How often should i circulate air in my drying tent?


Well-Known Member
So I just harvested a few G13PE and Blue Cheese,
And I'm in the process of drying them using my normal routine...

I cut and hang my plant whole.
I vent my tent for 15min an hour the first day
15 min every 1.5 hours the next two days
Then once every 2 hours for the following 3 days, after which I trim my girls, cut em down to individual branches, and dry one day more before curing.

But is there a "perfect" cfm of air I should be circulating to to get the best slow dry without risking mold?? How does everyone else like to dry?!

I'm drying in a 2x3x6 tent that I partioned in half to help keep rH at a good 40-50% while ventilation is off
I personally just have a 440cfm fan/filter recirculitating the same air in the room 24/7 when plants are drying. Room humidity about 60-65 done 3 Harvest this way so far with no issues and good results. Best of luck man. I think cfm with the carbon filter/is more so personal preference/how strong the smell is more than anything else for drying but I could be way off for all I know. Alls I know is the slower you can get it to dry without molding, the better. Best of luck.
I feel the same way man. I'm just trying to keep good rH and doing whatever works. I mean I usually have really good results, but I'm still working toward perfecting the technique. But with so much information abound, I'm hoping one of the OG members will drop some knowledge of a cfm/rH ratio for a perfect dry.
I feel the same way man. I'm just trying to keep good rH and doing whatever works. I mean I usually have really good results, but I'm still working toward perfecting the technique. But with so much information abound, I'm hoping one of the OG members will drop some knowledge of a cfm/rH ratio for a perfect dry.
Lol for sure bro I feel you & that's what's up.

I do feel like it could improve your perfect dry some by raising your humidity to at least 60, probably 65% if your bringing in fresh air + exhausting old periodically. Starting after like day 3 or whenever your plants get a little dry. I know for me doing that and not trimming including fan leaves was the best dry I've ever had, very slow about a 30+ day dry which was a pita to trim but some of the tastiest smoke I've had in a LONG times.

Would be tight if some of the real experienced growers would share some knowledge

@Mr.Moniker what are your temps like?
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So basically the way I've been drying works fine then haha. Thanks RM3. AND @RM3 I used your boiling water technique, I can't wait to see how it turns out!
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@RM3 when is your book coming out?? I wanna pick up a copy. I just got done reading the ed Rosenthal grow bible and I'm friending for another book to read!
@RM3 when is your book coming out?? I wanna pick up a copy. I just got done reading the ed Rosenthal grow bible and I'm friending for another book to read!
I'm still workin on it, added a few more experiments that need to finish up, I'm hopin for for next summer
Dude RM3 is a fuckin legend, your better of listening to him then arguing with him. Ya might learn a thing or two;)
Not so sure I'd go that far, but thank you
For a young dude like me, people like you, Light Addict, SeeMoreBuds, Full Duplex, all the Experienced growers that have been doing it for years and posting about it all over the web really are legends.

I mean,I know your not ed Rosenthal or Mel Frank, but your one of the main guys that me and more then a few growers I know personally have learned from. I mean I've been growing for a few years now, but in the pursuit of knowledge, I've come across countless threads where you've dropped knowledge bombs that have really helped me and others along the way, even though I just recently started posting online. If your not a legend your deffinantly a respected name amongst a lot of growers man.

That's why I can't wait for your book to come out!! I've got a feeling it's gonna give me a lot to think about and help change my garden up for the better. I just tried your boiling water technique and after clipping and smoking some of the dryer small buds, I'm amazed at how smoothe the smoke is without even curing yet. It's stuff like that that can really influence a younger generation of growers to experiment, and get the best out of their grows.
For a young dude like me, people like you, Light Addict, SeeMoreBuds, Full Duplex, all the Experienced growers that have been doing it for years and posting about it all over the web really are legends.

I mean,I know your not ed Rosenthal or Mel Frank, but your one of the main guys that me and more then a few growers I know personally have learned from. I mean I've been growing for a few years now, but in the pursuit of knowledge, I've come across countless threads where you've dropped knowledge bombs that have really helped me and others along the way, even though I just recently started posting online. If your not a legend your deffinantly a respected name amongst a lot of growers man.

That's why I can't wait for your book to come out!! I've got a feeling it's gonna give me a lot to think about and help change my garden up for the better. I just tried your boiling water technique and after clipping and smoking some of the dryer small buds, I'm amazed at how smoothe the smoke is without even curing yet. It's stuff like that that can really influence a younger generation of growers to experiment, and get the best out of their grows.

Thank You !!! now go post that boiled smoke report in the boiled thread LOL
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