Overwhelmed , under skilled - and very fucking stressed


Well-Known Member
Yea would love to c u last 5mins in my local (BARRLINNIE) in scotland toughest Nick in the world IMO and take it from someone who knows mate NOT FKN NICE..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the continued moral support guys

Growing dad thanks for the link

I really like the fear of god additude your bringing to the table

But I stopped reading after 40 dollars worth of heroin
"Dealing. Drugs from the house "

I work 6 days a week , I don't get time to sit on my arse

I probably spend an hour a day , my mother dosent even live in the house

And like I would ever deal from my house ?

Have you guys never heard of spot drop ?


Well-Known Member
sell the crop (minus your reserve) to one buyer. don't get involved with distribution. you have enough risk with one game. that's just me. *I did watch most of the first 5 seasons of Weeds, so I AM kind of an expert : )


Well-Known Member
sell the crop (minus your reserve) to one buyer. don't get involved with distribution. you have enough risk with one game. that's just me. *I did watch most of the first 5 seasons of Weeds, so I AM kind of an expert : )
That was the idea
Instead of all the visitors I just wanted to grow a p
Sell a p
That would cover repayments for a while probably 9/10 fix my credit situation

I've calmed down a lot over the last few days
Since getting more equipment I reverted back to level one noob grower and wanted to touch things every 5 mins and got the shots when it wasn't 10 feet tall yet

As iv said to you all already

I do apologise for the ill timing and my temper

I'm having lots of fun and things are growing well


Well-Known Member
they were beautiful. and frankly my friend. the world . its pretty shit. I know im going to enjoy lockup far less then freedom

but the fact of the matter is , weather im ill or not , i honestly don't believe what i do is wrong , i never sold enough to make a dime , maybe back on setup

give me freedom of choice or lock me up.

living in a world as a slave to the man . honestly fuck that shit dude. iv been bullied since day dot. and iv always stood up for what i believes right

at the end of the day. at the scale i was or will run things. it would be an absolute embarrassment for any legal entity to persue me for anything other then connects. and i don't dogg.

i find inner peace in growing a few plants in my home , i look on the news and realise that im actually not a bad person . and if my government is to punish me for such a petty and harmless thing , then such is life.

with all the straight up fucked shit going on in the world . iv realised its erry man for himself.

will your conscious be clear when the knock comes to your door ?


Well-Known Member
police chase methlabs.

im a nobody gardener.

my heat footprint would be that far less of a reptile enclosure.

anyways were so far off topic.

im here to learn. i love this shit. its motivating me . interesting , and giving life to plants is helping with my anxiety and depression heaps well

admittedly the pictures were intended to tourment. however i just want to be taken seriously. this thing you guys do is so cool .

why cant you just like . be helpful ey.

if i went from seed to harvest , first go in clayballs with no meters or gadjets. im not saying im the shit . but i do have potential.

im just here to garden man.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got what you needed, eh? Good.. good.. And edit your face out of the picture!!!! ;)

How much light did you use to get a lb? Good pull for your first go at it.


Well-Known Member
but its such a shame to hide such a beautiful face. yeah np will do :)

i vegged for ages under some cfl's a china ufo . and a stolen phototherapy light bahahahah

and when i went out and got the tent i went licious maximum 600w digi ballast and coupled it with a gavita super lumens bulb
super bright , i dunno , this is my first ever hps ballast and light . the only drama i had with the light was when i switched past 100% on the ballast to super lumen , i got a small amount of flickering/light distortion from the bulb,

but yeah , a 600w hps , with a china ufo to prevent stretch,


Well-Known Member
that's great man, a lb from 600w is pretty damn good if ya ask me! Give your self a pat on the back because most noobs are lucky to get 1/2 that and run into so many problems during the process, you can only get better from here. Hope you're moms doing well, she's gonna be very happy :)


Well-Known Member
i finished that up in October and yeah. by December i had the itch to get something going again.....

all the trips to the particular grow store iv made friends with gave me a rocking chrissy present..........

ive selected a few beans and i got em germing a few days back , very excited to see this cross iv selected. not too sure if its been done yet



