will my seedling survive?

YW, sometimes when mine looked like they were on the brink of death (which happened a lot in the beginning) I came on here crying and thats all it really took since the problem is usually solved by gentle watering and waiting.

Haha yes its painful losing a plant :( but fingers crossed with the slight adjustments made that she pulls through. :)
Now that you've got that tube off it might be a good time to think about carefully moving into a larger pot and burying the plant deeper so at least half of that spindly stem is underground. Also try aiming a small fan so that the young plant gets a gentle work-out. Not hurricane force! You just want enuf wind to lightly jostle the young plant, encouraging it to put energy into building a strong stem. When the plant is very young there aren't hardly any leaves to catch the breeze. As the plant adds leaves be sure to monitor whether the fan needs to be moved back a bit.

graphite, looks similar
Yeah, bury that long stem get the soil up to, but not touching your leaves. Your soil looks extremely wet. Spray your leaves, but don't get your soil so wet. Let it dry between waterings.
Yeah, bury that long stem get the soil up to, but not touching your leaves. Your soil looks extremely wet. Spray your leaves, but don't get your soil so wet. Let it dry between waterings.

when its that small it will only need to have the soil watered maybe 1 time per week if that
unless its in a very hot environment and the soil drys out,
spraying it will not do it any good imo, it only needs a tiny amount of water

over watering is a common issue for new growers , the leaves look like they are yellowing because of this
and looks like its stretching because its not getting enough light

Thanks a lot guys for your comments and help, I really appreciate it! Unfortunately these girls didn't make it.. Although I do realise I made every mistake I could have with them, and stressed them extremely. So I'm starting a new grow, seeds have been germinating for 30 hours so far :).