newbie needs help. I tink it's too late late :(

Hi all,

First off, great Forum. Thanks to all you growers out there helping us new guys getting along.
I am 32 and starting to grow because I am fed up smoking all that rubish out there, with all that garbarge they mix it with. Here in europe it's sadly the case :( and0 like probably everywhere, it's too expensive for what it is.

anyhow please be patient as this is my first ever grow and I am on my own. All I have is internet, but i am reading and learning 5 to 6 hours a day and trying to learn as much as I can to do things the right way.

My setup:
tent: Homebox 2,40m long * 1,50m large * 2m high.
light: 2 * 600w mh and 2* 600w HPS.
soil: biobuzz premix - biobuzz all mix

Strains are/were green-o-matic, super critical, purple cheese and tutankamun.

I was all pround 'cause I got my seeds to germinate, but 5 days later, I think they didn't make it :( They haven't changed in 2 days now.

What I did, was to germinate the seeds in water for 48 hours and I put them in Jiffy Pellets so the seedlins could grow and then I wanted to put them in soil when I had a couple of leaves. They did pull up a bit, so I think I didn't drown them with the water for 48 hours.

If you look at the pics below, what do you think? are they gone or will I be able to save my babies?
These where taken 6 hours ago
last night 1.JPG last night 2.JPG

This one was taken a couple of minutes ago

I posted the pics in another thread someone was saying TD, what does that mean?
With the tent, when should I start using my 600W MH? Can I use them from day 1 if they are high enough?

any help is really apreciated,

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
looks like the little lumberjacks came. mass damping off. stop watering and i hope those weren't still under a dome being sprayed w water. if they dry out some may live. at least i think thats what the problem is from the pics.

yes they were in a dome removing it right away :( I thought they needed it because of moisture :( So I took the dome down. I have 40% RH and temp is at 78 - 80°. Is that ok?



Well-Known Member
oh and a little fan is giving them a breeze, is that ok or does someone think that is too much stress at the moment?
I would keep the fan i had a prety decent size fan on mine from the day they sprouted makes your stalk stonger and helps keep that mosture off your plants


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tipp!
No prob us growers got to Stick together. I'm on my first girl also don't have the nice equipment you have though I am just using fluorescence. I'm 5 weeks into flower 11 weeks into my grow. Went from 13 seeds to for plants one turned mail one turned her me and now I got two girls going. Hope I make it To smoke. Good luck to you and hope They pull through.
No prob us growers got to Stick together. I'm on my first girl also don't have the nice equipment you have though I am just using fluorescence. I'm 5 weeks into flower 11 weeks into my grow. Went from 13 seeds to for plants one turned mail one turned her me and now I got two girls going. Hope I make it To smoke. Good luck to you and hope They pull through.
Thanks! well hope your girls turn out and you be smoking up soon and get all the reward for the hard work!

Do you think giving them another 2 days before giving up is ok? I have to get a grow through in 3 months becuase I am moving. The seeds "would need" 8 weeks and then about a month to dry that was the plan.

I have a couple of seeds still lying around, so if I know when to give up, I know when to put the next ones to growand how to schedule. I know It will be a tight schedule, so I have sadly no time to loose.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! well hope your girls turn out and you be smoking up soon and get all the reward for the hard work!

Do you think giving them another 2 days before giving up is ok? I have to get a grow through in 3 months becuase I am moving. The seeds "would need" 8 weeks and then about a month to dry that was the plan.

I have a couple of seeds still lying around, so if I know when to give up, I know when to put the next ones to growand how to schedule. I know It will be a tight schedule, so I have sadly no time to loose.
Man if u plan on doing a grow in two months it wont happen the drying in a month is a good time well to dry and cure. But You're going to want a 4 to 8. week. vegetative period And an 8 to 10 flowering period. I think if you start them on a 12 12 schedule from seed that might be a little bit of a shorter time but I'm not sure. That's just what I gather from what I read

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
OK! Found your other thread!

