened over 6 years ago? Christ, give it a rest already.

Clinton voted for it along with the rest. Spineless doesnt cover it unless you can prove that Cheney waterboarded them...

Same coin, 2 sides, you lose with every toss...
What exactly did Clinton vote for and why exactly did Bush ask for it?