HELP!! Im allergic to Beta-carotene and carrots!!!


Well-Known Member
Im extremely sick while im writing this...

i went out to eat and had a dinne rtoday and it must have had either: apecarotenal, carotenal, beta-carotene, or carrots somehow. i cant even drink vitamin waters or anything because they use a tiny bit of black carrot or purple carrot juice to color it. you would be suprised how many things have the carrot juice for color... yoggurt, ice cream, juice, frozen foods etc etc... ive thought ive read labels and still goten sick sooooo many times. even most cheese sauce has beta carotene or apecarotenal in it for color and it makes me ill.

when i do injest a carrot derivative it makes me nausuaed for hours on end until i vomit very very very profusely. i mean untill i start puking yellow stomach bile because my stomach is trying to get every little bit of it out of me. sometimes it makes me pass out for a few hours until i wake up throwing up. when i do finally get sick... the stomach acid is WAY stronger than normal and it burns my throat undescribably. not only that i have other issues like acid reflux that have made it so when i throw up i cant control it a single bit and it goes into my nose and lungs everytime... EVERYTIME!!!

I STOP BREATHING FOR ABOUT 30-50 seconds everytime that happens. and i turn purple and blow lots of capilaries in my face. i usually end up on my knees pounding the floor in tears trying so hard to breathe. and when i finally can breathe again the intense burning from the stomach acid sets in on my nerves and tissues in my throat , nose, sinuses, and mouth.

its the worst thing ive ever had to experience, except it keeps happening over and over....

Smoking a little bud usually helps... as long as it isnt too sativa. one time i was sick and smoked some heavily sativa stuff and it made me sick right away when i was trying to calm down by smoking in the first place. indicas help a bit more.

but that is the ONLY! relief i can find... its horrible.
im worried im gonna end up vitamin A deficent too. or even worse be by myself one day and not be able to catch my breath...

Anyone one else have this issue or ever heard of it?? any help anyone could suggest?
thx... yeah it sux tho im in a tight position here.... i live in MI where things are crappy as heck.... FLint MI. and i have like welfare heatlh insurance, so basically none. i dont qualify for medicare or any of that, they told me id have to get a girl pregnant first. also got my food stamps cut for going back to school. but anyways... i dont have a goodoctor because of all that. and also i recently got clean from a very serious opiate addiction(clean since september). so they are quick to judge me and it really hinders me from getting proper meidcal help, its rediculous.
im even still on a small dose of subutex still daily which is a drug similar to methadone, even tho its non-abusable. and that isnt helping anything either....

if i do go anywhere i might as well be the hospital, but ill be paying it off the rest of my life... wtf!?
I have no severe food allergies except one ... salmon roe. I learned that the hard way with some sushi 22 years ago.

6 years ago I got some sushi again, with salmon roe. I carefully moved that piece and its surrounds off-plate. Curious if it was really the problem, I put a wee bit of the juice on the inside of my lip. Immediate itch of the sort peculiar to allergy. I'm wondering if you can lip-test foods the same way and avoid the not-breathing thing. cn
Hey Flintstone! So, unfortunately it's going to have to be a hospital or an urgent care for you. You're limited in that county.
I know someone from the west side that was just going through some of the same stuff and looking for a doctor with the same insurance. I'll ask later if he found one and pm you the information if so. Good luck.
I'm still dealing with this crap... missed work today.

This time it was from eating a Sunkist brand Cara Cara orange. A special type of orange with different taste, color, and nutrition facts. Its a pinkish red color inside, and a cranberry/sweet flavor. It contains 30% vitamin A per serving... something different from most oranges/navels.

I love minneola's, clemintines, mandarins, etc... eat them all the time. Wtf????

I'm not allergic to vitamin a. Just when its from a carrot.... like I can have things which contain added vitamin A palmitate. But not beta carotene, or apocarotenal, apo-8-carotenal etc....

Went to ER once for a major episode where I got sick from beta caotene/carrot derivative of some sort... spring 2014... insurance and alll.

They gave me x-rays and utra-sound to make sure I was okay after falling out on to my hip and head, twisting my leg, ankle , and foot severly as well. I have permanent pain from it now.

