Is Integration the key to peace?

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Well-Known Member
The educational system, the programs for minorities, Etc. Government needs people who need it. If people are kept stupid, indoctrinated and divided against one another it is easier to be the supposed solution to the problem.

Goverment was responsible for segregation. It is government that says gay marriage is illegal. People dont understand how much government interferes with our freedoms and divides us as a country.

People point out that kids are not racist. How is it that their parents somehow dont teach the kids to be racist when they are little but by the time they grow up they seem to see all this racial divide? Indoctrination and propaganda.

Government needs to create a boogieman so it can step in and pretend to be the good guy while creating the problem in the first place.
I thought FOX news job was to keep people stupid and divided


Well-Known Member
always room for school
True, however it requires sacrifices I'm not willing to make anymore for it to work in my situation. Any class I attend now would be purely because I want to, not because I need to.

When I was in school, I refused to have a job. School becomes my job and gets the lions share of my energy. Also, I'm a full time single parent. I'm not willing to miss these years because 'the old man' wants to chase his late realization that he should have become an astrophysicist instead of an engineer.

I would consider something like a cooking class though. Maybe 1 class a week for an hour or two. Beyond that.. eh. I had my chance. I'll have another after some years when the kiddo braves the big world on his own.


Staff member
True, however it requires sacrifices I'm not willing to make anymore for it to work in my situation. Any class I attend now would be purely because I want to, not because I need to.

When I was in school, I refused to have a job. School becomes my job and gets the lions share of my energy. Also, I'm a full time single parent. I'm not willing to miss these years because 'the old man' wants to chase his late realization that he should have become an astrophysicist instead of an engineer.

I would consider something like a cooking class though. Maybe 1 class a week for an hour or two. Beyond that.. eh. I had my chance. I'll have another after some years when the kiddo braves the big world on his own.
true enough on the parenting part.
im lucky i have a job that can be school tolerant,
i work for a railway during the summer and late fall, than off, than in winter i go for a teaching position that works around my own hours, than off than back to railway
i save the money from the paychecks to help in the off time when financial aid isnt enough to live off of

a cooking class would be fun you should totally do it


Well-Known Member
I never pushed my daughter to have sex with (paying) strangers............ "I want my daughters to be with a man"
so i say sarah palin surrounds herself with retarded children and it gets deleted, but red calls london's children prostitutes and it's all good?

not criticizing, i just want to understand where the line is so i can trample it.


Well-Known Member
eh i can see a big change not a total change but a big change, a paradigm shift, we've had many in the last couple decades from gay rights to Africans being able to ride the bus, to women being able to vote

It takes bright fresh minds to come and start a social change, many people are doing so , and eventually it will become apart of the social norm!
we just need to be patient as these things come with time!

We're at a time in life where we can stand up and fight for whats right and whats proper , if people so choose to be racist/homophobic/general intolerance that is their unfortunate upbringing or because of fear , or because they were a victim of crime, but the small minimal amount of people that is we can still overcome conquer and make change, just as we are doing now!
It'll work out for the best in the end.

Even i one of the least racist people ever have opened my mind even more to understanding others culture, and stereotypes and realized even I had some intolerance in myself that was brought on by media, or culture , or social behavior i try my best each and everyday however to fight the good fight! so that my kids and their generation can continue and work hard for a better future for all races and cultures
and that makes me happy at the end of the day
There have been some improvements i agree, with rights for people who were previously mistreated on the grounds of race/sexual orientation/gender etc
they let Irish people in pubs too lol, when i was young, it said NO dogs NO Irish on the front of the pub door

i was thinking more about the poverty you mentioned before that seems to have got worse,or visibly worse,
i see things now that i do not recall seeing when i was young, poor people eat from bins, pick cigarette ends up from the floor etc
there are more slums now than ever, the poorest people live like rats , weather that is their own fault or not its not nice to see it also seems tolerated
no one cares as long as its not them that has to live like that

homelessness is more common place, poor folk have less rights with housing than previously
so i guess while it has improved for some for others its got worse


Well-Known Member
There have been some improvements i agree, with rights for people who were previously mistreated on the grounds of race/sexual orientation/gender etc
they let Irish people in pubs too lol, when i was young, it said NO dogs NO Irish on the front of the pub door

i was thinking more about the poverty you mentioned before that seems to have got worse,or visibly worse,
i see things now that i do not recall seeing when i was young, poor people eat from bins, pick cigarette ends up from the floor etc
there are more slums now than ever, the poorest people live like rats , weather that is their own fault or not its not nice to see it also seems tolerated
no one cares as long as its not them that has to live like that

homelessness is more common place, poor folk have less rights with housing than previously
so i guess while it has improved for some for others its got worse
Everyone has more rights in regards to housing now.
and you can thank groups like ACORN for that
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