Sorry for the confusion buddy! TD is Think Different, its a strain name and in the other thread I was asking if all those seedlings were of that strain? Apparently not! Doesn't really matter anyways...

If it is your first time growing then seeds are kind of a bitch. I remember I had trouble with them dampening off till I messed around with flower and veggies and learned how to germinate and sprout them with more success.

Basically, once they sprout they are not very strong and susceptible to lots of things. Too much airflow can dry them out, too much humidity or water and they get bogged down. They can succumb to sickness, over/under hydration, dessication, and more as a seedling.

For you, I'd start small. Maybe try a couple of seeds at a time until you get the hang of it so that you don't lose all of your genetics in one go.

Or maybe go buy some expendable seeds, like veggies, and mess with those because they're so much less expensive and stressful if the seedlings doesn't make it.

Once the seeds have sprouted and been out in the jiffy pellets then you must wait. Roots like warmth and I like to put a towel over a heating pad and put the tray on there so it's warmer for them.

At that age, they don't need much water at all. As in drops of water is all they need. I literally count out drops, let's say ten each, every couple of days and I only get the soil moist and don't get water near the seedlings themselves. Don't touch them or water them too much. They're too young for much airflow so be careful with the fan. It could either knock them right over or dessicate them.

At first they won't look like they're doing much as their taproot makes its way down and they start producing root mass. Then they'll start visibly growing and producing more foliage. I pound mine with cfl light after a couple days so that they don't stretch towards the light too much and get all lanky...

Basically care for it like a baby, and realize that too much is too much...

I hope that helps you...
Man if u plan on doing a grow in two months it wont happen the drying in a month is a good time well to dry and cure. But You're going to want a 4 to 8. week. vegetative period And an 8 to 10 flowering period. I think if you start them on a 12 12 schedule from seed that might be a little bit of a shorter time but I'm not sure. That's just what I gather from what I read
sorry, I forgot to mention these are auto seeds, so they are on a schedule, if I got that right. I hope the 8 week schedule could get there as this is what the breeders says they need. now I have read that it might take a week or 2 more, but that would also be ok. But please do correct me if I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
sorry, I forgot to mention these are auto seeds, so they are on a schedule, if I got that right. I hope the 8 week schedule could get there as this is what the breeders says they need. now I have read that it might take a week or 2 more, but that would also be ok. But please do correct me if I am wrong.
I don't know much about auto flowering As I said I'm a first time grower to so Hopefully more people will chime in on your timing

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Autos will take longer than advertised by the breeder, as will just about any other strain you grow.

If I were you I'd give yourself an extra couple weeks just in case they take longer than expected...
OK! Found your other thread!

Sorry for the confusion buddy! TD is Think Different, its a strain name and in the other thread I was asking if all those seedlings were of that strain? Apparently not! Doesn't really matter anyways...
Ok I was confused but thought it came to that. My nick is think Diffferent because a lot of folks here want quantity over quality and I try to think different I guess ;)

OK! Found your other thread!
At that age, they don't need much water at all. As in drops of water is all they need. I literally count out drops, let's say ten each, every couple of days and I only get the soil moist and don't get water near the seedlings themselves. Don't touch them or water them too much. They're too young for much airflow so be careful with the fan. It could either knock them right over or dessicate them.
Omg drops of water, well ok, then I did over do it. i had a dome over them and I practicly sprayed the dome daily, because I was scared they would dry out.
I have the vent 1,5 meters away and at a very low rotation, so the breeze is there but the sprouts aren't moving at all.
I read this is good to give a little of extra air for roots and for the stam to build a bit stronger.

Well I must say, thank you, because this was one hell of a lesson.
It's quite crazy, because I was scared that they would dry and actually I did the contrairy.
Do you think putting them under a heat pad for the next few days or underneath the heather by a window will help?

And again thanks, thanks, thanks.