They were stumped about my allergy and just shipped me out once they knew I had no broken bones or blockages in my blood vessels from getting hurt falling.. as my leg, ankle and foot all were numb for days and very swolen and bruised.

I'm on a low dose of buprenorphine still from being an opiate addict. Never failed any drug tests... admitted I smoke pot and that I was also prescribed benzos. Almost like that made them not want to touch my case....

I'm a red head w/ brown eyes. Mostly white english/scottish/irish/norweigan but both parents had full blood cherokee indian-native american great grand parents. Hence the rare full red head w/ brown eyes and brown-ish facial/body hair. Even at 30...

In the usa its rare, but I've read in europe this is more common. Mainly in fair skinned red head white europeans but is it only carrots now? A freakin' orange hybrid does it too? Its just a hybrid of a brazilian navel and an american navel. It would be easier to solve this mystery if the orange had things added, such as the color... but I can't see why it did it... anyone else?? Any extra info on sunkist brand CARA CARA oranges sold in michigan?? Did they add coloring from a purple/black carrot? ( common source of food coloring now. Used in vitamin waters, yogurts, poptarts, fast food etc... lots of stuff)
This sucks.
I have no severe food allergies except one ... salmon roe. I learned that the hard way with some sushi 22 years ago.

6 years ago I got some sushi again, with salmon roe. I carefully moved that piece and its surrounds off-plate. Curious if it was really the problem, I put a wee bit of the juice on the inside of my lip. Immediate itch of the sort peculiar to allergy. I'm wondering if you can lip-test foods the same way and avoid the not-breathing thing. cn
My symptoms are always just severe nausea, vommitting, passing out, heaving stomach bile, sweating/freezing, very weak.
Never get hives or itching major swelling etc... only very hard to breathe from choking on vomit/stomach acid and bile...
Only had this allergy since about 2010-2011 too. Used to eat carrots a lot. Not highly allergic to pollen, mild allergy to mold. That's it... no celery allergy... no spinach allergy ( haven't tested spinach lately tho)
Like I said I can even have Vitamin A Palmitate.. so u would figure its only carrots.. but now this cara cara orange maing me sick scares me and confuses me....
Thx for any help/suggestions everyone! Much love!
My symptoms are always just severe nausea, vommitting, passing out, heaving stomach bile, sweating/freezing, very weak.
Never get hives or itching major swelling etc... only very hard to breathe from choking on vomit/stomach acid and bile...
Only had this allergy since about 2010-2011 too. Used to eat carrots a lot. Not highly allergic to pollen, mild allergy to mold. That's it... no celery allergy... no spinach allergy ( haven't tested spinach lately tho)
Like I said I can even have Vitamin A Palmitate.. so u would figure its only carrots.. but now this cara cara orange maing me sick scares me and confuses me....
Thx for any help/suggestions everyone! Much love!
go to a certified health food store, there will have a natropath doctor there (call around to see which one does have a natropath doctor) book a consultation and they will provide you (at purchase) with proper vitamins so you dont get sick or deficient in anything
explain your situation to him/her and they can provide you with a diet list of foods safe, and some recipes and help you get on track to being healthy again.
they can tell you what brands to avoid and use as well.
Thx for the suggestions !!

How rediculous it was to post that above post of images.... really helpful. Hope u get sick from something someday that makes u feel like garbage "dannyboy". U will too... have fun when it happens.

I've brought up the epi-pen w/ my gp and my other specialist I see for something seperate( who also runs a gp as well) and its like since I don't get hives and itching they don't believe me or understand the severity. Even in the emergency room.

I'm sure my area isn't exactly the best for finding good health care tho I hope to find some dr or person who has this same issue or has dealt with it /treated it... everyone is always stumped and doesn't want to look bad or make a mistake due to ignorance or lack of experience/knowledge. So they ignore it.

Man having a food allergy to something so commonly ate/used in food somehow or coloring... really sucks. I feel for people who have other allergies or restricted diets. Not fun.

Thx again for the helpful posts.
Thx for the suggestions !!

