giving defoliation during flower a try

And YES, I make long posts because I use information and take in depth looks into what I say

You make long posts because you struggle to articulate what the fuck it is you're trying to say.

Whether you think Im right or Im wrong, thats fine with me.

No it's not. You can't stand having your points called in to question.

When I make and write a post its been thoroughly proof read

Bahahahahaha! You can't be serious.
I honestly don't know anymore. Can someone really be that delusional?

I think there's a 47% chance he's full retard, 50% chance he's a troll (from day 1, possibly sockpuppet), and 3% shill.

Sativied ....damn you use some creative words...I had to look up "shill"

I agree with the 3% even Advanced Nutrients wouldn't approve of his ranting and raving or spewing senseless falsehoods
Most legitimate sales organizations don't slam competitors in their sales pitch but rather demonstrate why their product has better value for the dollar (even if it isn't).

50% troll...I don't think so, as a good troll or sockpuppet wouldn't let Chuck get under his skin as often as he dose.

He's really more like "Bmeat" (former member) who was truly a full retard....IMHO 90% chance
Yeah I guess I can see that, In my head I am verifying, not bragging, but I can see that it looks like bragging and sometimes I type without thinkin about it. So to all who see me that way, I apologize as it was certainly not my intent and I'll bow out of the debate that isn't a debate. Also sorry if pics of girls offended anyone, to me they are art and my intent was to help get the thread to 200 pages without arguing (debating) because I thought it was funny when someone posted something about it goin to 200 pages.

It's all good, back to your debate

Your intent? Can you see what our intent is?

So, regarding midday depression, there is still a decrease in photosynthetic productivity in response to normal environmental conditions. If cultivating cannabis were all about replicating nature, there would be no need to experiment or research, we'd only have to mimic natural growth environments. But, as it is even stated in the above study, the increase of co2 can aid in increased production (up to 30%), at concentrations not naturally occurring in nature. But, I digress.

Well, I certainly agree with all that, but I digress. Experimental results are not opinions. Debate is only opinions. Arguments, or grab ass are the only outcomes, other than discussion in a forum context.

Discussion of facts that are relevant to our avocation is soothing to ganga and to me. So, I appreciate the candid discussion you pose for science.

Then.... let's do some science. What are we trying to disprove? (see my .sig)

What do we know? What can we build on, that already has been done? This study in Nature, (thanks again) strongly points to the notion that not only trees but other plants modify their Photo-Response, beginning in the morning, to be ready for solar max.

Could you design an experiment to rule out, what you really would like to see happen? We would like to see what? More! Better! Sooner! Etc! The plant pulls back its PR, (I did not know that) but what if we add more light as the hours go by, can we push it's PR back up to get a better outcome? Or does it just adapt stubbornly....for example.

If you set out to prove something instead of disprove, it is not science. It is how you get Cold Fusion madness.

Design experiments to prove that something is not possible. Design to rule that out. That is how you design experiments. For example, design to prove a dark period every afternoon does nothing or worse, or that flushing with boiling water is useless or worse. Science is a humble calling. If you don't rule it out, and the next guy finds your dumb mistake, humble crow in public for you. Science is a ruthless discipline, but it gets to the UN-debate-able facts.
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You make long posts because you struggle to articulate what the fuck it is you're trying to say.

No it's not. You can't stand having your points called in to question.

Bahahahahaha! You can't be serious.

Internet trolls gotta love u guys, bunch of losers who ar narcissists love arguing because they have nothing better to do w their lives pretty much sums up about 75-80% of you clowns on these forums.

Never met so many idiots in my life, your mothers must be proud. Dudes on a site and forum about cultivation and wanna argue about who is using proper pronunciation, pathetic!

And dudes like chuck and sativied and whoever else fits in this category who obviously have nothing better to do w their time than to nit pic and talk shit should really get some rest, wake up tomorrow morning and take a long hard look in the mirror at what a bunch of miserable individuals u must be for being consumed over a website and arguing over non sense, u guys are some of the most pathetic, cowardly individuals i have ever come across in my life. And after doing a few years in the feds thats sayin alot because ive met alot of losers and u guys i must say take the cake for being a bunch of piss ant, cry baby, narcissists who love hearing urselves talk and type.

I wish i knew where yah lived id send u some money and a hug u guys obviously need it, lol.
Well, I certainly agree with all that, but I digress. Experimental results are not opinions. Debate is only opinions. Arguments, or grab ass are the only outcomes, other than discussion in a forum context.

Discussion of facts that are relevant to our avocation is soothing to ganga and to me. So, I appreciate the candid discussion you pose for science.

Then.... let's do some science. What are we trying to disprove? (see my .sig)

What do we know? What can we build on, that already has been done? This study in Nature, (thanks again) strongly points to the notion that not only trees but other plants modify their Photo-Response, beginning in the morning, to be ready for solar max.

Could you design an experiment to rule out, what you really would like to see happen? We would like to see what? More! Better! Sooner! Etc! The plant pulls back its PR, (I did not know that) but what if we add more light as the hours go by, can we push it's PR back up to get a better outcome? Or does it just adapt stubbornly....for example.

If you set out to prove something instead of disprove, it is not science. It is how you get Cold Fusion madness.

Design experiments to prove that something is not possible. Design to rule that out. That is how you design experiments. For example, design to prove a dark period every afternoon does nothing or worse, or that flushing with boiling water is useless or worse. Science is a humble calling. If you don't rule it out, and the next guy finds your dumb mistake, humble crow in public for you. Science is a ruthless discipline, but it gets to the UN-debate-able facts.
I think your intensity, or attitude, often gets in the way of people and you.. You repeat me to mock my lack of intelligence, or perhaps you are unoriginal and like childish jokes You're second paragraph just sorta puttered out, and then you sorta turned into an sputtering jerk. Yeah, I see your sig, so what? you a Berkly grad? You claiming to be him, or just a follower? Maybe you choose to look at science with a different perspective than many of us, you also speak so self-righteously that will undoubtedly limit the rest of discussion greatly... for anyone who dare put up with your discontented attitude. I could agree with you on the cold fusion comment, and possibly more, but you put folks off quick. You've got almost 17k messages, and 2.2k liked, which shows that only 13% * THIRTEEN PERCENT * of what you say is enjoyed or beneficial to others. Clean it up and then get serious if you want...
Who the fuck looks up peoples accounts and see how many likes or messages theyve posted or how many trophies they got?

Who the fuck cares! Yah dudes r like middle school cheerleaders they way u guys act like broads and talk to people. Tnis shit is hillarious i aint seen this much bs and drama since high school lunch breaks, i smell pussy.. Grown men talkin about who likes who and i see what u wrote.. Stfu u guys r bunch of homo thugs, internet tough guys get a fuckin life
Internet trolls gotta love u guys, bunch of losers who ar narcissists love arguing because they have nothing better to do w their lives pretty much sums up about 75-80% of you clowns on these forums.

Never met so many idiots in my life, your mothers must be proud. Dudes on a site and forum about cultivation and wanna argue about who is using proper pronunciation, pathetic!

And dudes like chuck and sativied and whoever else fits in this category who obviously have nothing better to do w their time than to nit pic and talk shit should really get some rest, wake up tomorrow morning and take a long hard look in the mirror at what a bunch of miserable individuals u must be for being consumed over a website and arguing over non sense, u guys are some of the most pathetic, cowardly individuals i have ever come across in my life. And after doing a few years in the feds thats sayin alot because ive met alot of losers and u guys i must say take the cake for being a bunch of piss ant, cry baby, narcissists who love hearing urselves talk and type.

I wish i knew where yah lived id send u some money and a hug u guys obviously need it, lol.
Who the fuck looks up peoples accounts and see how many likes or messages theyve posted or how many trophies they got?

Who the fuck cares! Yah dudes r like middle school cheerleaders they way u guys act like broads and talk to people. Tnis shit is hillarious i aint seen this much bs and drama since high school lunch breaks, i smell pussy.. Grown men talkin about who likes who and i see what u wrote.. Stfu u guys r bunch of homo thugs, internet tough guys get a fuckin life
Perfect some more memes from chuck..the useless internet troll and local butt pirate

Noones mad, ur just a loser and i want u to know that. Im sure u already do as u obviously have no life or many friends. Id love to see a real picture of u. Guarantee u got some thick ass glasses thicker than the windshield on my car. Your most likely about 5'7'-5'9 hovering around 250 lbs. proly havent seen ur dick in 7-8 years.. U got calluses all over ur palms from besting off to internet porn of gay midgets and ur probably somewhere around 35-40 years old still living at your grand parents house, bcuz ur so pathetic ur parents kicked u out of theirs finally and got tired of u trolling the internet 24/7. This dude was even on here all day christmas and new years eve u r a fuckin dork lmao

I looked up chuck esteves and the definition of the word
"TOOL" came up, which for some reason gave a perfect definition of this tool:

A Tool is a person, typically male, who says or does things that cause you to give them a 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look. The 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look is classified by a glare in the tool's direction and is usually accompanied by muttering of how big of a tool they are. The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is alwasys making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will. However, the tool is useful because you can use them for things; money, rides, ect.
"Let's drive to Chicago from Iowa. Oh man, we need money. Hey, let's ask tool to come, he'll spot us the cash!"

"Tool is our friend. We call him that because he is one."

Chuck y u mad?
Can I get another paragraph from this pissed off loser? BWAHAHAHA!!!!


Awww chuck's upset. His feelings are hurt now. Its okay little buddy. One day u will grow up, start acting like an adult, possibly get a job at the local spank shop where u can clean the jizz off the walls and wipe down some tv monitors. Maybe making a friend with another 40 yr old virgin, while u continue u troll on the rollitup forums and try n make friends and bother everyone who makes contact w u. But until then just try not to kill urself u miserable fuck and plz stop talking to me thanks chump carry on