Spider Mites


Active Member
There are tiny little almost non visible bugs crawling in my soil and compost (we think they are spider mites). The outer edges of the leaves on my plants are beginning to yellow. We bought some insecticidal soap today and mixed it with the water we gave them and the bottle says to do this once a week. Does anyone have any experience with this or have any other suggestions for us-Thanks! :joint:


New Member
GG ...

Those aren't spider mites. What you have is probably black gnats. They lay their eggs in the soil and the larvae feed off of the roots. Spider Mites live on the undersides of the leaves and can be seen using a scope. If you had Spider Mites, your leaves would all be mottled with tiny yellow spots caused by the mites puncturing through the undersides of the leaves to get thier nutrients.



Well-Known Member
i am growing outside and i have little gnats and mesquitos will any of them do any harm to my 2 week old plants also i water alot because i live in arizona what can i do to get rid of them. also im just using regular poting soil. and the buggies have been there sine i planted


Well-Known Member
The harm fungus gnats do is at the roots. The larvae feed on the nutrients at the roots. There are several things you can use outdoors to help control gnats. I heard some as simple as putting a few inches of sand over the top of the soil will help. VV


Active Member
The little buggers are still there today too after we watered with the insecticidal soap mix. There also appears to be very small reddish tinted ones on the leaves also????


Active Member
After bout the 3rd treatment it looks like we killed all the little bastards-but keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for all your input! :mrgreen: