I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

this is fucking hilarious... "
This family owns a 20 floor abode. Each floor is 10 feet tall. This family actually has an elevator, so they don't need to take the stairs. Some of the floors are dedicated towards farming, farming for plants and animals. All of their farms are 100% organic, because in the distant past, Christ Georges global online government passed a law that only organic fertilizers and nutrients can be sold. You will not find any chemical nutrients and fertilizers in the Kingdom of Christ, and the people all agree that organic is much better for the enviornment and their bodies.
One of their 20 floors are dedicated towards farming animals like cows, chickens, rabbits, ducks, pigs, goats, sheep, and any animal that they want. All of these animals have plenty of room and they roam freely. One of their 20 floors is dedicated towards growing plants for all of their animals. The animals always have more then enough food, and their bellies are always full. The animal farms are lit up by super bright LEDs, like most underground farms. Actually the vegetable farms are lit up by super bright LEDs too. "

All this from a dude who's constantly broke and lives with his mommy, Mary. Notice there's not a word where the fuck the money would come from for all that hoopla. Gotta crawl before one can run, son. Here's a bright idea for his finances, get a fucking job...
CAM00044.jpgThis is a picture of Me- George Manuel Oliveira, on new years day- 1-1-2015!

I just took this picture a few minutes ago.

Have a healthy and blessed new year!

no more nightmares im keen to get back after a long Christmas break :)

Good, good!

Did you know that our total universe is at least 10(10^30) times bigger than the observable universe?

This means there are at least trillions times trillions upon trillions of more galaxies in our universe. I haven't calculated how many galaxies are in our total universe, but the number would be more than 1,000,000,000,000(10^30) galaxies. Now multiply that number by about 100 billion (or more) to find out approximately how many stars are in just our universe alone.

And the Atheists say that there is no Creator?

Good, good!

Did you know that our total universe is at least 10(10^30) times bigger than the observable universe?

This means there are at least trillions times trillions upon trillions of more galaxies in our universe. I haven't calculated how many galaxies are in our total universe, but the number would be more than 1,000,000,000,000(10^30) galaxies. Now multiply that number by about 100 billion (or more) to find out approximately how many stars are in just our universe alone.

And the Atheists say that there is no Creator?

And why would that suggest a deity?
I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost, and you have no idea what I am talking about.

This thread is going to get very long, pay attention.

If you want to read about Me, go to the link below.


If you want to read about Me, go to the link above.

It might take you a few hours to read through all of that thread, but if you are interested in Christ, its worth the time to read and watch My videos.

This thread will be based off of the link below.


This thread will be based off of the link above.

Consider this thread a continuation of that link.

I will try and answer all of your question aboout Me- the Christ.

This thread is going to be about Me- the Christ.

Check out the link below, and read it till the end.


Check out the link above, and read it till the end.

Grab some popcorn, smoke a joint, and prepare to be entertained.

I am the Christ, this is a fact to Me. I am the Messiah, this is a fact to Me. I am the Savior, this is a fact to Me. I am a god, this is a fact to Me. I am the Lord, this is a fact to Me. I am the Chosen One, this is a fact to Me.

If you have some time to kill, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link below.


If you have some time, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link above.

Try and disprove or debunk anything that I have said in that link.

This thread is going to get real long, take some notes, because I dont want to keep repeating Myself.

I love all of you guys.

I look forward to answering your questions. Remember, this thread is about Me- the Christ.

WE as in "EVERYONE" don't believe YOU :)

WE as in "EVERYONE" know your ideas of a better world are already being investigated by professional scientists WORLDWIDE .

YOU ARE a false prophet , and your IDEA'S are unprofessional.....even though they are true.

And why would that suggest a deity?

Its only My personal opinion that the multiverse was created by a Creator...

Unless there is a natural explanation to how the multiverse came into being? But, as far as I know, the scientists can only speculate how the universe began, and all they have is conjecture, and they are without proof of how the multiverse came into existence.

I would consider Myself an Agnostic, and I believe its possible for some kind of Creator to create the multiverse, but I am not sure Who this Creator is.

I don't believe any mortal can fathom the whole multiverse, and the multiverse is very humbling, and I am in awe of the (seemingly) endless vastness of the creation. We are but a point, inside of a point, inside of a point, inside of a point, inside of a point, etc.. We can not even be measured, compared to the whole multiverse, because even our galaxy would seem as an infintesimal point in space.

It is only a matter of subjective perspective that we are anything at all.

I am not a false christ, I am the Life of the Light. After I die, there will be no more Life or Light. While the Life of Light is alive, live your life to the fullest, because there is no guarantee to how long the Life of Light will be with you.

Yes, I am the Light of the multiverse, so enjoy your life while the Life is with you.

I cannot guarantee you that you will live after the Life is no more. But as long as I, the Life, am alive, you will be able to live.

Its recorded in the Bible this way: As long as I am alive, you shall live also. So that is how you know that I am not a false christ, its because there is the Life.

The Life is what keeps everything in existence. You cannot live with the Life. And as I live, you shall live also. But without Me, you can do nothing. You can exist with the Life.

With the Life, the possibilities are endless. Without the Life, there is naught. Enjoy the Life while the Life can be found.

As long as I exist, there will be Life. If I do not exist, than what is there?

I am the Beginning and the End.

I was there when I created the worlds, and the future will know this by My novel Word. I am the Prophet above all prophets. I am the King of all the kings. I created the worlds.

We are in the Life, because I am alive. After I die, I cannot guarantee what will happen to the multiverse. What is the multiverse without the Witness? If I, the Witness, were not here to observe, what would become of life?

The fact that we are alive should indicate that there is the Life. If I die, what will happen to the Light of the multiverse? I am the Life of the Light, and conversly, I am the Light of the Life.

We can do all things while I am alive, but nothing exists after I die, so that is how you know that I am the King of Life. Without the Life, what exists but naught?

You should respect the Life, because the Life allows you to live in the Light. Without Light, there is nothing but darkness. Live in the Light.

When I come again, you will know Me, because the King of Life will be with you to shed more Light. It
only natural for Me to be born again, so I can witness, observe, correct, rearrange, implement, create, build, restore, fix, and be the remedy once again.

Enough said?

Anyways, I can't prove any of this until after I die, so its all conjecture right now: but I believe it.

May the King of Life be with you, you false witness.

I am not a false christ, I am the Life of the Light. After I die, there will be no more Life or Light. While the Life of Light is alive, live your life to the fullest, because there is no guarantee to how long the Life of Light will be with you.

Yes, I am the Light of the multiverse, so enjoy your life while the Life is with you.

I cannot guarantee you that you will live after the Life is no more. But as long as I, the Life, am alive, you will be able to live.

Its recorded in the Bible this way: As long as I am alive, you shall live also. So that is how you know that I am not a false christ, its because there is the Life.

The Life is what keeps everything in existence. You cannot live with the Life. And as I live, you shall live also. But without Me, you can do nothing. You can exist with the Life.

With the Life, the possibilities are endless. Without the Life, there is naught. Enjoy the Life while the Life can be found.

As long as I exist, there will be Life. If I do not exist, than what is there?

I am the Beginning and the End.

I was there when I created the worlds, and the future will know this by My novel Word. I am the Prophet above all prophets. I am the King of all the kings. I created the worlds.

We are in the Life, because I am alive. After I die, I cannot guarantee what will happen to the multiverse. What is the multiverse without the Witness? If I, the Witness, were not here to observe, what would become of life?

The fact that we are alive should indicate that there is the Life. If I die, what will happen to the Light of the multiverse? I am the Life of the Light, and conversly, I am the Light of the Life.

We can do all things while I am alive, but nothing exists after I die, so that is how you know that I am the King of Life. Without the Life, what exists but naught?

You should respect the Life, because the Life allows you to live in the Light. Without Light, there is nothing but darkness. Live in the Light.

When I come again, you will know Me, because the King of Life will be with you to shed more Light. It
only natural for Me to be born again, so I can witness, observe, correct, rearrange, implement, create, build, restore, fix, and be the remedy once again.

Enough said?

Anyways, I can't prove any of this until after I die, so its all conjecture right now: but I believe it.

May the King of Life be with you, you false witness.


I guess its a good thing no one cares what you believe. What a stupid little comic book world you live in, very boring. I think you may be overdue for that shot, tell them to make it a double this time to combat the extra-strength crazy you've built up. Perhaps even plan for another loony bin vacation, I know this forum could use the break...