Active Member
If in a med state ask to be her caregiver then explain the medical side top to bottom with pictures and statistics from wallet street journal time rolling stones etc her era and generation...not high times or riu even though they both dear to me and hopefully you it won't mean Jack shit to her because she will still give two pisses about them because won't have the trust or passion like the many of us... She will one of the others mention because that was their time alcohol ended prohibition the same stock markets wall street etc all the last and ever lasting generation but anyhow explain how your doing it for a better cause helping and wanting to maybe fix her bad back or knee not my mom so don't know any symptoms she has but look as it is going to make the difference and this is like community service or training apprenticeship something hell you smoke use your imagination out of curiosity how old are you not for living with mom or anything because I've been there done that while used heavy drugs and after coming home from militay...but .. no offense rambling on cursing fuck this and fuck that ... Not speaking or acting like a grown man or woman in that case..I'm sorry but I'm also trying to help you by mentioning it I know a lot of my mental and progressive ocd issues make me ramble on with mixed scattering sometimes but using foul language to that extreme honestly won't help you the case the others are on here trying to do looks like smut.. and your only showing reflections of your self from actions so remember that when talking to your mom she will be less inclined to listen if she doesn't hear what she wants to hear..so choose wisely and if you have some burning bridges with her put em out a least 2 weeks in advance so do that tomorrow and message back on here if want exact details on how to confront your mother and or anyone else in that matter and I'll post as comment for everyone to see read and agree disagree with encourage or say I'm nut job it don't matter because I'm happy I live in nice house with wife and son and she ok with my 8x4 tent in our upstairs spare bedroom.. I'm under30 and been multiple business owner turn key projects as well as the city's youngest successful bar owner's.. I know sales,people,reactions,
Like I said I'm I have severe ocd and I see thing's differently and hundreds of possibilities good and bad with things I see.. so I plan reactions on things I say ahead of time to predict out comes and various seneros on how reroute detour back to the selling point...its easier for me to do it and prove it than explaining it because this I have to think to explain...my ideas come naturally and If can help you I'd love too or anyone else at that matter even if not on the subject just message me..sounds crazy but will you lose anything from not hearing it out ? You need to play chess not checkers my friend...but I never said I'm a master grower lol that's why I'm studying a problem I'm having and do your self the favor and stop researching so much it hurt me on my soil grow I couldn't see then problems,that I was creating from second guessing what I read and what I was currently reading.. sounds like you might have a touch of add or adhd perhaps? Not judging hell I got it but find a few respected journals or George Cervantes video or something alike a diy on you tube find one room with your equipment have replicate that with your stuff light fan duct etc then test it if it seems good when work then leave it alone it's very difficult and seemed impossible to build that box type from supercloset that appeared out of price range at the time...lol in all spent a lot more huh? And guess what your not complete but get your basics mounted starting etc I'd say buy 1 15 gallons black and yellow tote from Lowe's in the painting and store/cabinet area I missed them 100 times looking.. but then on Amazon go and get a air pump or from a pets Mart if you want to continue the sherade of waisting money have I been close so far? Lets just say my bought system comes on Saturday...and I have built minimum of 20 systems hydro totes,cabinet,dresser you name it I've done it the two other ways you thought about before hand..and to think I've yet to complete a successful grow..why because I was building and changing instead of actually growing!! I'm about 3k down from a project started in August I have two on my latest and last diy tote till my Aeroponic system arrives got 25 clones going from a deal on Amazon also don't worry if some of the top dogs on here don't like the Amazon stuff says it's crappie etc. That's true because of some of the high grade high tech equipment they use but a bang for your buck and besides are you growing it for one of them that is dispensary grade growers on here bashing the equipment or the person who hopefully dosnt know your growing it and i don't support illegal selling but I understand why you and others do.. been there done that but I was distribution not growing... Anyways my friend good luck either way I hope I can help you out of needed also if want the rest of the spec I used for the black tote let me know it only ran probably 100$ to set up a two plant system hydro and could use for mothers down the road for cutting clones.. plus they not gonna be your clientele..that's where your people and salesmen ship would come in handy.. always be honest on a trusted scale never sell to kids or most gangsters and undercovers and you should be just fine I can explain the details on why..but don't think should have a question of logic on my motives for that matter..well I'm finished smoking and rambling but good luck and let me know if I can help..IMAG0337.jpg IMAG0211.jpg


