new grower, unhealthy plants


New Member
Im growing in a 4x4x8 tent in 3 gallon containers with ffof soil using botanicare veg and cal mag nutes with reverse osmosis waster with the run off being ph 6.8, im thinking I have nute burn or nitrogen toxicity, plants stay between 65F at night 75F during the day for the past 4 days its been getting down to 55F at night due to a broken heater which I will be replacing soon. I just did a flush yesterday with only one gallon reverse osmosis water with a ph 7.0, wondering if I should repeat this with 3 times the water of container or let it go for a bit just watering as I was before but with just reverse osmosis water no nutes, if I should flush again is it okay to just use tap water mine is ph 8.1, if so should I dechlorinate and ph down to 7.0 which gives me a run off of 6.8, im having to rewrite this due to my poor computer skills so if anymore info is needed let me know, and help is much appreciated, btw plants are just hitting theyre one month in veg and are almost 2 feet tall from top of container was hoping to switch over to flowering soon, thanks again for any help ladies gents hope to here from yagoofin 029.JPG goofin 030.JPG goofin 031.JPG goofin 032.JPG


Well-Known Member
Don't flush anything. They don't look that bad. Back off on the nutrients. Just give them plain water for the next couple watering's and then feed 1/4 strength of the recommended dose as the feeding schedule or bottle says for the nutrients you have. Work your way up slowly. Do water, water, feed, water, water, feed etc. They don't need that much food, they are still young. Mae sure you fix those night time temps, that will shock them bad and cause problems. Don't worry so much about ph and shit, its soil so don't concern yourself too much about it. If that fan is blowing directly on them that close I would move it so its not blowing directly on them.


Well-Known Member
Also the burned leaves wont get any better and don't pull them off when shes done with them she will drop them. Good Luck


New Member
Thanks a lot Cpappa27 that the exact answer I was hoping to get, when I took them out from under the lights for the pics I noticed the yellowing wasnt as bad as I thought but wanted to be sure.


New Member
I was hoping to put into flowing soon because of the height they are getting to and I heard they can double in size and still need room for my light to be a foot to feet above them, I was going t do this on the 9th, will this be okay?


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to put into flowing soon because of the height they are getting to and I heard they can double in size and still need room for my light to be a foot to feet above them, I was going t do this on the 9th, will this be okay?
They sometimes triple in size depending on strain. If you can put it in a bigger pot perhaps 5 or ten gallon you will get a much bigger plant.

Marty Wanna

Active Member
Those look pretty good! No need to flush at all. but it's a good exercise for when you need it. Dig off the top two inches of medium and pour three-four times the potted volume of water through the plant. or give it a cool shower. Drain out and give only water for a few days. Plants pop right back.

To flower, I'll second Cpappa too. larger pots for sure, but I found that in the 4x4 tent you can outgrow the available space when they are in larger containers. I maxed out a 4x4 scrog with 4 plants in 7gal fabric containers (awesome for getting Oxygen to the roots). the room was 8X8X8 and the plant volume was 6x6x6!

pulled 1300g dry.





New Member
thanks for the tip marty wanna that's an impressive grow, is it ever to late to start doing that or should I have have started it when they were younger? another question im having and what ive been doing might have been dumb but seemed like a good idea at the time , is I have ben purchasing the reverse osmosis water but now that they are atarting to use more water its gonna start costing me a bit of money, will switchin to tap water be an issue for my plants? just wondering if I should wait till they recover a bit before switching the water, and since im suppose to be staying away from nutes for a bit will the ones in the tap water affect that, sorry im new to this but appreciate all the help.


I'ts been a crazy long learning experience. I've been consulting in Colorado where people love Botanicare. What we have learned and so has the rest of the cannabis community is that you must "remineralize" RO water with Cal Mag. You are essentially stripping everything out of your water. Especially the calcium magnesium sulfate. RO water does not buffer very well and that's why you need to put back that buffer in the form of Calcium Magnesium. Many trials and many errors have brought us to this now accepted fact.

Here it is…

Take your RO water and add Cal Mag plus (or whatever you want to use) and get your PPM to 200ppm. Not 175 not 190 but 200PPM. Now your water is properly buffered and "remineralized". If your recipe tell you to add Cal Mag then you add it as if you hadn't already added Cal Mag. Think of it like this. You have just reset your water. Yes your ppm's will be 200ppm more in your recipe's but thats the point. When the gavita craze hit and people started using RO it got real crazy real fast and we saw big deficiencies. After much consultation with growers and botanists and RO water manufacturers we have finally overcome this hurdle. I hope this information helps you as much as it has helped everyone else.

Keep up the grow.

here is a good article to start with about RO water and why it is very volatile if not buffered properly.