How rediculous it was to post that above post of images.... really helpful. Hope u get sick from something someday that makes u feel like garbage "dannyboy". U will too... have fun when it happens.

I've brought up the epi-pen w/ my gp and my other specialist I see for something seperate( who also runs a gp as well) and its like since I don't get hives and itching they don't believe me or understand the severity. Even in the emergency room.

I'm sure my area isn't exactly the best for finding good health care tho I hope to find some dr or person who has this same issue or has dealt with it /treated it... everyone is always stumped and doesn't want to look bad or make a mistake due to ignorance or lack of experience/knowledge. So they ignore it.

Man having a food allergy to something so commonly ate/used in food somehow or coloring... really sucks. I feel for people who have other allergies or restricted diets. Not fun.

Thx again for the helpful posts.
you really need to revolve your life over it.
first and foremost you need to go see a natural doctor who can give you the right vitamins they specialize in those things so dont be afraid to book a consultation and get the right and safe vitamins for you

secondly i say youre really going to have to watch what you eat, buy your prepackaged foods in the natural aisle youll find pre packaged things that are safer for you to eat,
read all the ingredients usually on organic/natural kinda foods its simply one or two ingredients
if its a soup or something it'll say what is it in it and it wont have any dyes or artificial anything so its easy to read and understand
than buy your veggies and meat as per normal

its a tough task at first believe me im vegan but after a few months you will be super good at knowing what you can and cant have
ve actually read some of this already... read about the relation to pollen molds etc too. Still doesn't completely add up... I just have to be very careful... I've nearly died from this.

Thx sunni. :) I hit my volcano in your honor! ( some very fruity critical hog, decent strain for the price of the seeds)
Btw I can have just about every ARTIFICIAL or "numbered dyes" food color whatever u want to call it. Just not if it has in it whatever about that cara cara orange made me sick, or if it has any carrot derived things like beta carotene, apocarotenal, vegetable coloring ( usually purple/black carrots).

Like I can have annatto if its real. Like from the palm tree nut thing... its used to color Cheese. However some brands will say annatto ( vegatable color ) as it may be cheaper. Those nearly kill me if I accidentally eat any...
Out of curiosity, can you eat raw tomatoes? Or beets?
Good Q. I can eat raw tomatoes I think.... I know I can eat a reasonable amount of grape or the small sweet cherry tomatoes. Large cherry tomatoes raw usually feel too acidic and have technically i ve thrown them up before.
But I can eat salsa, spaghetti sauce, etc... even horse radish.

I don't care for beets. And yes I'm afraid of those and normal orange/purple-dark sweet potatoes.

I won't eat anything listed with the terms: "color added" (has to be exactly worded this way. I can have artificial color.) ""Vegetable juice for color" or similar. "Annatto (vegetable color)" I can have the normal real "Annatto(color)" tho. Anything with carrots obviously, of any kind. And any beta-carotene for color or vitamin a ( I can have vitmin a palmitate). No Apocarotenal, or any of its close relatives/derivatives. Burger king has them, and most liqiud Cheese sauce etc...

Sry I didn't answer faster. Thx- smellz
Good Q. I can eat raw tomatoes I think.... I know I can eat a reasonable amount of grape or the small sweet cherry tomatoes. Large cherry tomatoes raw usually feel too acidic and have technically i ve thrown them up before.
But I can eat salsa, spaghetti sauce, etc... even horse radish.

I don't care for beets. And yes I'm afraid of those and normal orange/purple-dark sweet potatoes.

I won't eat anything listed with the terms: "color added" (has to be exactly worded this way. I can have artificial color.) ""Vegetable juice for color" or similar. "Annatto (vegetable color)" I can have the normal real "Annatto(color)" tho. Anything with carrots obviously, of any kind. And any beta-carotene for color or vitamin a ( I can have vitmin a palmitate). No Apocarotenal, or any of its close relatives/derivatives. Burger king has them, and most liqiud Cheese sauce etc...

Sry I didn't answer faster. Thx- smellz
what do you normally eat on a given day?
(be honest)

because beets and tomatoes have high amounts of beta carotene like ridiculously high
red peppers

just to name a few all have extremely high levels of beta varotene like more than carrots