Well-Known Member
If in a med state ask to be her caregiver then explain the medical side top to bottom with pictures and statistics from wallet street journal time rolling stones etc her era and generation...not high times or riu even though they both dear to me and hopefully you it won't mean Jack shit to her because she will still give two pisses about them because won't have the trust or passion like the many of us... She will one of the others mention because that was their time alcohol ended prohibition the same stock markets wall street etc all the last and ever lasting generation but anyhow explain how your doing it for a better cause helping and wanting to maybe fix her bad back or knee not my mom so don't know any symptoms she has but look as it is going to make the difference and this is like community service or training apprenticeship something hell you smoke use your imagination out of curiosity how old are you not for living with mom or anything because I've been there done that while used heavy drugs and after coming home from militay...but .. no offense rambling on cursing fuck this and fuck that ... Not speaking or acting like a grown man or woman in that case..I'm sorry but I'm also trying to help you by mentioning it I know a lot of my mental and progressive ocd issues make me ramble on with mixed scattering sometimes but using foul language to that extreme honestly won't help you the case the others are on here trying to do looks like smut.. and your only showing reflections of your self from actions so remember that when talking to your mom she will be less inclined to listen if she doesn't hear what she wants to hear..so choose wisely and if you have some burning bridges with her put em out a least 2 weeks in advance so do that tomorrow and message back on here if want exact details on how to confront your mother and or anyone else in that matter and I'll post as comment for everyone to see read and agree disagree with encourage or say I'm nut job it don't matter because I'm happy I live in nice house with wife and son and she ok with my 8x4 tent in our upstairs spare bedroom.. I'm under30 and been multiple business owner turn key projects as well as the city's youngest successful bar owner's.. I know sales,people,reactions,
Like I said I'm I have severe ocd and I see thing's differently and hundreds of possibilities good and bad with things I see.. so I plan reactions on things I say ahead of time to predict out comes and various seneros on how reroute detour back to the selling point...its easier for me to do it and prove it than explaining it because this I have to think to explain...my ideas come naturally and If can help you I'd love too or anyone else at that matter even if not on the subject just message me..sounds crazy but will you lose anything from not hearing it out ? You need to play chess not checkers my friend...but I never said I'm a master grower lol that's why I'm studying a problem I'm having and do your self the favor and stop researching so much it hurt me on my soil grow I couldn't see then problems,that I was creating from second guessing what I read and what I was currently reading.. sounds like you might have a touch of add or adhd perhaps? Not judging hell I got it but find a few respected journals or George Cervantes video or something alike a diy on you tube find one room with your equipment have replicate that with your stuff light fan duct etc then test it if it seems good when work then leave it alone it's very difficult and seemed impossible to build that box type from supercloset that appeared out of price range at the time...lol in all spent a lot more huh? And guess what your not complete but get your basics mounted starting etc I'd say buy 1 15 gallons black and yellow tote from Lowe's in the painting and store/cabinet area I missed them 100 times looking.. but then on Amazon go and get a air pump or from a pets Mart if you want to continue the sherade of waisting money have I been close so far? Lets just say my bought system comes on Saturday...and I have built minimum of 20 systems hydro totes,cabinet,dresser you name it I've done it the two other ways you thought about before hand..and to think I've yet to complete a successful grow..why because I was building and changing instead of actually growing!! I'm about 3k down from a project started in August I have two on my latest and last diy tote till my Aeroponic system arrives got 25 clones going from a deal on Amazon also don't worry if some of the top dogs on here don't like the Amazon stuff says it's crappie etc. That's true because of some of the high grade high tech equipment they use but a bang for your buck and besides are you growing it for one of them that is dispensary grade growers on here bashing the equipment or the person who hopefully dosnt know your growing it and i don't support illegal selling but I understand why you and others do.. been there done that but I was distribution not growing... Anyways my friend good luck either way I hope I can help you out of needed also if want the rest of the spec I used for the black tote let me know it only ran probably 100$ to set up a two plant system hydro and could use for mothers down the road for cutting clones.. plus they not gonna be your clientele..that's where your people and salesmen ship would come in handy.. always be honest on a trusted scale never sell to kids or most gangsters and undercovers and you should be just fine I can explain the details on why..but don't think should have a question of logic on my motives for that matter..well I'm finished smoking and rambling but good luck and let me know if I can help..View attachment 3323175 View attachment 3323177
I didn't read this post due to it not having any sentence or paragraph structure (makes it very hard to read), but the plants and clones in the pics look very, very nice.
