newbie needs help. I tink it's too late late :(


Active Member
When you start your next run try this, it works for me 100%. Germinate seeds between 2 small plates and paper towels; not too wet, not too dry. Place them somewhere dark and warm(cabinets, top of fridge, etc.) they should pop within 48 hrs. I use 16oz solo cups with a seed starting mix blended with vermiculite 50/50. Water the cups before planting seeds, make a small hole 1/4" deep with a chopstick or like poker and plant the seed carefully with the growth tip down. Gently tamp soil to cover seed and that's it. I use 4' t8 daylight bulbs and works great.
ha! i thought thats it was looking like. lots of people make that same mistake, it unfortunately sucks a lot more when you pay a lot of money for the seeds and they die. well I'm glad we got you all situated. i hope some bounce back for ya. and with all those beans your poppin you may want to look into starting a mother plant. sure would save you a bunch of money. can't do it w autos but you could find a nice short strain and work from there if size is the problem and thats why your going with ruderalis crosses.
You'll laugh, I chose the autos because I didn't want to mess things up for the first grow :) (that ended going well :P ) and also because I wasn't sure to get it right with the veg and flowering times. Another factor was that I have to move at the end of march! But as I read more and more, I don't see it that complicated anymore.

so anyways I almost did mess it up and we'll have to see what I can save. I might try writting a journal on these babies. May help someone else some day, who knows.

Doing a mother plant, will be definitivly, one of my next try outs, but this will only happen in the second half of the year, due to working and other little things.

again thanks for the extra help and advice. you guys are great!
When you start your next run try this, it works for me 100%. Germinate seeds between 2 small plates and paper towels; not too wet, not too dry. Place them somewhere dark and warm(cabinets, top of fridge, etc.) they should pop within 48 hrs. I use 16oz solo cups with a seed starting mix blended with vermiculite 50/50. Water the cups before planting seeds, make a small hole 1/4" deep with a chopstick or like poker and plant the seed carefully with the growth tip down. Gently tamp soil to cover seed and that's it. I use 4' t8 daylight bulbs and works great.
definitivly will try it at some time. I actually got scared and when and bought a starter kit now and was going to use them to parallele new seeds, just in case I can't save any of them. Now I know to add only one time water and the magic happens!

But not trying anything else, won't happen!

Thanks a million!


Well-Known Member
You'll laugh, I chose the autos because I didn't want to mess things up for the first grow :) (that ended going well :P ) and also because I wasn't sure to get it right with the veg and flowering times. Another factor was that I have to move at the end of march! But as I read more and more, I don't see it that complicated anymore.

so anyways I almost did mess it up and we'll have to see what I can save. I might try writting a journal on these babies. May help someone else some day, who knows.

Doing a mother plant, will be definitivly, one of my next try outs, but this will only happen in the second half of the year, due to working and other little things.

again thanks for the extra help and advice. you guys are great!
your right, that did make me laugh, really hard. ya, every new grower feels the growing pains but it just sharpens your skills. i hope they make a stellar recovery.

This is what I bought from my local growshop. I hope they were right when they said it's good, but with the instruction of fungus and alienwidow, I hope to be able to get some girls going here.

Any of you have experience with these cubes?


a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3324378

This is what I bought from my local growshop. I hope they were right when they said it's good, but with the instruction of fungus and alienwidow, I hope to be able to get some girls going here.

Any of you have experience with these cubes?


Are you planning on growing in soil?

I've had great success by simply putting the seed in the soil, al natural.

Maybe a few in your kit, a few in soil, a few with paper towel and see which you like the best.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Keep in mind what kind of soil makes a big difference.

So here's my TD, which is an auto. I put the seed into the premoistened soil on the morning of Dec 21st. I think I may have said Dec 24th earlier but I checked my notes and have corrected it here.

This is 12/22/14

This is on 12/23/14.

Notice the plastic bottle that is being used as the dome. I don't spray the dome, I think its enough to have the soil be properly hydrated. The dome was taken off after the first set of leaves began to grow bigger. I also top dressed a bit of amended soil so she could find it eventually.

This is on 12/26

This is right now, 1/3/15

It stretched because of the weak light (9w CFL) but its no problem because I'll bury the stem when I transplant it up.
Are you planning on growing in soil?

I've had great success by simply putting the seed in the soil, al natural.

Maybe a few in your kit, a few in soil, a few with paper towel and see which you like the best.
Yes I do plan on using soil. I got some biobuzz allmix and biobuzz premix (which was expensive as hell) but I wanted a quality soil, till now everybody said it was good. I will try it. does it matter if the cup is a paper or plastic cup?

The idea of trying out the different method, is really good, as I can then see, which works best.

I hope you don't mind all the pics I just wanted to show you the progression.
Keep 'em coming, at least I can see what the it should look like and in what time lapse. Great, that helps a lot!


Active Member
I just read in your other post you were using an ordinary house light bulb, if so that is the biggest reason they didn't make. 6500k floros for babies and hid for grow/flower.
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a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Can I use my 3 gallon smart pots directly?
They say for the autos you're supposed to start in your finishing container but I started in a small pot. Small pots are easier to regulate as far as moisture and watering goes... Bigger pots won't evaporate water as quickly as a smaller pot, especially if the plant isn't big enough to be up taking that much water in the first place...

I would start in something like a party cup, then transfer up.
They say for the autos you're supposed to start in your finishing container but I started in a small pot. Small pots are easier to regulate as far as moisture and watering goes... Bigger pots won't evaporate water as quickly as a smaller pot, especially if the plant isn't big enough to be up taking that much water in the first place...

I would start in something like a party cup, then transfer up.
oki doki, see what I can find.
@a senile fungus Good morning :)
so after a bad night sleep here is what I observed:
I had my lights on last night and left them on for ~ 3 hours. (I needed a bit of sleep :)) Temp was too hot, I couldn't get it below 27° C, but what I saw, was they all looked the same now, all down and thing :( so actually, would u agree, that I really didn' have enough humidity/water for the seedlings. Sadly the cam had no power, so I couldn't get a pic. But some that where looking good yesterday morning, where actually looking bad.

I actually watered the jiffy pellets till they where fully wet again, (the mix was totally dried out by then) and drained the remaining water that was in the container after they didn't absorb anymore. after another couple hours of sleep, I checked on them again. Temp is steady @ 24°C now! and some are looking very good. But I think I will be able to save about max 3 - 5 out of the 21, if so, I'll be happy. Here have a look, 1 has even 2 really nice green leafs :)


btw do u see the 2 stams that are tall, why do u think the leafs aren't coming? If the Stam is steady, they should make it right?


anyways we will see tomorrow how things look.

and again so much thanks for ur support!