I will keep you guys updated and post some pics if they get well again.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
If they have any green or turgor left in them I would try to prop them up and hope and pray...

I wouldn't water them anymore. They're so small they can barely uptake anything anyways, its really just maintenance for seedlings... Once they set roots they'll start growing. All you can do is provide them with what they need then let them do their thing.

The dome is protecting them from the breeze, that's probably good. When mine are that small they don't get any breeze, I'm afraid it'll dry them or the media out too quickly.

Fans don't strengthen stems, that's forum myth. As they grow the stem will thicken as the plants vascular system gets larger, or as the plant responds to changes in light intensity/direction. For instance when the plant bends towards the light it is actually just adding growth to the side of the stem that is opposite the light source, and it results in the top of the plant appearing to bend and reach towards the light.

I don't think a heating pad will hurt or help at this point... I keep mine so that its warm, I can barely feel it with my hand on the towel but I know its warmer than ambient.

The spraying of the dome is to maintain relative humidity so that they don't dry out. Don't spray the plants, only the dome. The idea is that if the seedlings have too much available water then they have no incentive to reach out and search the media. I use an inverted bottle as a dome for them and I don't spray mine and I'm still successful. Sometimes less is more?

I was scared of drying them out too, but then I realized I was doing too much. I honestly think my plants do better when I halfway ignore them. Remember that these are plants. They are meant for the outside. A seed falls on the ground and sprouts and becomes a plant all on its own. For this reason I personally just plug a seed into a little cup of slightly moist dirt (think the moisture consistency of a wrung out sponge) and leave it. A cutoff inverted water bottle acts as a humidity dome until it starts to show its first set of leaves and then the dome comes off.

As they begin to dry they start to lose turgor and droop, its quite obvious, and once you're more comfortable and familiar you'll recognize it quite easily. Less is more, I think the plants would rather be a bit thirsty than flooded...

So basically I would support them if they're at least showing cotyledons and I would hope that the stems begin to support them. If not I'd chalk it up to over watering/ over caring for them and try again. But with less seeds so that you're not throwing your money away.

My first time growing hydro I used seeds from a friend's hermie plant, no money spent :-P
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a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
And its ironic because I just planted a Think Different on 12/24/14!

I haven't checked it yet today but it should be just about ready to push out its 3rd leaf set...

Let me know if I can help you out!
And its ironic because I just planted a Think Different on 12/24/14!

I haven't checked it yet today but it should be just about ready to push out its 3rd leaf set...

Let me know if I can help you out!
Oki doki, well like I said thanks and let's pray then. I will update you and if it doesn't seem to get better I'll have to plant new ones :( but 21 seeds gone is really messed up :(

I did think this would be easier but this is really getting me exited to learn more than it's actually scarring me :)

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Oki doki, well like I said thanks and let's pray then. I will update you and if it doesn't seem to get better I'll have to plant new ones :( but 21 seeds gone is really messed up :(

I did think this would be easier but this is really getting me exited to learn more than it's actually scarring me :)

Yeah I know its a huge hit with 21 down, that's why I suggested maybe starting smaller, with just a couple at a time.

You may also want to consider getting some house plants so that you'll become more familiar with hand watering...

The relationship between plants and people is beautiful. Cherish it. I know that my garden is great for me. Usually by this time of the year I slip into a depressive phase and I believe my garden is helping me stay upbeat!
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Well-Known Member

yes they were in a dome removing it right away :( I thought they needed it because of moisture :( So I took the dome down. I have 40% RH and temp is at 78 - 80°. Is that ok?

ha! i thought thats it was looking like. lots of people make that same mistake, it unfortunately sucks a lot more when you pay a lot of money for the seeds and they die. well I'm glad we got you all situated. i hope some bounce back for ya. and with all those beans your poppin you may want to look into starting a mother plant. sure would save you a bunch of money. can't do it w autos but you could find a nice short strain and work from there if size is the problem and thats why your going with ruderalis crosses.