growing a human?


Well-Known Member
Seen Ok, is this even theoretically a possibility??

The idea is,
Like with a plant(ill use an finger in place of a branch)
Remove a finger from said person and essentially plant said finger in stem cells?
or even stem cells along with embryonic fluid in a human shaped container?
I have seen along with read about them growing body parts why not a full human?
sounds spooky dude, like earmouse

because medical science isnt up to date with assuring that a grown lab human wouldnt have medical deficiencies that cause pain, mental problems, visual decencies, and a sustainable human life.
@skunkd0c do you know if Viz is still around? And were or are you a reader? This thread just seems a bit like a comic from there.

Yes its still around, not sure if you can buy the comic, not seen that in a while but they have a website and an app for tablets n phones

i did not like reading the comic strip stories fat slags etc as i don't really like comic format anyway
but i did like reading the other parts that were not in comic strip format
they always used to make stupid things up about famous people and post pictures of them boss-eyed lol
sting was always a popular target

Sting fears dangerous dinosaurs still exist (viz)

also viz used to carry adverts for (sunlight systems) which was the first hydro chain in the uk

Seen Ok, is this even theoretically a possibility??

The idea is,
Like with a plant(ill use an finger in place of a branch)
Remove a finger from said person and essentially plant said finger in stem cells?
or even stem cells along with embryonic fluid in a human shaped container?
I have seen along with read about them growing body parts why not a full human?

Asexual reproduction is technically possible
Seen Ok, is this even theoretically a possibility??

The idea is,
Like with a plant(ill use an finger in place of a branch)
Remove a finger from said person and essentially plant said finger in stem cells?
or even stem cells along with embryonic fluid in a human shaped container?
I have seen along with read about them growing body parts why not a full human?

This just makes me laugh: A "Human Shaped Container" Like tupperware or what? Just add saline, toss in a few stem cells, and a thumb and we're good to go. What's to prevent all the parts from jumbling up in the "human container" so the feed are on the head and the fingers coming out of the leg etc.