organigram looking pretty decent.


Well-Known Member
Why would a business donate money to help patients grow their own?

Organigram will survive and so will all the rest regardless of what you think.

It is a cash crop. Impossible to fail.
If you have to wonder why they would donate money to help patients choose to grow or purchase. Then you sir should educate yourself on commpassion. What MMJ was started all about. People who would risk there freedom to help others that were in a time of need.


c ray

Well-Known Member
Scared of what LEGALIZATION? coming soon to a province near you. Organigram is here to stay. Let the patients learn what they have to offer without preJudging them. They passed contamination tests and are all organic non pasteurized?
actually organigram is a pseudo organic company like the whistlers.. if you read the organic regs its pretty obvious that to be organic needs to be grown under the sun, electrical lighting is to be supplemental only.. that's a pretty big fail on the part of the certifiers.. organic certification is a big joke for the most part.. the certifiers are mostly concerned about paperwork, barely concerned about food quality.. they don't test the end product (to determine if it is actually "organic"), it is up to the consumer to test but that ain't happening.. it's a marketing system, based on trust..


Well-Known Member
Theres a post on their website about how they just took out a loan.
So i dont know about this cash crop analogy

I will agree that of all the lps they do seem like they are more compassionate to patients than others.
But im sure their prices are as crazy as the rest.


Well-Known Member
Theres a post on their website about how they just took out a loan.
So i dont know about this cash crop analogy

I will agree that of all the lps they do seem like they are more compassionate to patients than others.
But im sure their prices are as crazy as the rest.
they're between 6 to 9 bucks per gram with free shipping at the moment and if u qualify theres a 25% flat off for low income


Well-Known Member
Home growers of fine erb grow it for PENNIES on the dollar. :)
....and its not man handled...irradiate...shwag.

6 to 9 dollars a gram all the way up? GEEESUS!

only 24 to 3600 a pound? :lol: cough, spit ,choke.,... what a deal and a half that is eh ;)

I have to ask why any REAL patient would pay that? If they are not working and debilitated.


Well-Known Member
Home growers of fine erb grow it for PENNIES on the dollar. :)
....and its not man handled...irradiate...shwag.

6 to 9 dollars a gram all the way up? GEEESUS!

only 24 to 3600 a pound? :lol: cough, spit ,choke.,... what a deal and a half that is eh ;)

I have to ask why any REAL patient would pay that? If they are not working and debilitated.
Cause we have kids and shit and can't afford the legal fee's. If I get into legal trouble the wifey walks. Shes not risking the kids for me. I love my family. Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Home growers of fine erb grow it for PENNIES on the dollar. :)
....and its not man handled...irradiate...shwag.

6 to 9 dollars a gram all the way up? GEEESUS!

only 24 to 3600 a pound? :lol: cough, spit ,choke.,... what a deal and a half that is eh ;)

I have to ask why any REAL patient would pay that? If they are not working and debilitated.
so your definition of a real patient is someone who is growing? coz if ur not growing ur not getting anything for pennies in any market. all CC's are also charging the same price, so shut the fuck up if some of us want to be within federal regulations because we have jobs and lives at risk. also don't assume all LP's irradiate coz they dont (just stating facts)


Well-Known Member
Why are LPs giving out a cookbook? Don't they know extracts are illegal? Hellth Canaduh wants you to smoke/vape your "medical marihuana". Oh and if you do cook with it they want milled up bud in your brownies, not butter/oil. Good to see LPs encouraging patients to defy ridiculous regulations I guess though, maybe....


Well-Known Member
I was curious about these guys. They dont show much details of specifics on their site.
They have percentages, lineage and strain names. That's all they're allowed to show I guess since the advertising regs have been enforced.


Well-Known Member
so your definition of a real patient is someone who is growing? coz if ur not growing ur not getting anything for pennies in any market. all CC's are also charging the same price, so shut the fuck up if some of us want to be within federal regulations because we have jobs and lives at risk. also don't assume all LP's irradiate coz they dont (just stating facts)

Mary ... such a sweat heart That may dear is a fact :lol:

!. Definition of a patient. ::: One who's sick. Like you. :)
If you are not using a DG or buying from a supply less than LP's. That's your f'ing problem.
Regulations??...hmmm... let's see now.. OH ...That's right, THERE ARE NONE as things stand.
Lives at risk? if you are sick my dear. It's life or death for some. I guess you forget about that being a nurse?? Easy to turn the cheek on someone who is dying. eh! :)
Why should you care. It's not you after all.
My point here is anyone can buy cheap meds that are far better than any shwag LP's grow and it's your choice to be as nasty as you can be for this reason.
Awesome. :)