Heading for Colorado -tips?

The people here are awesome! Do some research on dispensaries before just going to one if you plan to. Most have B rate weed at best. The best and cheapest rec stores are in Denver. I'm assuming you are coming and getting ur smoke on. Enjoy your time here!
The people here are awesome! Do some research on dispensaries before just going to one if you plan to. Most have B rate weed at best. The best and cheapest rec stores are in Denver. I'm assuming you are coming and getting ur smoke on. Enjoy your time here!
Is "hash" on the list of products? if type? Thanks for your reply
Depends on where ur goin, Denver and summits much good. Lots a granola. Umm, law does not allow homeowners from any extraction procedure, allowed six plants, 3 in flower. Native Coloradan, Dont live there now cause of kids, Gotta go with the kids, But would go with the Denver metro, summit co. Summit gonna be much more expensive, much more granola. Thats homeowner, wurk with grow shop, different.
Depends on where ur goin, Denver and summits much good. Lots a granola. Umm, law does not allow homeowners from any extraction procedure, allowed six plants, 3 in flower. Native Coloradan, Dont live there now cause of kids, Gotta go with the kids, But would go with the Denver metro, summit co. Summit gonna be much more expensive, much more granola. Thats homeowner, wurk with grow shop, different.
Will check them out - coming from the east just talked to a person say he goes to Co. all the time. The legal aspect really hits me hard -one will really stick out as a non-resident; also heard the disabled vet get some type of discount or free 1/8th. Seem to me that if they look at your license, (they take pictures?) you can then become a "marked" person. Maybe reading to much into it -- Thanks Bro -Peace
You'll be on camera, and have your ID checked, but, unless you're predisposed to paranoia, you should be fine. There doesn't seem to be anyone keeping a list, but I tend to not care either. I've heard of some dispensaries running specials for former military folks, and such, but I doubt you'd have much luck finding any such deals for out-of-staters in the rec market.

Anyway, I'd suggest figuring out what you want: If you're looking for great buds, look for somewhere growing organic. If you're looking for cheap prices for mediocre buds, I'd suggest La Conte. Most hash/oil comes from outside vendors, so multiple places may carry the same oil from the same extract producer, but some do produce their own (and have become artists). Since I mostly grow/make my own, I don't have many recommendations for locations (besides La Conte), but check out the Colorado Patients' room.

since you are from East of Colorado, I will give you fair warning that Nebraska cops are stopping and searching 1 out of every five vehicles as people leave Colorado, absolute BS, but thought you may like a heads up on that crappy situation.
The people here are awesome! Do some research on dispensaries before just going to one if you plan to. Most have B rate weed at best. The best and cheapest rec stores are in Denver. I'm assuming you are coming and getting ur smoke on. Enjoy your time here!

The simple truth is that many of us RIU kids grow just as well as the dispensaries- and have it for a lot less. Spend a lil time making some Colorado acquaintances before you come out and your trip will be even more enjoyable!
since you are from East of Colorado, I will give you fair warning that Nebraska cops are stopping and searching 1 out of every five vehicles as people leave Colorado, absolute BS, but thought you may like a heads up on that crappy situation.

True story, expect to be harassed if you're eastbound and look like you might be a pothead. It's worse if your car has Colorado tags.
You'll be on camera, and have your ID checked, but, unless you're predisposed to paranoia, you should be fine. There doesn't seem to be anyone keeping a list, but I tend to not care either. I've heard of some dispensaries running specials for former military folks, and such, but I doubt you'd have much luck finding any such deals for out-of-staters in the rec market.

Anyway, I'd suggest figuring out what you want: If you're looking for great buds, look for somewhere growing organic. If you're looking for cheap prices for mediocre buds, I'd suggest La Conte. Most hash/oil comes from outside vendors, so multiple places may carry the same oil from the same extract producer, but some do produce their own (and have become artists). Since I mostly grow/make my own, I don't have many recommendations for locations (besides La Conte), but check out the Colorado Patients' room.

Thanks for you info - the more thinking about it a "trip" might be a foolish move considering the legal aspects, I guess visit and stay for a while
No shit my Mom got pulled over jus west of Omaha on her way 2 visit the grandkids. Searched the car, given tha business. She was a white haired lady that was 70. WHAT?? Had CO plates, thats it. Hav 2 be careful.
Colorado has become a stereotype, if you leave the state with co tags, be prepared for getting pulled over, know your rights. Other than that some of the best weed, oils, concentrates, waxes, tinctures, edibles, known to man. Ive been happy as fuck every since i moved here. Beautiful and awesome.
Cant wait to move back, if u live in the high country count on it bein snowy and cold all time, but down on the front range, snow melts quick when it warms up! Not like here in frozen North, snow stays all winter long, brown snow sucks! I like tha CO!