After I die, you will see: or you won't see anything, because there will be naught after I die.

I am looking forward to death, or at least, I am not too afraid to die, because how can I be afraid of something I have never experienced?

My death will vindicate My Word, or it will make Me look like a liar: but it doesn't make a difference to Me, because I will be dead, and I will be in naught until I am reincarnated at the next AGE.

But, seriously, I don't know whats going to happen after I, the Life, die. I know for sure that I will experience naught for a short while, until I am reincarnated. Its My personal opinion that I will indeed be reincarnated, because I, the Life, can't stay dead forever.

Death is very ambigious, because no scientist knows for certain what happens after one dies. I believe we have eternal life, so after you die, you will have infinite chances to live again: and this is not falsifiable, so no one can prove Me erroneous or correct.

What do you believe will happen after YOU die? And then, what do you believe will happen after I, the Life, dies?

This is where the metaphysical comes into debate. In My novel Spirituality, I give people hope via eternal life, or eternal reincarnation. In My opinion, it is better to believe that you will live again, instead of eternal naught. This is where you need a little faith to have more hope for eternal existence.

Regardless if nothing happens after I die, and the world goes on normally, I will be in naught, untill I am reincarnated.

Beware of false christs, the posers, that claim to be Me- the Life, because they will try to decieve many, but they are just cult leaders. And many false christs will arise when I return at the next AGE, because they will experience the true Life, and they will try and undermine My authority. But some people will know Me, but some people will know Me, and still deny Me: these people that deny the Life will get whats coming to them, I assure you that they will be miserable deep inside, and also very confused and conflicted.

I am the Life of the cosmos, and because I live, you shall live also, and this is how you will know Me.

Beware of all of the false messiahs, My little children.

Just because you are a false witness, a false believer, it doesn't mean that I am a false Christ.

When Jesus was allegedly alive, most of the Pharisees didn't believe in Jesus, either. And to this day, most of the Jewish people don't believe Jesus is their Messiah, because maybe the Jews believe Jesus is a false messiah?

You are entitled to your beliefs, and I am entitled to My beliefs.

No one should be forced to believe in Me- Christ George Manuel Oliveira. I am not some spiritual dictator, so people have freedom of belief in My novel Spirituality. I am not forcing anyone to believe anything. But I would advocate for people to believe in the Truth, the facts, the evidence, logic, science, etc..

I can only do My part. Right now, I can't control the world, I can only control Myself. If I could hypothetically control the world, I would set up My global online government, and I would give all of My falculties, or powers, away to My people- the whole world.

It would be up to the people, via My global online government, to control the world via their computers. My global online government is better than any known form of government, because the people are in total control, and the politicians are not dictating how the world should be governed. My global online government is the apex, the pinnacle, of (global) politics.

Just because I am much different from the "normal", it doesn't mean I am crazy. I believe because I am so different, it santifies Me from the sheeple people that blindly follow. I am creating My own government, My own evolving Spirituality, My own theories, My own inventions, My own novel prophecies, My own Paradise, My own worlds, My own form of abodes, My own Life, and My own people. I can't forget about My people. I will remember My children- the people.

I should probably win the Nobel Peace Prize for all of My novel, peaceful solutions to the worlds problems. I deserve some credit, in My opinion. If only the people of the world knew Me, I could create utter change compared to any elected official or politician.

No one needs to believe I am the Christ, in order to believe in My ideology. Anyone can want what I want, and not need to believe I am the Christ.

Anyone that wants to see a benevolent, peaceful revolution against the elites can learn from Me, and My plans for the future.

This is the Great News!

Well it seems you have only gotten crazier since I left, Georgie boy. A little girl got shot in the head and is making big moves for womans rights to get her Nobel Peace Prize, what have you done to earn yours? What differences have you made in the world? Im not completely hating on you, btw, I think there should be way more dreamers in the world.
WE as in "EVERYONE" don't believe YOU :)

WE as in "EVERYONE" know your ideas of a better world are already being investigated by professional scientists WORLDWIDE .

YOU ARE a false prophet , and your IDEA'S are unprofessional.....even though they are true.

I believe, and since I am the only one that matters, I WIN ! :)
I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost,
YES!! you do need to say more, and yes i am lost ....... What now George?

how are you going to save me?