Ever had anyone get mad, weed too good?


Well-Known Member
Lol, have had that a few times "what do you lace that shit with?" Have a regular that won't take my JTR pheno cause she's sure it's laced, she's preferring the Blue Dream which is good but nothing like the JTR pheno for punch. To boot, JTR is the frostiest strains I'm growing so it just supports her thinking that I'm lacing it with something - lmao, light-weight that was used to buying uncured outdoor pulled too early imo.


Well-Known Member
was up north once visiting my cousin, i was probably 13 or 14. this guy that was friends with my cousins step dad offered us a hit from a one hitter, told us it was good shit and only take one hit. being the bad asses we were, had to tske two monster hits. HOLLY SHIT is all that comes to mind. found out the next day it was laced with pcp. we were kinda mad but then again we were fucked up. had an experiance like that when i was around 11 but i dont know if it was laced or not, it was crystaly as fuck though. i remember that. thought i was gunna die lmao


Well-Known Member
Here's a good one.

My brother in law expressed interest in trying marijuana for the first time. (35 yo).

Pack a water pipe with lemon skunk. He takes one big rip like its a hooka.

Five minutes later. He says "I feel nothing." Ten he passes on and soils his drink with his forehead.

When he comes up he was gone. Completely freake the fuck out. Pupils look like pinpoints. He stands up starts running around the house knocking shit over like he's on salvia or some shit.

My sister takes him home.
He puked all over the car. I had to talk them out of taking him to the hosptial.

After his "trip". He explained his expierence as being dead. We all knew. but nobody was going to tell him. He thought he was stuck in a moment of time which was going to end. Basically hell.

It ws petty fucked up. Here I'm the medical marijuana advocate as I nearly put this cat in a loony bin.

His eyeballs were the tripped me out. Never seen pupils react like that with any substance.


Well-Known Member
A person i know a daily smoker mids...took one medium puff off good og i had..her face bright red and she was gone...she ended up getting green sick


Well-Known Member
Last 4th of July was the first time i ever smoked with my dad he smoked reg his whole life, i rolled a rillo with some blue dream and little bit of wax, he took maybe 3-4 good hits and he slept the whole week, on our way home from the camping trip he asked me if i would quit smoking it and though maybe i needed help... what a panzy my first time ever blowing a pound in one week good times my friends good times. probation sucks i just wanna light up!


Well-Known Member
Actually, yea. I sure have. I typically grow landrace sativas, of which many have never tried or not for several decades. Most are not prepared for the type of high a 26 weeker will give. Convincing others the sweaty palms, speeding heart, no ceiling, and panic etc is normal is no easy task. Today's "dro" as its called in my neck of the woods is heavily hybridized and all has the same high for the most part

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
i need to know you ! lol bongsmilie:clap:
HA. I only use hash or BHO to make edibles. The last fiasco I made my little sister and my brother in law (both all day every day tokers) a BHO smoothie. My whole family was on vacation visiting me at my pad. I made them the smoothie the first night they were here. My lil sis finished like a quarter of it and said "this tastes like its gonna FUCK me up. I'm not drinking the rest." Brother (who's a BIG dude) finishes the whole thing. I drank a whole one too by the way.

Anyway, dude wakes up the NEXT DAY and is trippin out. He's so fucked up he literally cannot stand up. My mom starts yelling at me like "what the fuck did you give him! This is NOT just weed!" Meanwhile bro is trying to talk but manages to say, "ya know, I'm a BIG boy....." (which we still say to him ALL the time .lol) He goes back to sleep, wakes up at 7PM and says he thinks he's having a heart attack!:lol:

Mom yells more at me saying obviously if I can ingest that much weed and be fine there's something wrong with me. Bro slept pretty much the entire trip and did not leave the house. He told others I know (who were already wary of me) to NEVER EVER eat my edibles unless you want to maybe die.

To be fair I did put like 5 grams of BHO in each smoothie. But I went on a 8 mile hike with Mom and step pops the next morning. So IMO suckers just need to step their game up :)


Well-Known Member
I moved back home. My dad and mom both have health problems and my brother is autistic so I do my best to help out around here. I cooked some liver and onions a few weeks ago. My mother hates it and said she didn't want any. So I fried it in my canna oil breaded with drakes and frying magic. well I guess she ate a piece I passed out and they couldn't wake me up. I guess mother thought she was having a stroke so she went to the ER. She said her face went numb?